Caleb's P.O.V
I ran down the dark and cold streets of Lothal, the only home I ever knew since I was born. I am from the poor class. I'm worthless in every eye that looks at me so why bother try anymore? Why do people keep trying to help me when there is no use of me ever finding a home.
Every time someone wants to take me under their wing and says that they will never send me back, I end up back to square one. I end up lonely again and again, time and time after that. From now on, I'm on my own.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a I see car lights coming up from behind me. I quickly hide in a near by bush until the car lights pass. I wriggled around to get out of the bushes then stood picking leaves and branches off of me. I pulled my hood up and began to walk down the sidewalk.
I shivered as the icy wind blew from behind me and the only lights were the street lamps. I had to find shelter or else I may freeze to death in the Fall weather.
I heard rustling from from a yard that I was passing. My feet paused then turned my head to the yard. The fallen leaves crunched as something was heading in my direction. I kept on walking down the sidewalk calmly so it didn't seem obvious that someone or something wasn't......wasn't watching me.
Whatever it was, was getting closer and at some point I knew that I had to run. It was close until suddenly I heard it next to me.
I jumped then turned my head down to see an orange and white cat with green eyes looking up at me innocently. I sighed in relief and calmed my racing heart. I glared at the cat then shooed it away. The cat didn't go away making me more irritated. "Why won't you leave me alone?" I asked feeling stupid talking to a cat.
"Go!" I yelled at it making the cat scared and running off. I rolled my eyes as began to walk down the side walk when suddenly an arm wraps itself around my stomach. I grunted as I tried to get out of the person's grasp. "Now, now," a voice said deeply and cold into my ear, "Let's just calm down unless..." A huge knife was brought up to my throat as the person continued to talk, " need some motivation."
I stopped struggling and my body tensed at the cold, sharp weapon pressed against my neck. "If you try to yell for help, escape, or any sort of monkey business then I will kill you," the guy said and started to guide me away somewhere. I wasn't sure on what to do. If I tried to do anything then whoever this guy was could easily slit my throat instantly killing me.
So I did my last resort idea, play along until the guy is at a safe distance. For now, I might as well get some answers from this person. "W-why are you kidnapping me?" I asked quietly and cursed in my head for sounding scared. I felt the knife press against my throat a bit harder. "Shut up or else next time there will be blood," he said. I should of known to pay attention since night is more dangerous than day time.
I didn't realize that I was sweating until I felt something slide down the side of my head. My heart was racing and I would be lying to myself if I said that I wasn't going to die. I felt weak and terrified at the moment but didn't want this person to think that I was vulnerable. So I put on a straight face and forced my self to act strong. If I were to die, I rather go out, not as a scaredy cat but a brave teen.
Soon we arrived at a black van and as the guy opened the back, I tried to make an escape. I elbowed the guy in the stomach and as he held his stomach, I tried to make a run for it. My attempt at escape failed when the guy used his quick reflexes to grab my hood and drag me back into his hold. The knife was back to my throat and heard his quick breathing trying to get air back into his lungs.
"I warned you," I guy said in my ear as he put tape on my mouth and soon a sharp pain began to cut my throat. I screamed in pain and felt tears burned my eyes as my slow, painful death started. When I tried to say, 'Stop, please stop,' it came out as random noises. 'I don't want to die, I don't want to die, not like this,' I kept repeating to myself in my head.
The knife cutting through my skin was agonizing. I sensation of tears running down my face made me weak. Yet, a voice in the back of my head said that this might be a good thing. No one cared for me so why bother live anymore? Still, I wanted it to be quicker and painless as possible but that wasn't going to happen.
The guy stopped cutting my neck and ripped the tap off my mouth. "Any last words kid?" The man said into my ear, his breath tickling my neck. I couldn't turn my head around so I said, "You're weak." "Look who's talking," the guy said amused, "It looks like I've got the upper hand."
"Let me rephrase that, you're a coward," I said. "What was that?" The man said angrily and put the knife back in place. "Say hello to the other side for me," the man added.
My kidnapper froze for some reason after the clicking noise. I couldn't turn my head to see what was going on but something tells me it's not good for the man. "How about you say hello yourself," a familiar voice said.
There was a loud bang the echoed through the thick air.
A body fell to the ground.
Blood stained my shoes.
I turned around in utter and complete shock at my savior.
I saw Depa standing there with the gun pointed but she lowered it with a calm and blank face.
My mind swirled in shock. No one has ever killed someone to save me before. No one has done really anything to protect me before. I was breathing like I was out of breath and very confused.
Depa dropped the gun to the ground and walked over to me with worry ignoring the dead man on the ground. "Are you ok?" She asked checking me over until she gasped. She probably found the huge cut on my throat. "W-Why did you save me?" I asked with my voice cracking, "Everyone just lets me get beat up."
I looked down feeling childish and flinched when a stinging sensation began to burn. I bit my lip to hold back my tears not just from physical damage but mentally being scarred. Yet, the tears fell anyway and it was hard holding back my sobs.
I felt a gentle hand push my head up to meet Depa's warm and kind eyes. "I'm not everyone, Caleb," Depa said softly, "I'm me, I'm different from everyone. There are people out there that care more than you think."
I felt myself getting dizzy but I still had one more question. "Why did you kill someone to just save me? You are going to be arrested," I cried and sniffed. "I know my way through these situations," Depa said smiling then said sarcastically, "Why did you want to die?"
"Maybe," I said surprising Depa so much that she was speechless. "No, don't say that. I was just being sarcastic," she said sadly then more sternly, "Don't ever say that again, ok?" It took me a minute before nodding a little and sniffed.
I was surprised when Depa pulled my into a hug. I hid my face in her shoulder and felt the warmth and comfort coming from her. She was like the fire that keeps me warm from just coming in from the coldest winters. I never felt so safe and secure in my life. So the next thing I did was wrap my arms around her and silently cried into her shoulder. Depa whispered comforting and reassuring words into my ear.
When I calmed down, Depa pulled me out of the hug but held onto my shoulders. Then the dizziness got the better of me and started to fall. Luckily Depa was there to catch me before hitting the ground. She called my name and it sounded echoey as everything faded into darkness.
Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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