Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen
I s c a n n e d the menu as I sat down in the booth across from Milo. My eyes darted across the words, but I didn't really take any of them. My mind was still trying to take in and process all of the information Nana had told me.
It was pretty interesting. Nana had told me a few things that I already knew, but had mentioned somethings that I hadn't known. One, was that my little brother did not have the powers. I glanced at him through my eyelashes. My brother was looking at the menu, our signature Sterling green eyes glancing back and forth as he read. I thought that fact was sort of a shame. I could have guided my brother through the process instead of finding out the way I did.
Then, Nana P told me she suspected that I would be a witch. The magic gene was a dominant one, but it was diluted more when a witch was with a human. She said that she couldn't sense the 'aura' that surrounded most witches on my brother, which I couldn't help feeling a pang of disappointment about.
I then proceeded to tell her about the omen, and about me and my friend's physical powers. She was blown away, to say the least, and didn't quite believe it until I gave her a small electric shock.
It was great to get all the pressure off my chest, and Nana P seemed just as excited and interested as I did. She also told me that she was going to stay in an Air B&B so she could get closer to me and we could talk more.
"Hello," a voice snapped me out of my thoughts. It seemed familiar. But I couldn't be bothered to look up as I continued to scan the menu. "My name is Gabriel, I will be your waiter this evening." Shock ripped through me and I looked up at the waiter beside me to confirm that it was, in fact, Gabriel.
It was.
His silver orbs reflected my shock and his hair was falling into his face. He went bright red and I felt a pang of sympathy for him.
"Gabriel?" I breathed, and my dad frowned at me.
"You know this boy?" His voice was cold, almost condescending.
"Yeah?" I said the statement like a question. "We're in homeroom together."
"You must be Mr Sterling. Pleasure to meet you." Gabriel said smoothly, pulling out a notepad. "Now, can I please get you something to eat?"
My step-mother smiled up at Gabriel then pointed at her menu. "I'll have the half-wrack of BBQ ribs, with the skinny fries please. It's also a pleasure to meet you too, Gabriel."
As everyone else ordered, leaving me last, I studied Gabriel. Why was he here? Why was he working? His family seemed pretty well-off; meaning he probably didn't need to work for it. When Gabriel and his beautiful face turned to me, and I blushed, looking down at the menu, desperately scanning for something as everyone looked at me.
"I-I'll have the pulled-pork bur-burger with sweet potato fries, p-please." Why was I stuttering?! I felt my face heat up and embarrassment washed over me.
I didn't look at Gabriel as I handed the menu to him. He had a pleasant smile plastered in his face from what I could tell from my peripheral vision.
"Brilliant. I'll come check up on you in a bit." His voice was falsely happy and light and as I looked up at him again, I could see the bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted as he walked away.
I took a sip of the sprite my Step-mother had ordered for me to clear my dry throat.
I made eye contact with my brother as he also took a sip of his coke. I pulled a face, crossing my eyes and sticking my tongue out. The coke sprayed from Milo's mouth, spluttering all over his face, splatting across the table towards me and down his front. He swallowed the rest of the fizzy drink and laughed.
"Milo!" My father hissed, slamming his fist aggressively onto the table. "What are you doing? You're such an embarrassment. Aidan - go help him clean up." He snapped.
I rolled my eyes but slid from the booth and held out my hand to my brother. His scruffy blond hair fell in his face and he looked crestfallen. He took my hand without saying anything and I guided him towards the bathroom.
I felt a pinch of anger towards my father. Why, if anything it was my fault that Milo spilt his drink. We turned the corner and I opened the door to one of the toilets, and told him to splash water in his face then dry with the hand towels.
I lent against the door outside, hearing the familiar click of a lock, then the muffled sound of taps running. I sighed and shook my head. I hated to say it, but I didn't like my dad. He was cruel and unkind and selfish. My step-mum, on the other hand, was selfless and sweet and optimistic. Lily deserved so much better than what my dad gave her. If I was being brutally honest with myself, if she moved out, I would go with her.
"Yo." I looked up as Gabriel turned the corner and smiled at me. I have him a weak grin in return, the upturn of my cheeks weakening. He frowned. "You alright?"
I shrugged and gestures towards the door beside me. "Family crap."
He nodded, the sliver of amusement sparking in his eyes. I felt a pull towards him from some unforgiving force, and my heart rate increased. He took a step towards me. "Exactly the same with me." He gestured down at his uniform. "My parents are making me get this job for who knows why."
I rolled my eyes dn stepped forward so there was only a meter between us. I patted his shoulder. Electricity jolted through me at the touch. Real, zapping electricity that I usually had a control over. I drew my hand back and smiled at him sheepishly. "They probably have their reasons. They always do." I chuckled, a light dusting of pink appearing on my cheeks.
Gabriel was staring at me, his enhanced silver eyes sparkling as he gazed at me.
"Do I gave something on my face?" I perused my lips awkwardly as he continued to stare. He shook his head and smiled.
"No, not really. I just saw a bug in your hair."
My eyes widened and I let out a shriek. Fear shot through me, and disgust bubbled in my throat. I whipped my head down and shook it violently to try and get it out, running my hands through my frizzy wild hair. When I whipped my head back up, my green eyes glimmered wildly. "Is it gone?"
Gabriel's lips were pursed unto a thing line, but he looked as if he was going to burst out laughing.
"What?" I said angrily, shifting from one sneaker to the other. I rubbed my arm self-consciously.
"There was no spider." He spluttered, trying and failing to keep a straight face. "That was just my excuse."
Embarrassment roared in my eyes and my face went hot, as if the Arizona sun in August was shining down on it.
He bit his lip, something that made my heart beat even faster. My heart banged with a tender, warm feeling, and I knew it was targeted at Gabriel.
"Why did you do it then?" I demanded, placing my hands on my hips. My breathing hitched as he took a small step forwards, so there was only a hand's width between us. He opened his mouth, but was cut off when we both spun.
Milo was leaning against the door to the bathroom, shaking out his hands. Water droplets flew everywhere but he didn't seem to notice as he held a triumphant smirk on his freckled face.
I immediately withdrew from standing so close to him, breathing a sigh. I cracked my fingers nervously, as if trying to get rid of the nervousness and shame throughout my body.
I grasped him by one shoulder and pushed him forwards. "Don't you dare say anything about this to dad or I'll tell him about that shattered light bulb." I felt a little bad threatening my little brother; who was only eight. But I deemed it necessary in this situation.
"Okay." He said quietly, still a sneer on his face, like he was saying 'I know I have leverage on you. And I'm going to use it later.' Milo was a calculated kid. Just like me.
I pushed him towards the door, but Gabriel caught my wrist. I spun around and cocked my head. The tension around us was thick. "I, Er, just wanted to say that my shift finishes in an hour so if you want to go out afterwards with me?"
I checked my watch. It was 8 o'clock now, so we'd go out at seven. Yeah. I think I can get away with that. I nodded my head, my expression forming one of steely determination. "I'll try. Might take my dad some convincing."
A relieved, cute smile appeared on his cheeks and he smiled. "Great." He released my wrist.
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