Ch.7 Gwi-nam
~Y/n pov~
"What? Where?" Su-hyeok asked before checking again.
"Right outside." Dae-su whispered back.
"I don't think he's gonna move. We might have to try and sneak past him." I whispered.
A few people looked at me like I was crazy.
I sighed, "We don't have that many options left. It's only one zombie so let's all try and sneak past."
I saw a few people gulp before everyone nodded in agreement.
Dae-su slowly slid the door open and stepped out.
We all stood in a line and followed after him.
Everyone else was crouching down and creeping forward slowly.
I didn't bother crouching down.
What's the point? It's not looking at us anyway and I'm pretty sure it can't hear us but who knows...
I held Gyeong-su's hand tightly in mine as he trailed after me.
He squeezed my hand to reassure me he was still there every once in a while.
The zombie stopped hitting its head which made everyone freeze momentarily as they stared at it.
Joon-yeong suddenly dropped his flask.
He hurriedly picked it up to try stop it from making too much noise.
Everyone froze and whipped their head around to stare at the motionless zombie.
It slowly turned to face us.
"Go." Su-hyeok half yelled as everyone made a run for it.
I pulled Gyeong-su to run alongside me as we ran after the others.
Though it wasn't like I was running for my life or anything since the zombies would completely ignore me.
On the stairs we ran past a dead body but there was only half of the body.
I can't imagine the pain of having a hoard of zombies eat you alive.
My body unconsciously shivered at the thought.
There was another body nearby, but it was a zombie.
It was somehow stuck in the railings of the stairs.
It grabbed at our feet as we ran past, trying to get us. (Istg Sangwoo go away)
I let almost everyone go in front of me to try and make sure no one gets left behind.
Su-hyeok was somewhere behind us.
I noticed Ji-min had tripped on the stairs in front of us.
On-jo hurriedly helped her up and pulled her up the stairs.
My stomach suddenly lurched which almost made me stop running.
It hurts.
Is it because I ate that sandwich earlier? I'm a zombie...
So does that mean I can't eat human food? This is bad.
Gyeong-su noticed I had started running slower.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked sweetly.
We both stopped running.
He placed his hand on my back and rubbed it up and down softly.
"I feel a bit sick... I think we can't eat human food." I mentioned.
Gyeong-su bit his lip, "Shit. That'll be a problem.... We can think about it later. For now we should run."
I was about to follow after the group that was slowly moving away but I noticed someone else behind us.
Wasn't it only Nam-ra and Su-hyeok?
I can hear another heartbeat.
Something's wrong.
"Go without me." I yelled before running back down the stairs.
"What? No." Gyeong-su instantly refused and followed after me.
My eyes widened when I took in the sight.
Gwi-nam ripped a bit of flesh off Nam-ra's arm.
"What the fuck?" I exclaimed.
Was he just like me?
Su-hyeok was on the floor coughing.
I quickly raced over and grabbed Gwi-nam by the throat.
Right now I was running on pure adrenaline.
His eyes widened as he struggled in my grip, scratching my arm.
I winced in pain and almost let him go.
Without even thinking about it, I swung my arm and threw him out the window.
If I'm right and he is like us... he'll probably survive that fall.
This is no time to worry though.
There may be more zombies.
Su-hyeok and Nam-ra were staring at me in shock.
"Are you okay?" I asked, "We need to go."
Gyeong-su laughed, "Damn. Was not expecting that."
He came over to me and checked me head to toe for injuries.
He frowned when he noticed the scratches on my wrists.
Carefully, he grabbed my arm and pulled me along.
This time we followed behind Su-hyeok and Nam-ra to make sure they were okay.
We finally entered the classroom where Cheong-san was.
"How did you guys know I was here?" Cheong-san asked.
On-jo kicked him hard in the shin making him fall over, "I told you not to go. Why don't you ever listen to me?"
"Hey... save the lovers quarrel for later." Dae-su sighed.
"Let's go. We need to get to the roof." I told them.
We all exited the classroom and were about to head to the roof when a huge group of zombies ran towards us.
"Go back inside." Su-hyeok yelled.
Did our fight with Gwi-nam attract all those zombies?
Everyone hurried back inside the classroom and shut the door.
The zombies banged on the door and windows.
"Curtains! Curtains!"
A few people hurried to shut the curtains so we couldn't see and zombies and the zombies couldn't see us.
If we were quiet they might forget we're here because they can't see us and leave.
How intelligent are zombies? Obviously not very but still...
On-jo shut the curtains on the windows that lead outside.
"There's a zombie there." Cheong-san warned her before she could go any further, "It's stuck under the piano."
"We can't.. go to the roof?" Hyo-ryeong panted, out of breath.
"It's too risky with this many humans..." I sighed.
A few people gave me a look because I referred to them as humans and not myself.
Some people sat down on a chair and others remained standing.
I sat down.
Gyeong-su instantly sat beside me.
"There's no first aid kit." He mumbled to himself as he began to quietly fuss over my injury.
He fumbled around in his pockets before pulling out a clean handkerchief.
"We're trapped again, aren't we?" Hyo-ryeong sounded close to crying.
We were so close and now we're trapped in the same situation again.
"Water?" Gyeong-su mumbled to himself before realising there was none.
Hyo-ryeong suddenly froze and stood up from her chair, "Hey... Nam-ra. What happened to your arm. That's a bite mark, isn't it?"
Everyone got up and started to back away.
Gyeong-su looked up momentarily before continuing to try and treat my injury, unbothered.
"Here." On-jo handed us some antiseptic wipes.
We both sent her questioning looks.
"I'm clumsy." She responded plainly and then walked away.
That was kinda random.
Gyeong-su grabbed a wipe and gently held my arm as he wiped the wipe over the cuts delicately.
Everyone else had backed as far away as they could from Nam-ra.
Gyeong-su hands lightly touched my wrist as he wrapped the handkerchief around it and tied a neat knot.
He placed a kiss on my now bandaged wrist and smiled at me.
"There." He sighed in relief.
I smiled, "Thanks. You're so cute."
His cheeks flushed, "No, you're cute."
We both stopped talking as we realised this was not the time.
"That's not it." Su-hyeok was quick to stand in front of Nam-ra and defend her, "Tell him. You weren't bitten by a zombie."
It was silent for a few moments.
Nam-ra didn't speak.
"Say something." Su-hyeok huffed when she stayed silent, "Gwi-nam. He bit her. It wasn't zombies."
I was just about to speak when Cheong-san did instead.
"Gwi-nam. The bully."
"Yoon Gwi-nam."
Cheong-san started at him in surprise and confusion, "Did he really? Gwi-nam was bitten by zombies."
Su-hyeok scoffed, "Bullshit."
"I saw him get bit." Cheong-san stated, "If you get bitten by zombies you turn into one."
"He's not one of them!" Su-hyeok yelled, "He talked to us."
The sound of zombies growling and banging on the doors and windows got loud enough for the others to hear.
"Gwi-nam wasn't a zombie." Su-hyeok protested.
"Yes, he was! Are you calling me a liar?" Cheong-san frowned.
I stood up abruptly, my chair making a loud noise, "Enough."
They both turned to me.
"I know that Cheong-san would never lie and I believe him. I was there when Nam-ra was bit. What kind of human bites another one? It's feral." I frowned as I realised the truth.
"Gwi-nam is like us." Gyeong-su told them.
"He's a zombie. And he seems out to get you Cheong-san... this is bad. I threw him out a window but if he's a zombie he'll probably be fine." I bit my lip.
"Hold on..." Cheong-san stared at me incredulously, "You threw him out of a window?"
"Yeah." Gyeong-su smiled, "It was badass."
"Is that really important right now? Gwi-nam will be back... I just know it. I don't know how much time we have left before he comes back." I paused for a moment in thought.
Everyone looked at Nam-ra with distrusting gazes.
"It'll be okay if Nam-ra doesn't turn..."
"But what if she does?" Ji-min asked in a scared voice.
Nam-ra started walking towards the door.
So she's just going to leave? She seems so calm so I don't think she'll turn.
Su-hyeok grabbed her arm to try and stop her.
Damn, where's my popcorn?
This looks like it's straight out of a drama.
"You won't."
Nam-ra struggled and tried to make him let go but he had a tight hold on her wrist.
Su-hyeok pulled her back over to the group as she struggled.
"She won't turn into one. Don't you trust me?" Su-hyeok stated.
It was silent for a few moments as we all just stared at him.
"Just go to the other side of the room." I made a shooing motion with my hand, "If she doesn't turn in the next five minutes then it's fine."
"But what if she does turn?" Cheong-san asked, "She might attack someone."
"We can handle it. Two of us have monstrous strength after all." I told him, resting my arms on the desk and my head on top of them.
I was tired.
All this thinking and running and not eating was exhausting.
We won't survive much longer without water.
Foods a must too if we still want energy to move and run.
Su-hyeok opened the window, "If she turns, I'll throw her out the window, so she can't attack you."
"We get it. You've made your point." I sighed in exasperation.
I'm tired.
Su-hyeok tied himself to Nam-ra.
Why though?
I was confident she wouldn't turn but there's still a chance.
I smushed my face further into my arms.
Gyeong-su's hand landed on my head, startling me.
He chuckled quietly and ran his fingers through my hair.
It was making me feel more sleepy.
I closed my eyes and melted under his soft touch.
My head perked up when there was a weird noise.
Nam-ra was leaning towards Su-hyeok.
Her eye was red and she opened her mouth as if she was going to bite him.
My eyes widened in alarm.
Before I could react, Cheong-san was swinging at her with a music stand.
Su-hyeok shielded Nam-ra and the music stand whacked him in the back.
"Get out of the way." Cheong-san yelled.
"Stop it." Su-hyeok replied.
He suddenly moved forward and grabbed Cheong-san by the collar, slamming him into a desk. (Kinky)
"I said stop it!" Su-hyeok growled angrily.
"Stupid asshole." Cheong-san stood up and shoved Su-hyeok's head into a desk.
Here we go.
I rolled my eyes as they both started to fight.
Gyeong-su just sighed and made no more to help Cheong-san.
Though I knew if it got bad he'd step in to protect Cheong-san.
Dae-su tried to pull them apart and stop the fighting.
I saw Nam-ra collapse near the window.
2057 words
A/n idk lol
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