The Fight
Hey, guys! Just wanted to make some announcements;
1. I have LOST my copy of Hollow City, so if something is off in the chain of events PLEASE let me know.
2. I have a lot of school work, and am being forced to do Seussical Jr. IT SUCKS!!
On with the show!
Once the duo had stopped laughing, the matter of 'what on Earth should they do as they are being confronted by a huge human-like statue' came to mind.
Jane studied the rock, and had a light-bulb moment.
"Simple! We've just got to hear what ol' Cuthbert wants to say!" she proclaimed, bouncing up on the balls of her feet.
"What! That's impossible," exclaimed Millard without thinking. The others fell silent. They never fathomed these two fighting.
Jane spoke again, seemingly looking into his eyes.
"Well, you're wrong on two accounts. Nothing is impossible-"
"I beg to differ."
"-They haven't met me yet. And, with finding stuff in the peculiar world, you've got to think illogically."
"Well, isn't that a step too far?!"
"Oh c'mon! Where's your sense of adventure?" her voice sounded excited, but you could hear Millard's frustration rising.
"In the wash, I'm afraid!" Millard barked. His shirt revealed that he was doing comical gestures, which would've been funny if he hadn't been fighting with Jane. "Besides, it's only a mere coincidence!"
"Coincidence my arse-" minus she didn't exactly say that-"it's a loop entrance!"
Everyone was staring at the quarreling couple.
"THAT MAKES NO SENSE!" Millard shouted.
"So says the invisible boy!" in a moment of haughty defiance, Jane grabbed Emma's hand and marched off with her-which wasn't easy to do with her ankle, mind you-towards the giant. They scurried up the rockish being faster than you'd believe.
"Jane, wait-" Millard called, but it was too late. The girls jumped in, leaving their boyfriends to scale the monument behind them.
"The things love makes you do," Evelyn mused.
"Ahhhh, to be young and in love," Victor sighed over the shoutings of Jane and Millard. The two chuckled.
"Emma!?" Jacob called.
"Jake it's a loop entrance!" she echoed back.
"Told you, M!" Jane cackled.
"Why are you shortening my name once again?" he sighed.
"Well, all right Millard Pride Nullings! What would you like me to call you!"
"How did you know my middle name?"
"Shot in the dark." (A/N: I looked it up, and his name is indeed Millard Pride Nullings.)
"Well, what are my options for a name you shall call me?"
"Oh, I've got a couple."
"Like what?"
"Oh, y'know, Nerd, Bookworm-"
"M is fine."
"Sounds good, Merlin."
"Will you NOT."
"No can do, Maleficent."
"Is she always this difficult?" Millard asked.
"Sometimes," Jacob admitted.
An indignant bubbling sound came, which probably meant something along the lines of 'I heard that!'
Which left Millard to wonder...
What was Maleficent?
As they came through the loop, something changed on Jane.
Her hair slowly turned red, like ash was washing out of her natural hair. Her eyes grew to be greener, like a forest on a spring day. It was slow at first, but then all at once. It glowed, and her skin seemed to radiate with health. She didn't seem to notice everyone gawking at her as her hair rose of it's own accord then lowered. Instead, when her hair seemed to sway in the unseen breeze, she sneezed. Her eyes reopened, and they were an emerald green.
No one said anything, and Jane suspected nothing.
As Millard came through, Jane and Millard nodded at each other, which was either "We'll talk later" or "It's okay; all is forgiven."
Jane was leaning towards the latter.
As Jacob came through, Jane crossed over to him and punched him in the arm.
"Hey!" he said, wincing.
"'Sometimes.' Typical." she murmured, and they both broke into identical twins.
Okay, so I'm not sure if there is a scene in between then and here, so here we are. In short, they are inching up the cliff wall thingie.
"Hey, Jake?" asked Jane.
"Remember when we got those rock-climbing lessons?"
"Shut up," he said, blushing slightly.
"It's coming in useful, huh?"
"More than the horse-riding lessons you took!"
"I tried to get you to join in, but no! 'Horses are terrifying beasts' 'If you aren't careful, you're going to get yourself killed'!"
"Really?" asked Enoch, who seemed too interested into this conversation for his own good.
"Oh, yeah. I remember him clinging to mom and telling me I was gonna die-"
"Did not!"
"Actually, you did."
"Well, you could've."
"Well, then. Excuse me for saying this, but you're gonna die if-"
"No one's going to die!" Jacob barked.
"Don't tell me what to do."
Everyone stared.
"Besides, I probably will if we don't reach the top soon," Jane complained.
"Yes. What are you-"
"Race you!" Jacob shouted, seeing as they were the first two.
"Hey, no-" Jane was interrupted by her sinkage to the ground, and nearly falling off if it hadn't been for Jacob's reflexes.
It was dark, and a red-haired woman floated in the black again, but this time, she was thinking.
Thinking about an offer.
The scene changed, and a wild looking red-haired girl stood in a deserted area, while being pursued by two police men. Her eyes were black as the night, and her teeth dripped blood. She turns, and screams a terrible, earth-shattering scream. Her mouth released a dark smoke, which encircled her like a protective bubble. It rounded around her head like a wreath, and suddenly, it imploded. It stretched out towards the two men, killing them before their bodies hit the floor.
She collapses, and a dark-haired boy runs to her. The image washes away with the rolling cloud.
"Now, here, children, is the loop in Cuthbert," an old man is saying. Two small children stand next to him on chairs. The little girl wore a ballooning pink dress with a bright bow in back, while the boy wore a dinosaur t-shirt. He was distracted by the swirling colors of the nursery floor.
"Gojenie! Are you paying attention?" the boy nodded enthusiastically, and the girl lowered herself from the chair. "Kwiat! You too!" he laughed. She giggled, and he chased her, while she chased the small boy. The happy trio faded into familiar-looking trees of a forest. Two teenagers stood, looking off into it's depths. They both wore shirts with the words "Smart-Aid" embroidered on it's front, and slacks. The girl seemed to shrink inside hers, while the boy noticed nothing, and had a look of general confusion on his face. The wind rustled her hair, and it tumbled over her shoulder.
"Jake, are you sure about this?" the girl asked anxiously.
"When have I ever been?" the boy replies, and the girl punches his arm. They edge into the forest of trees, and pass into a clearing.
An old man lies in the center, blood coating his skin and drenching his night-robe.
"Grandpa!" the girl yells, and forgets her discomfort. She charges up next to him, and the boy kneels down beside him. The girl gives a shout as the old man grabbed her wrist, and started to whisper in a grave voice...
As she listened, the boy saw something move in the underbrush and shouted. He grabbed her shoulder, and she saw it...
...A monster.
"Jane! Wake up!" Jacob is freaking out, and is shaking her like a rag doll in severe convulsions.
"Jake! Calm down!" Emma shouts. Jane coughs, and everyone is too relieved to see the mini cloud of smoke escape her.
"What are you all shouting about?" Jane inquires. Her voice sounds a bit funny.
Jacob freezes. "What'd you say?"
"What do you think,-"
"You're speaking Old Peculiar," Evelyn explained. Oh.
"Hey, guys, what's up?" Jane said, correcting herself by clearing her throat.
"You just had another vision," Jacob said.
"What?! No way! I had no idea! I thought it was just a normal dream," Jane said with as much sarcasm as she could muster.
"Well, what?"
"What was it of? What'd you see?"
"The night that our lives changed forever."
"Which was?"
"The night Grandpa died, dummy." Emma's eyes widened.
"Oh, and a girl with pure-black eyes, teeth dripping blood, and a tendency to release killing black smoke," Jane said casually. Horace slipped, and Enoch caught him from the behind in time so he didn't fall.
"WHAT?!" he shouted.
"Y'know, normal stuff."
"If that is your definition of normal, then I would not like to see you define 'strange'."
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