| Chapter Twenty-Five |
Ruth hadn't realized how long her and Raffo were dazedly kissing each other until the buzzing of her phone interrupted them. They both paused, finally giving each other just a little room so she could dig her phone out of her front pocket and look into the screen. One glance told her two things.
One: Jana wanted the steamy details.
Two: They've been kissing for at least thirty minutes.
She didn't know which one was worse.
She was kissing Raffo Leflore, at a basketball court at 7:45 pm, and had no desire to stop. Even then, with Raffo affectionately fixing some of her curls, she wanted him to mess them up again. She didn't care if it would be hell to brush them out when she got home. Detangling the mass was nothing compared to kissing him.
And, to bring it back to her first point, she didn't want to share how special that night was with anyone; not even her cousin. Whatever happened, she wanted to keep that magic between them. She couldn't imagine Raffo wanted her running around blabbing her mouth about them kissing. He was private like that, and she didn't want to disrespect that.
He never opened up to anyone. So, to see him do so with her, she knew she couldn't mess it up.
"You should get back to your uncle's soon," he finally whispered.
Ruth looked up at him with a pout. He chuckled at the deflated look and tried rubbing the pucker of her lips away. "You're too aiukli to sulk."
She cocked her head to the side in confusion, having never heard of that one before. "Aiukli?"
He grinned, his teeth sparkling in the night. She mentally swooned at his answer. "Beautiful."
Her poor heart stuttered to a halt in her chest, her breath hitching. Focus Ruth.
"I thought it was pisa achukma?" she questioned, wrapping her arms around his neck to draw him closer.
"You're that too," he added smoothly. His fingers traced a lazy circle against her cheeks and a flood of warmth rose to the apples of them. "Pisa achukma is pretty."
"Or handsome," she added. She pressed a soft kiss to the palm of his hand. "Chi-pisa achukma."
His smile turned cocky. "Pretty or handsome?"
He pursed his lips. "I'll take it."
"Good, because that's all you're getting."
Raffo scoffed, mockingly shaking his head. Then, he did something she hadn't expected him to do. She supposed nothing should surprise her after the night he gave her, but she still had room for one more unexpected action. The big mystery of a man wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest in the warmest embrace possible.
Ruth laid her head comfortably on his chest and tucked her arms around him, enjoying the hug she didn't know she needed. His familiar woodsy scent wafted through her flared nostrils and she subtly breathed him in. Though kissing was definitely the highlight of her night, maybe even the entire year, there was something perfect about being held. His hold was protective, locking her in the safety of his arms as he rested his head against hers, dispelling any memory of Mirana against him at the bonfire.
In that moment, only they mattered.
Not the mess that could arise because of it.
Because there were two issues she could already foresee. One, Mirana. Two, Ruth wanted to leave next year. Three, were either of them ready to be with one another? She didn't think she wanted a boyfriend, but she wanted Raffo. And Raffo didn't seem like he wanted a girlfriend, so would she be offended if he claimed he didn't want anything out of it? He was trying to focus on whatever he had going on and she'd let him take all the time in the world.
But you don't have all the time in the world, her brain painfully reminded her.
Raffo must have been reading her thoughts because he pulled away slightly. His fingers brushed her stray curls out of her face to look at her better, studying the arch of her eyebrows, the length of her curly lashes, the twinge of pink in her brown cheeks and across her nose. They traced over the few tan freckles under her eyes, and watched her in a way that she will never grow tired of experiencing.
"Fuck," he whispered tightly.
She smiled brightly, the corner of her lip slipping into her mouth. "What?"
He moved one of his arms from around her to bring his thumb up to her mouth, untucking the swollen flesh. "Nothing. I should really let you get back," he said, though his words were reluctant. He didn't completely believe in them himself.
"I don't want to," she whispered.
"Believe me, I don't either," he admitted, a strange look passing through his eyes that she couldn't get a read on. Whatever it was, it was dark, and she didn't know if she even wanted to know what about going home was the reason behind it. "But it's getting dark and I don't want to keep you out too late while your family waits for you."
Ruth chewed on the side of her cheek, but eventually agreed. She allowed him to help her climb off the table top and fixed her skewed clothes so that she wasn't too suspicious when her cousins bombard her with questions. Just the thought of it was almost enough to sour her mood, but when she looked up at Raffo, the negative emotions washed away; replaced by something warm and gooey.
That just left one question.
Where did they go from there?
Raffo, much to Ruth's relief, noticed her hesitation to leave things undone and confusing. He moved in front of her, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his fingers brushed her hair from her face.
"We don't have to figure out anything yet," he murmured. "We'll just take it day by day and see where it goes? I know we both have a lot going on right now."
She nodded in agreement. "That might be best. To be honest, I'm still trying to wrap my head around tonight."
His laugh was deep and husky. She marveled in it. "If it helps, I've wanted to kiss you for awhile."
Ruth's eyes widened in surprise, her lips opening and closing like a fish a few times, before he playfully tugged a curl. "You—what? How the hell did I miss that?"
"I thought texting you and singing that Elton John song was enough to get you to notice, but I guess not," he teased.
"You've been around Mirana so often lately . . . I just sorta assumed—"
"That I wanted to be with her?"
"Well . . ."
Raffo's smile turned into a half-hearted grimace. Taking her hand in his, he began leading them over to the parking lot where her car was parked.
"I've never seen Mirana in that way. We're close because we grew up together and we both had a shitty home life. So I guess, in a way, we get each other," he explained, shoving his free hand into his pocket. She glanced at the bandaged arm that was level with her face and tried hard not to dissect his words. "She's been my best friend for years. But it's never gone much deeper than that."
"Did you ever . . . try?" Ruth hated asking the question, but she was curious about their past. Maybe if she understood it, she could understand Mirana better.
"I tried once," he admitted. "When we were younger, but I stopped it. I just—I could never see her in that way, no matter how hard I tried to for her. She felt more like a little sister to me, so the feelings just . . . never came."
She could understand that. Though she had never been in that predicament, she could see that he cared about her, and he was sorry he could never give her what she wanted. Especially now, when his feelings lied with Ruth. A part of her even felt bad for the poor girl. Unrequited love, particularly by someone who knows you better than you know yourself, was painful.
And the fact that he finally opened up just a little bit to her . . . it meant more than he could know.
"I'm sorry," she whispered genuinely to him.
Raffo's eyebrows furrowed, stopping the two of them right beside her car. Using the hand in his, he drew her closer to him once more. His other hand cradled her chin and he easily lifted her face up towards his. She held her breath, taken aback by the raw severity in his calm gaze.
"Don't be," he murmured, eyes roaming over her face. "I'm not sorry I want to know you differently than I know Mirana. I'm not sorry that I want to kiss the shit out of you all the damn time, and I'm really not sorry that I'm attracted to who you are. Even if your clumsy ass cost me $6 when we first met."
Ruth's grin was wild again, her laugh loud. "Hey, you bumped into me. And insisted you pay for it."
"You definitely bumped into me. But I forgave you," he smiled back. "It helped that you were pretty hot."
She playfully rolled her eyes at the term, though she was enthralled. "What a guy."
"I try," he lied, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway, don't worry about Mirana. She knows where we stand with each other and it's not going to change."
Her relief soared.
"But with us, however," he paused. He pulled her face closer to his and her heart beat erratically in her chest again. "I hope everything will."
He kissed her softly. She puckered her lips under his, their mouths sliding between one another's like a perfect puzzle piece. The quiet, mystery boy from before was replaced by a skillful triton, eager to claim every part of her that he could. No longer was he silent and brooding, but confident and demanding.
And Ruth was living for the change.
When they finally pulled their faces away from each other, Ruth swore she was dreaming. That was the only explanation for the perfect night he gave her.
"So how often can that happen?" Ruth hummed, her nose brushing his.
His hooded brown eyes blinked lazily, his smile intoxicated. "As often as we want."
"Good answer," she laughed, kissing him one more time. She really needed to stop and get ahold of herself, but Raffo's sexy ass with his consuming lips and traveling hands didn't make doing so any easier.
And by the tempting smirk, he knew he had that affect on her. Cheeky bastard.
"Okay I'm going," she finally gasped, leaning against her car door so her body wasn't touching his. She couldn't think with her mind racing the way that it was around him. He made everything sensible impossible and she couldn't have that. Not if she needed to go.
Raffo shoved his hands into the front of his pocket, balling his fingers into fists to prevent the same thing. After finally being on the same page, they didn't know how to act.
"Well that friendship didn't last long," she smiled, catching her breath.
His eyes were warm on her. "Have you met yourself? You make it hard."
Ruth had never seen someone want her so intensely before. Sure, there were a few people here and there, but never with that level of . . . passion. It was addicting.
Ignoring the blush across her cheeks, she frustratingly huffed out, "You want me to leave and yet you keep saying shit like that."
"Want me to be an asshole again?" he rose an eyebrow, the tips of his lips twitching.
"If it'll get me to leave . . . sure, why not?"
Raffo dropped the smile immediately. The ghost of darkness blanketed his expression, his eyes narrowed dangerously with a chillingly exhilarating coldness. Fuck, was she into that too?
"Get your ass in that fucking car, Ruth," he growled.
Ruth's gaze sparkled at his tone of voice, the demand of his words having the opposite effect. Her bottom lip slid in-between her teeth, hungrily taking in the commanding boy before her, and imagined other much preferable circumstances that he could use that voice with. A dark warmth spread throughout her body now and she took in a shaky breath.
Raffo stopped the act, the asshole look thawing away as he laughed loudly. "Ruth—"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she groaned, fanning her flaming cheeks. "Why the hell did you have to say it like that?"
He winked. "To see your reaction."
"You're impossible! That—that was—ugh."
"Maybe." There was something almost . . . seductive about the grin. Alluring. "But you liked it."
"Alright," she said loudly, unlocking her car. "Time for me to go. Night, asshole."
"Ninak, aiukli," he smiled, opening her car door for her as the pretty words roll off his tongue.
Ruth shivered, throwing him a warning glance. "The next time I see you I'm sewing your mouth shut."
Raffo looked at her innocently. "Why?"
"You know why," she glowered. "You're trying to dazzle me and it's not working."
That was a fucking lie.
Of course that shit was working. And she hated that it was.
His smooth chuckle didn't make it any better. "Okay, I'll stop dazzling you. See you Monday?"'
"See you Monday," she agreed, her smile eager for a day she already couldn't wait to see.
Leaning forward, Raffo pressed one more kiss to her cheek and released the hold he had over her by moving away from her car. She quickly climbed into her car, appreciating the tint of the windows as she touched the tingles on her hot cheek. A giddy smile stretched like a comet across her swollen lips, her happiness unmatched.
When Ruth turned her head, she watched the back of Raffo's silhouette catching onto the moonlight. The length of his dark hair down his back glistened like a raven's wing in sunlight, his shoulders broad and relaxed as he kept his hands stuffed in his pockets. He looked casual, relaxed. For once, there was no dark cloud looming over his lowered head. There was only contentment.
"BITCH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Jana bombarded her in a fierce whisper right after she pulled into the driveway of Uncle Rickey's house.
Terry was hot on her tail, both their eyes wild with wonder. "You were gone for an hour!"
"Terry, forty-five minutes is not an hour."
"It's close enough," she dismissed. "Now what in the world happened that took you so long?"
Ruth's cheeks erupted into a fit of flames, "Uh-"
Jana's eyes widened, a giddiness leaking into their brown depths. She pressed an eager hand to her mouth and released a dramatic gasp. "HE DID NOT!"
"WHAT?" Terry shouted, impatient now. Her gaze swiveled over Ruth, searching for whatever Jana saw.
"WHAT?" Terry's head snapped to Ruth in shock. Ruth bit her lip, and having not denied the words, Jana squealed in annoying glee.
"I told you his depressing ass liked you!" Jana cheered, wrapping her brown arms around her cousin. Her excitement made Ruth smile widely and returned the elation as much as she could.
Terry was frozen. A battle raged in her hazel-eyed gaze, and as much as Ruth wanted to be upset with it, she understood why. To have a man who was, figuratively, standing between the two people you love, was never easy for anyone. Ruth was her cousin, so of course she naturally sided with family. But that didn't mean her heart didn't ache for the best friend she grew up with most of her life. She loved Ruth and wanted Ruth to be happy with a guy she made happy.
But she loved Mirana too, and knew that she'd still wound for her friend.
And Ruth could never fault her for doing so. Love wasn't black and white, and neither were feelings. Can one imagine their best friend and their cousin being in love with the same man? And have to be able to nurse the broken heart of one, while encouraging the happiness of the other?
And though Ruth could tell it was on her mind, she reached out a hand to grip Terry's tightly. With only her eyes, she spoke to her, and a look of understanding was passed between them. Jana was too busy going off about how perfect Raffo and her would be together to pay the girls any mind, but that was okay. That moment was for Ruth and Terry to acknowledge where the other was coming from, and be able to share that understanding. Terry really was happy for Ruth. She could see it in her gaze. So for right then, that was enough for Ruth.
"Now get your little ass inside and give me my tea before Uncle Rickey finishes his shit in the bathroom," Jana interrupted, pushing them all inside with urgent hands.
Oh boy, Ruth thought with a groan. But she ended up telling them everything anyway, eating up their questions, their eager reactions, and hope for something that might not end in the way she planned.
notes: translation (from choctaw to english)
♡ aiukli - beautiful
♡ pisa achukma - pretty/handsome
♡ Chi-pisa achukma - you are pretty/handsome
♡ ninak aiukli - night, beautiful
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