The Truth Again
Millard and Jane burst into the house.
"Perhaps they forgot to reset their loop." Claire was saying.
"Bet you it was hollows," Enoch joined in, "ate 'em right down to their boots!"
"Enoch! I ought-" Jane yelled, (picking up some slang from the '30s, as Jane was learning, was hard not to do,)
"Jane! Be nice!" Millard hissed, much to the laughter of bystanders.
"Don't let Enoch fill your head with rubbish. Everyone knows hollows like young ones best. That's why..." as Horace blathered on, Jane mumbled to herself;
"My gay alarm is ringing." Millard overheard.
"They don't seem very happy to me." Millard said. Jane nearly choked.
"I-i'll explain it to you later..." It was all she could do to not laugh, especially when coupled with Horace running to escape Hugh's bees.
"What's going on out there? Is that Mr. Apiston I here? Where are Mr. Portman and Miss Bloom? Where's Miss Portman and Mr. Nullings?" Miss Peregrine asked. Jacob spun around in time to spot Jane. She and Millard waved awkwardly back; both going very red. (Well, assuming Millard went red...)
"Jane? What are you doing here?" Jacob asked, assuming the role of elder brother.
"The same could be asked of you." Jane replied coolly. She saw Horace biting his lip. She guessed, it was from trying not to laugh.
"Miss Peregrine when were you going to tell me?" Jacob asked, looking furious. Here we go... thought Jane
"So instead you tried to seduce me with food and fun and girls while keeping a bad things a secret?"
Before Emma could answer, Jane cut in.
"Really, Jacob?! I'd like to hit you with a brick!" She was becoming oddly protective of her friends.
"Jane!" Millard and Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "Be polite." Millard hissed yet again.
"Well, alright, I'd like to acquaint your face with a material used for building walls, Jacob. Repeatedly."
"Excuse me for a moment, Miss Peregrine." Millard said, and brought Emma along. As soon as they thought they were out of earshot, the two of them burst out into uproarious laughter. They were back a few minutes later.
As Jacob, Jane, Emma, and Millard left the room, Jane whispered to Jacob.
"There was no need to be so rude back there, and temperamental. I mean honestly-"
"You already knew, didn't you."
"Maybe." Jane allotted slyly.
"Miss Portman! A word!" Miss Peregrine called.
"See ya!" Jane called over her shoulder to Jacob. Millard, Jacob, and Emma watched her go.
"What now?" grumbled Jacob.
"I don't have the slightest clue," Millard answered; his hat giving away the fact that he was still looking over his shoulder. Jacob duly noted this. Most times, a guy didn't give a second thought to his sister. Or him. He wasn't sure what to think if... if...
On second thought, he'd rather not think about it.
Jane snuck up behind the small group, who seemed to be fixed in their own thoughts.
"BOO!" Jane yelled, scaring Jacob, and 'startling' Emma and Millard.
"JANE!" Jacob yelled in fright.
"JANE!" Emma yelled in startlement
"Jane!" Millard yelled, startled and, (could it be? Jacob wondered,) slight affection.
Emma, Millard, and Jane started to laugh.
"Not. Funny." Jacob complained, but then laughed himself.
AN: Sorry about the short chapter. I've got *procrastinated* summer homework. (UggggggggHHHHHHHHHHH) Hope you love it! <3 :) Hehe.
What bird would you like/ do you think Jane will be once she starts training? COMMENT BELOW!!! PLEASE!
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