Ch.3 Rope
~Y/n pov~
We ran through the corridor towards the stairs.
A zombie suddenly came down the stairs, making us back away.
More zombies followed.
Su-hyeok ran forward and kicked them away from us.
They didn't stay down for long and they were too many of them for him to take on alone.
I ripped a window off the smashed a zombie over the head with it as it tried to eat Su-hyeok.
"Thanks." He nodded at me.
I noticed a few others grabbing windows too.
It was mostly boys.
The girl all just stood there and screamed.
We shoved the zombies away using windows.
It wasn't going to be enough.
"Hey! Get out of the way!" Dae-su demanded.
He had ripped of the door.
We all back away as he charged in with the door.
He held it sideways and used it to block the hallway.
We all pushed against it to push the zombies away.
We shoved them down the stairs.
We left a few at a time and started running up the stairs.
Dae-su was behind us all, "Go go!"
There was a zombie that was somehow stuck inside the stair railing.
We ran past it as it tried to bite our ankles. (Not today Sangwoo)
We started to run along the corridor but more zombies appear so we backed away.
We used the windows to push them away and continued to run further up the stairs.
We managed to hold the zombies back for long enough to get into a classroom.
Though there was a lock on the door.
On-jo grabbed the hose while the rest of us held the zombies back.
She used the metal bit and whacked the lock until it broke.
We all rushed inside and shut the door.
The zombies banged on the door and windows, trying to get in.
I noticed someone had accidentally smashed one of the window while fighting the zombies outside.
Panting in exhaustion, I sat on the ground away from the doors.
Gyeong-su sat beside me, just as exhausted.
He leant towards me and rested his head against my shoulder.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.
He squeezed my hand back, reassuring me and telling me he was still there.
Dae-su had collapsed near the broken window.
A bloody hand reached for him and grabbed his hand.
He let out a scream as he backed away.
The zombies were trying to come through the broken window.
I quickly stood up, "Quick, barricade the window.
We all worked on putting chairs and desk against the window so they couldn't come in.
A few people held the barricade in place to make sure they couldn't come in.
I quickly glanced around the room to make sure it was secure.
"Give me the phone. I'm gonna try calling again." Na-yeon demanded as she grabbed On-jo's arms.
"Sorry, I lost it."
"How could you lose it?" Na-yeon shoved On-jo angrily but she barely budged.
"Who cares? We've got a secured room now." Gyeong-su sighed.
"Like you can talk?!"
"It's because you didn't lock the door." Na-yeon told him accusingly, "If you had done that, the gym teacher wouldn't have gotten to us. We almost died because of you."
"Then why didn't you do anything yourself?" Gyeong-su retorted.
"You're so fucking annoying."
"You bitch." Gyeong-su grabbed her.
Dae-su quickly grabbed him and pulled him away.
"Don't touch me!" She shrieked.
"Stop it. Do you really think we have the time to be blaming each other?" I was directing my annoyance towards Na-yeon since she was the one who started everything, "You should just be happy that you're alive."
I grabbed Gyeong-su's arm as Dae-su let go off him.
"It's not worth it." I told him quietly.
He nodded after a few seconds, "She's just making me so angry."
"I know." I wrapped my arm around him and rubbed his arm soothingly.
He leaned into me and rested his head against my shoulder as he closed his eyes and sighed.
I glanced back around the room as everyone started barricading the door again.
It was then I noticed.
"Where Su-hyeok?" I asked.
A few others glanced around and noticed he was missing.
"He was behind me." Cheong-san stated.
"He's not here now." I bit my lip, "We can't go back for him so we'll just have to hope he's alive."
"How can you say that?" On-jo yelled.
"If you want to look for him feel free. But you'll be going on your own." I stated as I knew no one else would be willing to go with her and risk their lives again, "Look, he's strong. He probably found another place that was safe."
On-jo frowned when she realised what I said was true, "You're right... I hope he's okay."
Everyone settled down again.
Most people sat on the floor as most of the desks had been used.
This was the shittiest day ever.
There was a high pitched noise that suddenly came from the speakers.
My head snapped up at the noise.
I wanted to cover my ears, the noise really hurt.
Way more than it normally would.
Is this because I'm a zombie? So they are sensitive to noises.
"Students and teachers of Hyosan high school."
Ms Park's voice spoke through the speakers.
"I'm Park Sun-hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking other indiscriminately. So please flee and find a safe place. And if any signer or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and the fire department."
I walked over to the window that had been barracked and stood on my tiptoes to peer out at them.
They had all gathered around the speaker and they were trying to attack it.
"I was right. They are attracted by sound." I stated.
A few others came over to the window and saw them all gathered around the speaker.
"Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I'll say it again. Some students are..."
You could hear her sniffling and getting emotional.
There was a silence for a few seconds before Ms Park spoke again.
"Hey, everyone.... You're okay, right? You're not hurt.... I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but... Still, find a safe place and hide. I'm sorry... I can't help. Don't get hurt, okay? Please, stay alive and meet again."
I started tearing up.
This whole situation is too much.
Gyeong-su rested his head on my shoulder as he wiped the tears from his eyes.
I blinked back my tears and focused on comforting him.
The only thing I have left to fear for is Gyeong-su's life.
It's not like I fear for my life since I'm already a zombie....
I leaned my head against Gyeong-su's and whispered soothing words into his ear.
His hands gripped at my sleeve as he held me tightly.
I noticed On-jo and I-sak talking at the window.
On-jo was really worried about Su-hyeok.
It had been a while since Ms Park talked to us through the speakers.
"Why are you hands cold?" I heard On-jo ask
On-jo stared at her as her nose began to bleed.
This caught my attention.
"Really. I wasn't bitten."
She was totally fine a few minutes ago until On-jo brought it up.
Shouldn't she have turned by now?
I noticed I-sak started to panic.
"I mean it. I really wasn't bitten." I-sak's voice echoed through the classroom, catching everyone's attention.
Na-yeon woke up, "What's going on? Did you get bitten."
She hurriedly stood up.
"I said I wasn't." I-sak ran over to the mirror.
I noticed her eyes had turned red as I stood nearby.
She started panicking even more and turning quicker.
That's it!
The fear. Everyone is scared and that's why they turned.
I didn't turn because I wasn't scared and that's why she hasn't started to turn until now.
Though to be honest I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
I just thought some crazy bitch bit me.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Gyeong-su asked her.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
He shot me a questioning look as I stood in front of him.
"I-sak.. calm down okay. It's going to be okay."
She looked at me with panicked eyes.
"That's right." I said when I noticed her eyes started returning to their normal colour, "It's okay. You won't turn if you just stay calm."
It was working.
Na-yeon screamed, "Get her away! You're bitten!"
I-sak started to panic again.
"Stop." I tried to tell her but everyone just seemed to panic.
It was mainly Na-yeon yelling.
On-jo stared at her friend with sad eyes.
I wasn't getting through to I-sak.
On-jo and I-sak held onto each other's hands tightly.
It's because we're not close. Of course I-sak won't listen to me.
But maybe On-jo could calm her down...
On-no started crying and hugged her friend.
"I'm not one of them." I-sak protested.
She was starting to panic again.
This isn't good. It doesn't seem like there's anything I can do...
I can't save her... why....
"They're trying to get in!" Dae-su yelled as he held the barricade in place.
Na-yeon shrieking had attracted them.
"Come on! I said I'm okay!" I-sak yelled at us.
Cheong-san grabbed On-jo and pulled her away.
I-sak's body fell to the ground and her bones started crunching.
I couldn't save her... it's too late.
"Throw her out the window." Na-yeon stated, "She's turning into a zombie?!"
I-sak stood up and charged towards On-jo.
The rest of us were holding the barricade and making sure the other zombies didn't get through.
All we could do was watch.
Cheong-san starts attacking I-sak with a chair while On-jo yelled for him to stop.
"Stop it, please!"
Cheong-san smacked her with the chair as she charged at him.
She went flying out of the window, the glass shattering on impact.
Her fingers gripped onto the window sill.
On-jo went over and held her friends hand to stop her from falling.
But it wasn't her friend anymore, it was now a zombie.
On-jo held on regardless, refusing to let go.
She screamed at Cheong-san as he smashed a chair against I-sak's hand to make her let go.
I-sak's grip slipped and she went hurtling towards the ground.
On-jo let out a scream as tears ran down her cheeks.
I frowned. If only I could've stopped this.
"Let's go." Cheong-san stated.
"Go where?" I asked, "Although the barricade won't hold forever so we do need to get out of here."
"Exactly. The hose from earlier. Gyeong-su open the door and get the hose."
"Open the door! Are you crazy?!" Gyeong-su yelled in response.
He may be right... we could use the hose as a rope and see if any of the other classrooms are safe.
"I'll do it." I nodded.
Gyeong-su gave me a panicked look.
I smiled reassuringly, "It'll be okay. You trust me, right?"
He gulped before nodding, "Yeah... always."
I opened the door and reached my hand out, trying to grab the hose.
It was too far away.
I knew the zombies wouldn't try to get me at least though if the others saw me casually walk out of the classroom and back in they may get suspicious.
I'll tell them but only when I think the time is right.
Gyeong-su gave me a worried look once he realised I couldn't reach.
I glanced around the hallway to make it look like I was being cautious and then I pulled the door open more so my upper half could fit out of the door.
Quickly, I grabbed the hose and pulled myself back in.
I knew some of the zombies saw me but none of them reacted.
The door shut quietly as I held up the hose.
I handed it to Cheong-san.
He pulled it to get as much of the hose into the classroom as possible.
"Alright. Someone help me. Tie holes big enough to fit feet." Cheong-san demanded.
A few people stopped holding the barricade and went to help him.
2133 words
A/n it's almost time. Will Gyeong-su die? Who knows... well me of course.
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