The Mission
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Dear Lord.
A team was assembled. Emma, Jacob, Bronwyn, Jane, Millard, and Enoch were to go to the fishmonger's.
Jane politely nodded and smiled all through dinner, but she hardly ate a thing.
"Miss Portman?" asked Miss Peregrine suddenly.
"Y-yes, Miss Peregrine?"
"Why aren't you eating?"
"Well... I guess you could say... I'm eating like a bird." she grinned at her pun. Everybody groaned, and Jane burst out into laughter. Her face turned red as she giggled, out of air. She then took a bite out of her chicken. She sat in thought.
"Miss P?"
"Yes, Jane?"
"If I eat this chicken, does this make me a cannibal? Or something like that? I mean, they are birds."
Jacob kicked her under the table.
Miss Peregrine raised her eyebrows. Enoch suppressed his grin via his napkin. Emma shot Jane a confused look. Jane could feel Millard smile, then she could sense him thinking.
"No, Miss Portman, unless you are Miss Chicken. I believe her loop is placed upon an odious farm."
"Is there a Miss-" Jane began. Miss Peregrine gave her a look that read; 'Do not test my patience any longer.' Jane smiled innocently.
Jane crawled out of the vent and crouched down low.
"You look utterly ridiculous, you know that, right?" Enoch intoned. Jane shot him a nasty look, but still got up. Olive stood at the edge of the roof, grinning.
"Who's up for a game of parachute?" she asked.
"Me!" Jane said goofily, trying to make the others laugh. However, it became clear that she knew how to play. She bear-hugged Olive, and they leapt over the side.
As Jane let go, Olive rocketed up.
"Wheeeeee!" she giggled. Jane thought to herself,
If I could freeze a moment in time, one moment to take with me, she thought, what would it be?
Millard came down next, Jacob still uncertain. Millard wobbled slightly, as Jane could see via the grass.
"You okay?" Jane asked.
"I believe so, yes." Millard affirmed.
Jacob came next, squirming all the while. Jane smiled, as she liked to see him uncomfortable. Emma came next, unnerved. Enoch seemed to weigh Olive down a little more, as he was slightly larger. He fell, and Emma suppressed a smile. Bronwyn came down, jumping down.
"Bye Olive!" They whispered, and Adam waved somberly.
Enoch tossed a sheep's heart at Jane.
"Take these. I ain't carrying them all."
"Here." Jane breathed, facing Martin. She felt somber, seeing this again. Enoch got to work, kneeling over Martin. Jane looked away. She took slight notice when Jacob knelt in front of Martin, listening to him.
She saw a figure in the dark hallway.
"Not now, Jane."
"Jane, not now."
"Jake. Yes now." Jacob whipped around, and saw the figure.
"Why, hello there." the wight grinned evilly.
---------------------(I'm sorry for this time skip, I'm really lazy, and I need to hurry!)
The wight departed, and left the hollow. Jane knew what she had to do.
"Hey! You! Fish face!" she threw a fish at the hollow. A bucket knocked over.
"There's nothing rich folks love more, than going downtown and slumming' it with the poor!" she rapped, jumping up and down, distracting it.
"Oh my god, Jane..." Jacob murmured, shaking his head. Jane'd always loved Hamilton. Emma, Enoch, and Bronwyn stood, eyes wide, as Jane danced ridiculously, winning the hollow's attention, rapping about the 'Skyler Sisters', when suddenly, Emma realized it was the Schuyler sisters.
Suddenly, Jane changed songs.
"This girl is on fire!" she sang, looking at Emma. Emma nodded, and set the hollow afire.
It let out a loud, terrible, inhuman, scream. It seemed to whip towards Emma, but Jane came to the rescue, because, at this point, we all know Jane needs to go outside more.
"GOT ANY GRAPES?!" she shouted, as Jacob tried not to laugh, even during such a serious scenario.
Jane was probably the strangest child ever.
The hollow struck, but Jane lept gracefully out of the way.
It seemed like something was taking over her, as she flipped and landed out of the way of the hollow, singing all the while.
"How can you rewrite the stars?"
"Never enough! Never, never!"
"Shut up and dance with me!"
"Hey Jude..." she seemed to never stop.
"GO!" she shouted suddenly, leaping out of the way as the hollow flipped over the tub of fish. They raced out. Bronwyn smashed the house down. They stood, laughing.
"Got any grapes?" Jane joked to Jacob, hysterically giggling.
"C'mon, we've got to go!"
-----------------(Mini Time Skip, sorry, no time.)
Someone shouted Run! But they already were. Jane screamed as Bronwyn slipped, and hoisted her up. They kept on running.
Jane turned around, and saw that Emma and Jacob were off, distracting the hollow and buying them time.
"Oof. We can stop now." she told Bronwyn and Enoch, and explained to them where Jacob and Emma were.
Suddenly, a voice rang out.
"Jane? Is that you?" A young girl, fourteen at most, was standing there. Jane's voice caught.
"It is you!" the girl cried, and hugged Jane.
This girl...
looked exactly like Jane.
Who is this new OG character?! I decided to add a new one, for fun/ to celebrate...
I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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