The Flour Fight
Jane jumped down the stairs, in search of where Millard might be. Instead, she found Miss Peregrine.
"In search of Mr. Nullings?" she asked.
"Er- yes. Oh- and I have another question. When will training start? And who am I allowed to tell?" Miss Peregrine smiled.
"That was two, Miss Portman. However, We will start soon with your training. Perhaps tomorrow. As for telling people," she straightened, "I believe you could tell Mr. Nullings. But, I will ask if you could do it away from... prying eyes and ears here at this house, and let him know that he is to be absolutely the only one to know." she winked, and disappeared.
Jane, with reinforced vigor, bounded down the stairs. Where was Millard? Oh, well. Suddenly, Jane got the great idea to make a cake, as a thank you. Surely, Miss Peregrine wouldn't mind. Jane got out the ingredients. Eggs, sugar, powdered sugar and- flour. (AN: I have no idea how to make a cake from scratch. Bear with me.) Jane stood on her tip-toes, and grabbed the flour. She turned around, and- WHAM! Straight into Millard. The lid flew off, and both were covered with flour. "What are you doing?" They asked each other immediately.
"Jinx!" Jane shouted.
"What?" Millard asked, tilting his now slightly visible head like a puppy's when they're confused.
"Um... Never mind. But why were you hovering over me like that?"
"Well, why were you getting out cooking materials?"
"To..." Jane saw an opportunity, and took it. "Do this!" she flung flour at Millard, who returned the favor. Soon, a flour war broke out. Most of the children came to watch as Millard and Jane hurled flour, and soon, other dry ingredients, at each other like small children, giggling, laughing, and shrieking. Finally, Jane took a handful of sugar and put it into Millard's hair, making sure it got in there, ruffling his hair the meanwhile, while standing on a chair. Millard took her by the waist and flipped her over, and the laughter by the two of them and the rest of the children, now including Jacob, Emma, Bronwyn, Olive, Claire, Enoch, Hugh, and Fiona, filled the house. So what do you expect they did? The rest of the children joined them. Soon, Fiona was quietly sprinkling sugar on Hugh's head, while Enoch grabbed the eggs and started to chuck them at everyone within throwing distance, often with an attached homonoculi. Horace snuck up behind him, and poured milk on his head. Emma was throwing cane sugar in Jacob's face, while Jacob tried to see, and ended up slopping her with Vegetable Oil, which made the floor slippery, while Bronwyn, like a mother would do, was keeping Claire and Olive away until she flat out gave up, and joined Enoch's ranks. Olive poured flour on the people below like snow, which made it all the better that you couldn't see one another. Millard and Jane were constantly teaming up, or going at each other. With Millard being just about fully visible. There was uproarious laughter, shrieking, shouting, chuckling, and giggling. No one noticed Miss Peregrine watching.
"What's going on here?" Miss Peregrine asked as she appeared out of nowhere. The whole room froze. No one spoke. Even the cloud from all the flour dropped suddenly.
"It's my fault, Miss Peregrine." Millard spoke, which shocked all of them. Millard wasn't one to take on the blame, especially when it was someone else's.
"No, No! It was my fault, Miss Peregrine. I started it. I meant to make a cake as a thank you, but... Well, you can see the result." Jane interjected. Indeed, she could. Millard was fully visible now, minus the finer details, Hugh could pass for Jack Frost if only because of his hair, while Fiona's dress and hair had either dirt or cane sugar all over her. Enoch had milk all over him, which resulted in powders sticking better to him, which they did. Horace had eggs all over his suit; in the reckless abandon, he'd forgotten about it, which was a hard task for anyone to get him to do. Emma looked oily and she had gotten a little cane sugar on her as well. Jacob, however, looked like a mud monster with all of the cane sugar on his face. Claire and Olive seemed to be untouched, but the same could not be said for Bronwyn. She had no eggs, luckily, but she was coated in powdered sugar. Jane was barely recognizable. Her tank top was stained with flour, eggs, powdered sugar, cane sugar, plain sugar, vegetable oil, milk, and somehow, frosting. She was extremely clean, compared to the floor, however.
"I see. Who was the first offence against?" Miss Peregrine said, impossible for even Jane to read.
"Millard, because I was startled when I bumped into him, and the lid of the flour fell off, and flour flew everywhere. I than threw some at him."
"I see. Would everyone please go take a bath, or shower while Mr. Nullings and Miss Portman clean up." Everyone obliged, looking back at Millard and Jane.
As everyone left, Jane asked, "Uh... Miss Peregrine? Do you have a... Swiffer or something?" Miss Peregrine turned.
"Although this Swiffer is from the future, and I don't normally allow my wards to use it..." she paused, "yes, of course."
"Well, I think that's it." Jane commented, looking at the now spotless floor.
"I think it is too." Millard said, heading to wash up.
"Here. Let me help you. I have to tell you something anyways." Jane said hurriedly, rushing after him.
Jane and Millard set to work cleaning Millard's face. Jane had taken it upon herself to do it herself.
"So?" Millard asked, wincing as Jane scrubbed. Amazing, she thought. You can actually see him wince.
"So what? Oh! Well, I need to talk to you. I could sneak out tonight and tell you... Miss Peregrine's asked me to. Well, not exactly like that, but-"
"I'll do it." Millard interrupted.
"Really. Now, Are you sure you don't need help with your face?"
"Well..." she glanced into the mirror. "I think I'll need a little help. Millard laughed.
"You'll need a little more than that."
"Oh yeah?" Jane splashed him.
"Sure." he said, coming closer. Jane leaned forward as well, captivated, before footsteps brought them back down to earth.
AN: Wow! We've got 1054 words! CELEBRATE!!!!! Also, please comment if you're liking this! Thank you!
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