Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten
AN: thanks to my bestie Just_a_little_Jade for helping me with this chapter. Had a little writers block but enjoyed writing it. Cool. Bye <3
"A r e you doing anything after school?" Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I pulled of my headphones and paused the probably too loud Of Monsters and Men. Yes. I'm into Indie-Rock. It's my secret passion - okay?
My scuffed sneakers came to a stop as I paused right outside the school gate, turning so I was face to face with Gabriel. I'm so close to him. My mind had to remind me.
I shrugged even though my heart was hammering. "Don't think so, why?" He suddenly went red and looked at the ground.
"Uhm- I'm throwing a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"
Excitement zipped up my spine and my eyes widened. I quirked my head to the side. "Uh Yeah, sure. Can I bring Harlow?" I held my breath.
He nodded. "Of course. Party starts at 10, my house. I'd hope to see you there." He winked and strolled off.
I let out a high pitched, soft scream, covering my mouth and leaping around for a while on the concrete, receiving a few odd glances. I couldn't keep the massive grin from my face.
Harlow grudgingly allowed me to help her get ready for Gabriel's party. Once we were finished, she looked amazing. The forest green top that was too tight for me fitted her perfectly, and the shimmery yellow shadow I put on her eyes amplified the already enhanced golden specks of her irises, plus her olive brown hair hair glowed after I had put my curling iron to it and added shine spray for good measure.
Once we were finished with her makeover, i gave myself a once over in the mirror. I chose a strapless white dress that fanned out and stopped just below my knees, and I tied the top half of my hair back into a half up bun, but it was still it's tangled, wild mess.
Harlow convinced me to put on some green eyeshadow on my waterline, which showed off my enhanced emerald eyes. They were cool, yes, but they gave me a surprise every time I caught myself in the mirror.
Harlow had never been to Gabriel's, so she took her time driving down the street, stopping to peer at the addresses on the mailboxes. It didn't take long to find it, mainly because of the blaring music and the cars gathered along the road beside it.
Our mouths dropped open when we saw Gabriel's house- more like mansion. It looked like it belonged to an Athenian Acropolis instead of a small town in Connecticut. Two story columns surrounded the double doors, and the triangular roof with detailed engravings etched into it gave off the vibe of the Whitehouse mixed with the Parthenon. The doorway unlocked, and me at Harlow let ourselves in, stopping in our tracks as we viewed the insides.
The huge foyer made me feel like I had been transported into a Grecian temple. A circled staircase with a light blue rug running up it went up one side, and a huge, crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. A top forty radio station was playing, loud, but not loud enough so that you couldn't have regular conversations or hear yourself think. There were clusters of people everywhere - some I recognised from school.
A few people said hi to Harlow as we milled around but for the most part no one noticed us. We wandered into the living room, hoping to find someone from homeroom that we could talk to. A big group of people sat on a large sofa around a coffee table and I smiled when I saw Ducky and Lee sat on the black leather.
Ducky spotted us and waved me and Harlow over, scooting further down the sofa so we had room. Harlow sat next to him and I perched on the arm rest.
"For a second I thought you guys weren't going to make it." Lee said, brushing the hair from his eyes. "You know Trinity and Nate from Homeroom." I smiled at said hi, then Lee nodded to the couple across the sofa that I didn't recognise. "And that's Alex and John. They're in French with us." Meaning they weren't witches so no magic talk.
Harlow told me earlier that Gabriel and Scarlett weren't fond of humans, but she invited some - the popular ones - so the party didn't look empty.
Then I answered all the new girl questions: why I moved; where I grew up; what I was studying et cetera. It felt normal and I was glad to get away from the witch talk.
I still hadn't seen Gabriel. Figuring he was probably around here somewhere, I excused myself from the conversation, "I'm going to get a drink, anyone want one?"
Lee, Ducky and the others already had drinks plus Harlow shook her head no.
I found the kitchen by some six sense, weaving between people and ignoring the drunk boys who tried to grind on me. Gabriel's kitchen was huge - it would have been bright and airy if it wasn't packed with people. Everyone seemed to be helping themselves to drinks, so I tried to squeeze my way to the fridge and pulled out a J2O.
"I wondered when you would show," the voice behind me was unmistakably Gabriel's. Just hearing his smooth voice made my heart rate increase as I turned to face him. I tried to keep my face relaxed to he didn't realise how flustered I was around him.
He held his gaze with mine, but his eyes held so much intensity that I almost forgot to breathe. Before I realised what he was doing, he took my bottle from my hand, and popped open the cap on the counter, giving it back to me.
"Thanks," my hand shook when he handed it to me, the sparks zipping up my hand again. I took a sip to busy myself and calm my nerves. "Of course I showed. The last few days have been hectic, it's nice to be able to do something that's normal for a change."
He leaned against the counter casually, his raven black hair obscuring his grey eyes from view. Some people cheered about something across the kitchen but he didn't flinch, keep his eyes solely on me. I think I'm going to faint. "It's been crazier than usual with the comet yesterday. I haven't told my parents yet- have you?"
I shook my head, and frowned. "My parents are definitely not witches. My dad is holed up in his study all day every day and I've never met my mum." Was I telling him too much about myself? Probably. Did I care? No.
He put his hand on my shoulder. "Really?"
I shrugged. I hadn't really thought about it, to be honest. "Yeah. It's probably my mum then."
He gave me a weak smile and his hand went from my shoulder to my palm. He clasped my hand in his and I shivered with anticipation. "I have something to show you." His eyes glittered with amusement.
"Oh yeah?" I raised my eyebrows. "Lead the way." He held up his other hand and opened the door to the fridge behind me. He grabbed a beer with his free hand and hit the side of the counter with it like he had done with me. He took a swig then grinned.
"My pleasure." He lead me down the hall, and we received a few long whistles on the way. He brought me up the large flight of stairs and into a big room near the balcony.
It was a small study, with dark blue floors and grey walls. A crowded desk sat in the front, covered in papers and pens.
"This is pretty cool." I breathed, going down and sitting on a green armchair in one corner. Gabriel grinned and headed over to the desk. He held up something that glinted in the moonlight that poured unto the room by a big window at the back wall. I narrowed my eyes. "What is that?"
He smiled sheepishly, and fiddled with the metal, when he drew out a glinting, shiny blade. "This is my father's pocket knife." He told me, and I stood up as he wandered towards me. "Watch this."
I gasped as he pressed the sharp side of the knife into his palm, then withdrew, causing a sharp, clean line that started oozing scarlet liquid. What is he doing? Gabriel watched the blood trickle down his palm, then his eyes flicked up to me. The silver orbs he possessed seemed as though they were saying 'watch this'. He pressed his other hand onto the wound and some of the blood dropped onto the carped. Gabriel closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before removing the hand.
"What the hell." I muttered, taking his hand in mine. The wound was completely gone. There was still a little blood on his hand but I traced my finger over where the wound once was, and all I felt was his soft skin.
His lips twitched into a grin. "I know, right? It all started after the asteroid. Do you remember when you zapped me on Wednesday morning?" I nodded, unsure of what else to say. "Well, I got a paper-cut in science that day, and then when I touched it - Wham!" The sudden loud noise made me jump. "It's healed."
"The sparks only happened once for me." I said, shaking my head. A couple of strands of hair were stuck in my lipgloss. As quick as a flash Gabriel was pushing them away, until all of a sudden both of his hands were cupping my face. He leaned in so close, I could feel his warm breath fan my face and My heart rate quickened as we leaned in for the kill. My breathing hitched and if felt as though it was just me and him. My stomach was doing acrobatic summersaults and tiny fireworks were going off around my head. If I moved my head a fraction of a centimetre, his red, velvety lips would mold against my own. All at once, my head spun and the air got thick around me.
I thought about the electricity, would it even come back? Then the energy came as if on command, it was shooting through my arm and up my skin. The hairs on my spine rose and the energy touched my cheeks. I heard a zap and Gabriel immediately withdrew his hands.
"See. Just like that," he smiled. I couldn't help but return the gesture. He picked up his beer bottle that was on the desk and downed it, turning to be and grinning. "Let's go party." He sung the 'y' in party making me chuckle. I took another sip of J2O and followed him out, pausing at the doorway.
"Actually, I need to pee." I said regretfully. I wanted to spend all night with Gabriel. When he had alcohol in his system, he was so more laid back and fun.
He nodded. "Go down there," he told me, pointing to a hall across the balcony. "And it's the first door on your right. Have fun," he said, waving at me before heading down the stairs.
I followed his instructions and came face to face with a large, perfectly white door. I pushed it open timidly, unsure whether it was the right door. I froze when I saw Scarlett sitting in the bathroom. She was in the bathtub, knees up to her chin and letting out soft cries.
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