*Hides behind a wall of sacks full of flour wears a pot on my head*
Hey everyone *gulp*...so uh, this is the last chapter of this book...
*takes cover when random things started to be thrown*
(I'm just gonna to stay here behind the wall of flour)
*Four days later...*
Kanan's P.O.V
About two days ago, I was released from the hospital. Copper left right after me to go and find a new home in Lothal. From what I could tell, Lothal was different from the last time I was here.
For instance, the poor people now use huts instead of small houses. The wealthy have glamorous and huge houses. The classes didn't get along or the wealthy just plain hated the poor for some reason.
I didn't know and at the moment I was driving me and Hera's new car to a surprise. Hera had a blind fold on and was very nervous sitting in the passenger seat.
"Love, are you sure you should be driving?" Hera asked me.
"I'm fine, Hera. Last time was different," I replied.
"Ok, so what's the surprise?" She asked.
"It wouldn't be much of surprise if I told you now would it," I said slyly. I could imagine her eye rolling under the blind fold.
"Fine," she sighed in defeat.
About two minutes later, we arrived at our destination.
"We're here but keep the blind fold on," I informed and Hera nodded. I got out of the car and went over to the passenger's door. I opened it and helped Hera out of the car before closing the door then guided Hera to the spot.
"Ready?" I asked excited to show Hera.
"As I'll ever be," she said smiling then took the blind fold off. It took a second until her eyes widen in astonishment.
"Surprise!" I said and Hera just stared in disbelief. That's when my mind went from happy to confused.
"Do you like it?" I asked concerned.
"Like it...I love it! I can't believe you got us a new home," she said then wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. Relief washed over me and I smiled hugging her back.
"Come on! What are we waiting for?" I said and we went into the small but homey house. It was a nice and small home compared to the towering wealthy class houses. Yet, it held a precious and sentimental feeling of earth that couldn't be ignored.
"Kanan this is amazing!" Hera said with glee written all over her face.
"Of course it is, I picked it," I joked, "I'm pretty good at picking things I like."
"You like it? You should love it cause you put a ring on it," Hera said showing her ring. I smiled and laughed a bit at her.
We kept looking around until finally getting started putting things in there places.
It took a couple hours but everything was finally set up. Hera and I laid on the couch enjoying the quiet.
"Things are changing faster than I can keep up with," Hera spoke.
"Yeah, but we will get through them no matter what," I said.
*A week later...*
It had been a hard week for Hera when we found out that she couldn't bear children. So I decided to help take her mind off of it by going for a walk to look around more. It was a nice day with the sun shining and a bit of a breeze.
Hera soon came down the stairs then stood next to me.
"Ready?" I asked her and she nodded.
I opened the door and let her go first before going myself shutting it behind me. I locked my arm around hers and we were off down the streets of Lothal.
We made it to the middle of the whole entire city in which they call the plaza. Poor and wealthy roamed all around to small markets and stores. Both classes avoiding each other as much as possible. What made me angry was seeing troopers all around the place with there leader that only shows his face on the huge monitor.
That's when we hear cheering and clapping. Hera dragged me over to the ruckus to see what was happening. I was thinking that it was a performance or something out of the ordinary.
Yet, all I saw was a very tall teen proudly waving to everyone and some others huddled around a trash can. I looked at the crowd to see only the rich clapping and cheering while the poor just had sorrow in their eyes.
'What was going on?' I thought as the crowd started to disappear with a few eyes watching. The tall teen began to talk into the trash can with his pals smiling and laughing. That's when I see a tuff of navy blue hair in the trash.
"Kanan? What do you see?" Hera asked me.
"I think someone is in trouble," I said pointing over at the cause of the ruckus. Hera looked over there and by the look on her face. Let's just say if looks could kill, then those boys surrounding the trash would be in deep snow.
"HEY!" I shouted angrily, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'ER DOING?"
The group of teens looked over at me and Hera. One began to speak, "What he deserves."
Wrong answer.
"Oh yeah," I began with frustration, "Wha may I ask did he do wrong?"
"He's in the poor class," another boy said, "No one likes an Emile mistake."
My blood boiled with rage. How could anyone be so cruel like this? We already live in a bad world as is and people like them have to make things worse.
"So the reason that you're picking on him is cause he's in the poor class?!" Hera said through clenched teeth.
What was horrible was that they nodded without a second thought. Worst answers ever, especially with me but mostly Hera.
"Well the only Emile mistake are the ones who did this with NO REASON!" Hera said raising her voice. I could see a couple of the boys flinch. Don't get on Hera's bad side.
"I suggest you go before I call troopers," I said. I can't believe troopers are actually useful in these kinds of situations. Thankfully, the boys quickly scurried away from the trash can. Hera and I walked over before peeking in to see a poor class boy.
"Hey, are you ok?" Hera asked gently and this got the boy's attention. He looked up with shocked blue eyes.
From then, I knew things were going to change after meeting the boy in the trash can.
As the war rages on a new chapter in our story begins cause sometimes...
Good and evil.
Love and hate.
Is all fair in life's little games.
We just have to wait and see what's next but why stop there when you just keep going to the next page...
To a new beginning.
The End!
See ya!✌️
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