The Chapter in Which There Is Leadership and Cotton Eye Joe
When they awoke, Jane refused to get up.
"Jane?" Emma shook her.
"No, thanks," Jane mumbled sleepily.
"Jane!" Jacob shouted. Jane buried her face into Millard's borrowed jacket sleeve, while flipping him off with her other hand.
"Jane," Millard said worriedly. It's been two whole minutes.
"Go away." Jane grumbles, although she throws in more swear words than that.
"Please get up." Millard practically begs. He's getting impatient.
"I'm afraid I can't see what you mean, Mill." The entire group collectively groans.
"Too early for puns, Jane." Enoch says disapprovingly.
"Too early for me to get up, then." Jane says cheerfully.
"I've got this," Jacob says. "Free Pizza!" Jane bolts up, her now half-red hair flinging around her head.
She frowned at Jacob. "How many times have I told you to use 'Free books' instead?"
"Oh," She looks confused, then shrugs. Her eyes light the way they always do when she has an idea.
"What?" Millard asked.
"Olive, do you want me to do your hair?"
Olive claps her hands excitedly. "Yes, please!" She sits down in front of Jane, and Jane sets to work.
"While I'm doing this, how about the rest of you go off and look for some wood?"
"Why on-" Enoch starts, but Horace eagerly interrupted.
"We'll do it!" Jane raised an eyebrow, but nodded.
"Hugh, Fiona, could you look for food?" The duo nodded, and went off.
"Jacob, Emma...hmmm. Keep watch for a minute, would you?" Jacob opens his mouth to argue, but Emma takes his arm and drags him off.
"Millard, Evelyn. Take inventory, please. We need to know what we...well, need." Millard seems to want to protest, but finally follows bouncing Evelyn to do so.
"Victor, be a dear and take care of Claire, please." Claire had gotten sick in the night, and was kneeling in the corner. Victor smiled and edged carefully over to Claire. Jane tossed him some herbs, which he caught gracefully.
"Well, Olive! Your hair's done. And it looks mighty fine, too." Jane proclaimed. Olive's hair was fashioned into two big buns atop her head, so she looked like an adorable Minnie Mouse. Jane got up, wiping her hands on her pants.
"Let's go see what the others are doing, shall we?"
Horace and Enoch had long returned, and were talking at the moment. Jane saw that Enoch-the boy who found corpses fascinating- was smiling. Not only that, but allowing himself to grudgingly laugh from time to time. Jane looked down at Olive in surprise. Olive looked shocked for a moment, but then smiled, as if remembering something from decades ago.
"Enoch used to be like that all the time," she said wistfully.
"Like what?"
"Smiling. He...he stopped when Abe left, and then a week later, Victor died..."
"Were...were they close?"
"Best friends," Olive confirmed. "Horace came two weeks after Victor died. Enoch...well, they didn't hit it off in the beginning," she admitted. "Enoch threatened to run him through with a sword once or twice. And Horace stole his bloodiest shirts and tossed them out, replacing them with newer ones. That was pretty funny," she giggled. Jane could see all the years in her eyes. She'd spent bird-knows-how-long at the island...And seen people change, for better and for the worse. "One day, something...changed. They still argued, they still pulled stupid pranks and threats on and to each other, but they weren't as hostile towards each other anymore. Minus the one time Horace tried to 'tidy up' in Enoch's lab." she giggled again, reminding Jane that this wasn't a fifty-year-old woman she was talking to. This was an seventy-five-year-old girl. It was insane.
" know what's going on between then, correct?"
"Not in the slightest. Millard tried for years."
"And you still have no idea?"
"Yup!" Olive looked impatient to move on.
Millard and the rest came into the cave a few minutes later. Emma was a little pink, but that was nothing compared to Hugh and Fiona. They both had scarlet red faces and Fiona had a few more leaves in her hair. Jane believed that there was a bee as well, but she didn't press on for details.
"First, we should eat," Jane said slowly. She hadn't noticed, but she'd been taking her leadership at full force. "Then we'll talk strategy." She handed everyone some rations, and didn't touch hers until she saw that everyone had begun eating. She then took a small bite of her pepperonis.
"I'm still hungry," whined Claire. Jane hurriedly ripped some of her food off and handed it to Claire wordlessly.
After they all finished up, Hugh cleared his throat.
"Me and Fee saw water while we were looking for the berries," he announced. Everyone got into an argument as to whether it was the sea or not, while Jane listened.
"Would you mind showing us?" she asked.
"Sure," Hugh said shrugging.
They came upon a giant human-shaped rock.
"It's Cuthbert!" shouted Olive.
"No, it's Cotton-Eyed-Joe." Jane cracked.
She and Jacob glanced at each other and belted out, "If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eyed Joe, I'd been married long time ago! Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe?!" The twins fell over in laughter. The rest of the group stared.
"What's going on?" Emma whispered to Millard as Jane's face went cherry red with laughter.
Millard sighed. "I have no idea, but if I'm correct-" he sighed-"This is going to be one long trip."
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