Chapter 10: Why is it not Pink?
(Updates should be more frequent since this chapter is the one I wanted to get to. Hiatus for this week and next because I'm busy all week. Trying out for stuff, tests, etc.)
Momo woke up in a white room. Her headache would definitely be the death of her if not someone else. She was lying on a white bed as well. Her body wasn't entirely covered, in fact she was wearing the clothes she wore when the heroes came crashing in. She was wearing a red outfit with her hair in a ponytail. The outfits was made for the use of her quirk. They either didn't know what her quirk was or she wasn't in a proper jail.
The last few things she had remembered was a few days ago. She could remember the moment where they left the camp. Toga fought two people off, Mister Compress bullied a teenager, Dabi a bullied a teenager after another teenager bullied Mr.Compress back, and Momo was dragged into a portal by Toga.
Then she lived a normal life at the bar, with Bakugo screaming every two minutes, mainly to rest his vocal cords after screaming for a hot five minutes. It was like that for like, two days...
Momo remembered the day the heroes showed up too. She was tied up by Kamui woods and teleported. Momo could somewhat remember the All For One vs All Might battle, but she didn't remember much. She thinks she might've been knocked out by a fallen Debris and might've been captured. Huh. She was the League's support system and they easily let her get caught?
Momo wasn't exactly reliant on the idea of being saved, so she decided to let her mind wander. How long has she been out. Where was she? She had been to most jails nearby because her mom dragged her to them sometimes so she could get an idea. They were usually a pink color, because it was a scientific fact that a certain shade made people lose 30% of their strength. (That's actually a true fact!)
Momo's room was more like an asylum. The walls were cushioned and her bed was soft, actually floating off the ground. She assumed it was so she didn't accidentally hurt herself.
"Ah, so you're awake?" A voice said. It reminded her of an anime she watched a long time ago.
"Yes. So where am I?" She asked. "Is this a jail cell? Am I in Tartarus?" She had to question. She just did.
"We aren't allowed to say. But you've been out for three days." The voice said. It was a male voice with a modifier on. They knew she was some sort of intelligent person or something.
"Can I meet you?" She asked. She was sitting in the room and sat on the fetal position on her bed. "It's lonely in here." She mumbled.
"UA students who encountered you say your name is Momo, is that true?"
Momo didn't know what to say exactly. Did she lie, did she say it was a code name? She was in a place of authority so maybe they already knew and just wanted her to be honest. Though, she didn't know if she wanted to be honest. She could say Momo Shigaraki or something dumb like that since Tomura was named Shigaraki after All For One.
"Why am I here? What happened while I was knocked out?" She asked, skipping the question.
"What is your name?"
"Momo is my name, yes."
"Last name?"
"I don't have one. I apologize."
The voice seemed to be taken aback by her response. "You're affiliated with the League correct?"
"Yes, of course. That is why we're here, correct?" She said in a snarky tone.
She could hear the sound of filing. So she was somewhere official and not some random person who kidnapped her. This was a fun guessing game.
"Will you answer me now? What happened to me while I was knocked out?" Momo asked. A second voice, appearing to be a bit older, came in.
"You were rescued by UA students who were rescuing Bakugo and decided to rescue you as well. If you ever do get the chance, I hope you thank them."
She kind of remembered the feeling of being pulled, but not specifically that moment. She was surprised. She had been taught that because she was a villain, no one would care about her or save her, except for All for One.
So a group of people decided that she was worth saving, and actually saved her? A group... Was All For One wrong? She was contemplating this new idea. She had been living like a sheep for two years. Blindly obeying anything he said. She felt weird about letting herself be treated like that now.
"Where are your parents?"
"They're gone. It's my fault. I killed my mom and dad." She said, looking down, nervous. She really didn't wanna cry in front of a hero or police officer.
"Ah, alright. Do you have any personal affiliation to All For One? He spoke of you and Shigaraki during his fight."
"Master? Of course! He's like my father! He saved my life! I owe my life to him for everything he's done for me! He's the one who introduced me to the League of Villains! And he's the only one who came to rescue me when I was missing when heroes didn't-" She could ramble on for so long just like an All Might fanboy could ramble on about All Might.
"That's enough. Why was your life in danger?"
"I don't exactly know. I was just taken from my home and moved around for a few months. Then he saved me." Momo smiled and looked at the camera. "I know he's a villain and all but still! He's a good person!"
"Yeah, alright." He certainly didn't believe her. "I think we're done for the day, Someone will drop by to give you food. We'll do this again tomorrow."
"Do what?" She had to question. Interrogation? She didn't see the point, she was given vague details of events, and meant to stay the little lap dog of the League with no real purpose except to provide supplies and money for the group.
She didn't get an answer, so she would just have to wait until the next day.
A few months in the cell and Momo thought she was going crazy. Sure she got books and tv privileges for saying what she knew about the villains, but she also didn't know a lot so it was easy to just say "I don't know" until she did know. Momo did get some quality food and it was always the stuff she specifically wanted, so she was really thankful, but now she was wondering "where was she for real?" A holding cell at UA?
She was treated more like a hotel guest than a prisoner, did they think she was innocent? Was it because they found out she was leaving behind gas masks? Well now she's glad that she had a conscience-
She was sure it was around early September now. She didn't know, but she thought so. It had been a while, plus they were keeping outside information away from her. She had been making tiny tallies on the wall with her nail after scratching enough.
If she counted, it would be about two or three months.
"Momo, we have a big surprise for you."
The slot in Momo's door opened gently and a small package was slipped inside. When she put it in her hands, she was surprised. She was expecting another book, but instead it felt like a cloth texture inside of a brown steak packaging.
She was given clothing?
Oh wait-
Was she just thrown into UA by force? She was holding a UA uniform.
Momo was wondering whether to be disgusted, happy so that she could thank the students who saved her, a mix of both, or extremely confused.
What the actual hell? Why was she going to a hero school despite actively working for one of the most known villain organizations in the country?
The tension she was going to face would be thick enough to cut with a damn chainsaw. Especially with Tsuyu, ... Urarararaka?, Awase, Todoroki, Bakugo, maybe Iida?
This was gonna be fun.
I said in a day.
Anywho, I was dying with the last part. It was so funny to me-
Just "wtf is going on 👁👄👁" I love this.
Anywho, more frequent updates, oh and Characters I don't like are gonna be seen as much as we see Class 1-B. Like three times and then "whoosh"
Taking a break from this book for a while btw, got a lot of stuff to take care of this week and the next.
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