Back In Business, Baby!
Schlatt stood behind the door, waiting for the crowd to quiet down. "Everyone's here, right Quackity?" Quackity nods. "Alright, everyone quiet down!" Quackity calls out to crowd. Conversations turn into to quiet muttering, then in to silence. Schlatt clears his throat and steps up to the podium, adjusting his tie. "Good morning, everyone," he says into the mic. Quackity stands a little ways away from him. "Today, you're all gathered here to witness the rebirth of Manberg." he smiles as most of the crowd applauds lightly. "Now, before you get a tour, please give a warm welcome to Quackity, my Vice President!" the applause grew louder. "He will giving you all a tour, and I hope you enjoy." he takes a bow and walks off. Quackity leads the tour through Manberg, stating what every building was. "And here is a complex for those who wish to live here. Just one diamond per month." he says, stopping in front of a large, spruce building. Soon enough, the tour ends and everyone parts ways. As Quackity walks back to the 'white house', he is pulled into an alley by an unknown force and is pinned against the wall."What the-" "Hello again, Alex." a smooth, British voice cuts him off. He freezes, recognizing the voice. "You look a little dumb-struck." the voice laughs. Then, the sum emerges, revealing that the voice belonged to Wilbur Soot.
But that was impossible! He died in the L'Manberg war, right?
"Wilbur!?" Quackity gasped stared in disbelief. "Well who else would I be?" "But you died! I saw you die!" "Well, I'm back, and that's all that matters. And besisides, things have been crazy and it sucks that we don't too much anymore." Quackity pushed Wilbur off of him. "So aggressive, I see." Wilbur muses. Quackity scoffs and starts to walk off, but Wilbur grabs him. "Oh, and let's this 'me being alive' thing between us, okay?" "Why would I do that?" "Because you love me," he smiles. Quackity rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever." "Thanks, dearest." Wilbur winks at him and dissapears into the shadows. Quackity shakes it off and walks into the 'white house.' "Hey, Schlatt?" he called. "Yes, Quackity?" "I gotta tell you something," "Well, what is it?" "So-" Wilbur's wink flashed into Quackity's memory, making his cheeks flush a light pink. "N-nevermind, it's not a big deal." he says, walking out.
He walks around the counry, trying to comprehend what's just happened. How is Wilbur back? What is he gonna do?? Quackity sighs and heads to the bakery. Niki stands behind the counter tending to a rack of biscuits. The smell of fresh bread and pastries fills the air and washes away Quackity's thoughts. "Oh, hello Quackity!" she smiles, he soft voice flowing through the wind. "How are you, Niki?" "I'm great! It's so good to be back in my bakery!" "Well that's great! Could I get some bread or something to snack on?" "Of course!" she pulls out some small, airy muffins. "Do I gotta pay you?" "They're on me," she smiles. Quackity thanks he and walks out. Maybe he shouldn't be so worried.
If anyone found (and understood) the Dear Evan Hansen reference, I love you :)
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