The Story of the Younger Generation (of Portmans)
Umm so I'm very sorry I haven't let's get on with it?
OH and to make up for it...? IDK
By the wAy, I know that her and Millard's relationship isn't exactly...healthy...right now, but it will be soon..
TW because Evelyn somehow swears more than Jane and she was a very versitile five year old.
The group continued on and they were all faring well (save Jane, precariously slung over Millard's shoulder,) until.
That terrifying word, 'until'.
Until your father gets a job, you stay here.
Until I die, stay with me.
Until, until, until.
Until Jacob collapsed, holding his stomach, groaning terribly. His face contorted in pain, and his ears a bit red.
"Jake? You okay?" Jane asked as she made another bid for freedom. Jacob nodded, but Jane focused her mind upon his. He didn't seem to understand this wave of illness either. He stood, grunting, and they continued on.
"Mill, will you put me down nowww?" Jane asked. She hated sounding like a desperate four year-old, but her inconsiderate mouth still did. It'd been ten minutes so far, and Jane was thisclose to just going bird-form and blowing up the mountain. Preferably in that order.
"Not until Victor says I can," Millard reminded. "Can I?" he asked Victor, sighing.
"You can in two minutes," said Victor, sharing a secret grin with his twin.
As they walked on, all Evelyn and Victor could think about was their story...
When the two had been born, their mother had freaked. She could barely take care of one child, forget about two!
So she found a nice elderly couple to take care of her accidental children, leaving with them only kisses on their foreheads and a few photos of her and them as children.
"I love you," she'd whispered to them. "Know Mommy loves you." she then left.
She, of course, had no idea that A, the kids were peculiar, B, she'd left them with their paternal grandparents, and C...
Well, Evelyn only fingered the edge of her dress thinking about it, biting her lip and frowning.
Their mother ran off, never to be seen by the twins again.
Their grandfather built a hidden nursery, if you will, and as the two grew and grew, Abe taught them about everything peculiar. From loops to how to kill hollows, they were taught it all. Even though they were home-schooled, they were incredibly intelligent and still believed him.
A year before he died, he told the two that they weren't the only children their father had. They apparently had two older siblings: Jane and Jacob. They were peculiar, aand so were Evelyn and Victor.
Training began immediately. The goal? To find how they were peculiar.
Did they ever.
The first talent to be discovered was Victor's. He'd walked outside and found an injured lizard, which, due to his love of reptiles, he immediately began to play doctor with. What he didn't expect was for it to work. He immediately told Abe, and so the first talent was found.
The second talent to be found was Evelyn's. She had been stuffing atlases and dictionaries in her seven-year-old skinny jean pockets, in case she needed to prove Abe wrong. Unfortunately, she never got the chance to. All she was able to do was pull out the atlas, yell "That's where you're wrong, you fucking cunt-" before Abe asked her to please stop swearing, and he took the book out of her hand, and the whole story came tumbling out.
The third and shared talent of the younger set of twins was discovered at a Fry's check-out lane. Evelyn, Victor, and Abe were doing the normal food run. (Just the essentials and mounds of chocolate.)
There had been only one lane which was completly void of customers, and the man who was the cashier there called out to them.
"Hey! I'm open!" He called, to which Evelyn and Victor smiled and ran over with their overflowing cart.
"Hello, Mister!" Evelyn said in response. Abe looked at her with a strange look on his face, but didn't say anything.
Evelyn and the cashier kept chatting as the check-out ran. Abe payed the guy, and as soon as they were home, he pulled out several books and asked Evelyn to please read them with Victor.
Evelyn and Victor spent the next three days reading aloud to Abe as they figured out that that wasn't normal at all.
Evelyn and Victor were able to speak millions of languages. Spanish, French, Hungarian, Peculiar...
The only one they couldn't test was Hollow speak, which they highly doubted.
They were snapped out of their thinking when Jane was off of Millard's shoulder in a flash, and she got sick off the edge.
"Never again," Jane muttered as she gagged again.
The children took a long break as Jane's stomach settled, and in the middle of it, Jacob got sick himself before he looked up, his eyes wide with fear.
"What?" Jane asked, her eyebrows furrowed before she decided to look into his mind and- "Holy shit, we have to run. Now."
"Language, Jane!" Bronwyn said, her tone flat.
"HakddaskhadHKDKFJKLCJLKJK--HOLLOW!" Jane yelled, yet again showing off her excellent English skills. Horace screamed, and they were all off; running up the mountain.
OOF cliffhanger??
Also I've been having really bad writers block forgive me...
Please don't hate me.
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