Chapter Twenty Eight
This actually took me like a month to write TwT
Seriously though had a massive hit of writers block so enjoy this.
Chapter Twenty Eight
"I'm driving." I called as we headed to Harlow's car. Lee cast me a confused glance.
"I didn't think you could drive?" He asked, violet eyes glinting with amusement.
I shrugged and clambered into the back seat. "I can't. Just thought it might work." Lee shook his head and got into the passenger seat.
I glanced out of the window to see Gabriel and Scarlett clambering unto his car. I licked my lips and glanced down at my lap. I was determined not to be the possessive girlfriend. Besides - Scarlett and I were cool now. She wouldn't tell me to get with Gabe just to break us up later? No. She wasn't that horrible.
Ducky's squeal drove me from my thoughts as he hit his elbow on the hand rest between us with a loud thud.
I frowned and pressed my lips together to stop from laughing. Ducky sounded just like a third grade girl when he was upset.
Harlow clocked the gear from the front seat. "You guys have seatbelts on?"
"God. I don't need another mother in my life." Ducky grumbled but clicked in the seatbelt anyway.
"If she wasn't here. I'm pretty sure we'd all die." I replied drily as the car drove out of the parking lot, whilst Gabe's black Porsche drove the other way.
We were going to divide and conquer. We'd head east first- whilst Gave and Scarlett went to her house to get weapons and supplied for the lot of us.
That was the bit I was slightly nervous about. I had never used a weapon before - the one time I actually held a knife to shred an union I ended up chopping part of my finger off.
"What even is East?" I asked, bouncing my leg up and down as the car jolted and swayed.
Harlow glanced at me in the mirror. "Just beaches and coasts."
Lee ruffled his hair. "There's also a cove nearby- no one goes in it. It might be some sort of clue as to where we should go."
"Why doesn't anyone go in?" I wondered aloud, glancing out of the window. I saw a flash of blue and knew we were already nearing the sea.
"Full of spiders. And it's pitched back." Ducky added and I shivered.
I watched the scenery as we drove down Odessa Road. We passed the office where Lily worked and then the road split. Harlow veered left and off of Odessa Road, passing the the Garage, which looked much less foreboding in the sun. Across from that there was an old cemetery, and the rows of graves seemed to go on for miles.
As we got closer to the shore, the houses grew larger. Lot of them had boats parked outside. Finally, we hit the small parking spot that looked out towards the ocean cove. No other cars were there. Branches scattered the walkways to make it seem as though no one had been there since summer.
Ducky crossed his legs as his foot banged against my shin. "So much for heading east. If we head any further, we'll be in the ocean."
I looked out of the window again and placed my hands against it. The waves crashes steadily on top if each other, creating foams of white water that lapped up onto the shore.
There had to be something here.
I ran a hand through my hair and bit my lip. I stared out of the window.
My eyes wandered to the dark looking cave type thing. I pointed to it. "What about the cove?"
Harlow peered our of the window. "Like we said, filled with nothing but spiders and darkness."
"Maybe that's because it needs a witch to get to whatever's actually down there?" I faced their dubious glances. "Or a Saint? I don't know, guys, this is just me trying to be optimistic, okay?" I sighed. "Treasure it, 'cuz it doesn't happen very often."
Lee didn't say anything whilst Ducky scoffed. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try." Harlow said, pulling open the car door.
Lee rolled his eyes and let out an irritated sigh. "I guess so. Come on then, let's not stand around like Lemons."
My lips twitched into a grin and I clicked open the door and stood up.
Immediately, my shoes crunched against the gravel and I was slapped in the face with a breeze of humidity that stung my nose and bathed my mouth in salty air.
"Okay, let's go-" I started, but Ducky frowned and interrupted.
"Don't you think we should wait for Gabriel and Scarlett?"
"Eh... we can wait for them down there, I guess." I shrugged.
Lee nodded and took the lead down the narrow path towards the sea.
"I think we should stick together in the tunnels." I announced as we headed down the hull. My sneakers slipped down the steep sandy slope, but that wasn't the reason for my adrenaline spike.
"No- I don't think we should." Harlow countered, the tone in her voice a little harsh. "If we don't split up, we won't have time to search for whatever we're supposed to be looking for." She explained without turning around to look at me.
I shot Harlow a glare that she probably didn't feel at the back of her head. I stopped abruptly and crossed my arms.
"We should wait for Gabe and Scarlett." It was a stupid idea, but I was nervous to go into the cave. With all the darkness... and the spiders. I shivered again despite the warm sun heating my face.
As if being called by the gods, the screeching of tyres against concrete could be heard above, and I turned at the sound of slamming doors and a hurry scurrying of footsteps.
A swamp of relief swallowed me up as I glanced at Gabriel.
Both him and Scarlett were clutching bags that seemed as though they should have been on a mountain track, filled to the brim.
In Scarlett's other hand there was also a black gym bag that seemed to weigh her down more than the three other biking bags she lugged.
I rushed towards Gabe and pulled a bag from his grip. He gave me a smile and gave me a soft peck on my nose which made me blush red and my heart flutter.
"Yeah yeah." Scarlett sounded indignant. "Go cuddle all you want. Never mind about Scarlett and her 5 tones of baggage."
I broke away from Gabe and gave Scarlett a sheepish smile. She tossed her platinum hair over one shoulder and chucked another back pack my way.
"These are filled with supplies." She said, giving another bag to Lee. "Sleeping bags, water, food." She stole a glance at Ducky which made me laugh. "Sanitary items."
Ducky just stuck his tongue out at her and I passed him one of the bags I had on my back, so we all had one.
"What's in that?" I pointed to the other gym bag Scarlett was carrying. We were in a ragged circle around it so she tossed it into the middle.
She crouched beside it, her hair falling in her face and pulled the zip down. "We stole this from my family."
Inside, there seemed to be an array of weapons; varying from a box of throwing knives to a katana to a bow and arrow.
"I'll take the crossbow!" Harlow offered. I shot her a glance, for she didn't seem like the type to know how to use one. She caught my gaze and shrugged. "I played a lot with Nerf Guns as a kid."
I just laughed as Ducky claimed the katana and Scarlett wanted the bow and arrow.
I shifted my weight from foot to foot as Scarlett handed me an array of throwing knives, which clipped nicely against my waist.
"Ive never used a throwing knife before." I warned. Lee frowned at me and I went red. Why were they looking at me like that. Was it obvious or something?
Gabe slung an arm across my back and pulled me closer to him. "Just use the blue energy to learn how, quicker." He mumbled into my ear.
I shot him a grateful glance, my heart brimming with love.
Gabe straightened up and we pulled apart. "So - What is the plan?"
A/N: yuck.
Votes, comments and shares would be great! Thank you!
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