The Boredom
The next morning, Jane wasn't even aroused by her father trying to wake her up. Jacob had known, for a fact, that she'd stayed a little bit later in order to train, he'd assumed.
For the most part, that was true. She'd trained, and started to learn how to create a loop. She'd been able to create a time loop so that she'd had another three hours of practice. She was nearly there on the turning-into-a-bird part, but not quite. Another day or two, at most, three, would do. Miss Peregrine'd decided to save the logistics for another time, so it was rather like telling her that two and two made four, promising to explain it later.
However, Jane thrived by being taught like this. Her mind didn't understand, but her soul- I mean, souls- understood.
"Jane." Jacob said softly, to wake her up. She groaned.
"Time to go to the house again." he reminded, and she scurried out faster than you could say 'Tokyo's got another dinosaur problem'.
Jacob was having a hard time deciding on if he should stay or go.
"You could spite Enoch." Jane pointed out, and promptly went to find Millard, only to crash into him.
"This is getting old, huh?" Jane asked him.
"Which part? That we're stuck in the house going stir-crazy? Or the part that you bump into me a little more often than everybody else?"
"Ummmm... both?"
"Not really," he said, helping Jane up, "the bumping into me part isn't that bad. You're fine."
"Thanks, Millard."
"Hey, I mean, you're my friend," Jane shot him a quizzical look. "Well, we haven't er... defined our relationship, so, uh..."
"Fair enough."
"Well, I don't know if you'd like to be my-"
"Of course I would! Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, I mean..." His coat indicated that he was gesturing toward himself, which of course, was quite see-through.
"I don't mind. It makes it better, actually."
"I like unpredictability sometimes. And you're the perfect balance." she stood on tip-toes and kissed his cheek.
"I'm soooooo bored." Claire complained.
"Me too!" Olive said from the ceiling.
"I've got an idea!" Jane bolted up, shouting.
"Shhhhhh." everyone whispered, though eager to hear what it was.
"What is it?" asked Hugh, wearily.
"Truth or Dare." she whispered back. That got everyone who'd not been interested interested.
"What about the little children? I mean, the younger ones?" whispered Bronwyn to Jane.
"What do you mean?" Jane whispered back.
"Well, I mean, it's kind of a kiss-and-tell game."
"Fair enough..."
"I'll take the younger ones and get them going, than maybe I'll join." Bronwyn whispered, going towards the smaller ones. (AN: Are there more than just the named characters? I hope so, 'cause otherwise, it's just Claire and Olive over there. Although, it might be fun... Hmmm...)
"Thanks, Bronwyn, you're the best."
"Please. Call me Wyn, Miss Jane."
"Alright, Wyn."
"Okay, thanks to Bronwyn's quick thinking, we'll be able to play truth or dare over here... without the younger ones, so that we won't have to play without the really interesting parts of Truth or Dare." The children looked confused, than one by one, theirs faces lit up with understanding. "Just nothing rated 'R', okay? I mean, really mature."
"Jacob! Truth or Dare?" Jane asked like a judge.
"Okay, Jacob. Here's my question: If you could bring someone in this room back to the present with you, who would you bring?"
"Including you?"
"Nah. You can't make me leave." There's laughter.
"Well, I guess..."
"Just pick Emma for crying out loud, and let's move on." Enoch murmured, to everyone's agreement.
"Well, fine. Emma." Jacob spat. "Horace. Truth or Dare?"
"What was your weirdest dream?"
"The one where I saw you and Emma-"
"OKAY! We've heard enough thank you, Horace." Jacob interrupted hurriedly, much to the laughter of everyone.
"Who would you like to choose, Horace?"
"Fine. Millard. Truth or Dare?"
"Tr- Dare."
"I dare you to..." Horace scanned the room. His eyes landed on Jane.
"This is gonna be good." Bronwyn said, returning.
"Millard! Put your arm around Jane for..." he thought for a moment. Then he smiled. "Until the end of the game." Jane's eyes widened, (you can assume Millard's did as well,) and they turned towards each other. Jane and Millard simultaneously shrugged. Millard did as asked, much to the enjoyment of the rest of the children.
"Enoch, Truth or Dare." he said, ignoring the hoots of the rest of the children.
"Dare." Enoch said indifferently.
"I dare you to kiss the girl you find prettiest," Everyone gasped with delight. Enoch seemed to go a little pale. Jane whispered to Millard. "Oh, alright. On the cheek." Enoch reconsidered, and knelt in front of-
Horace? The room went quiet.
"What?!" Hugh asked.
Jane knew when she saw a gay couple, and helped Enoch out. "Way to spite us, Enoch. See what he's doing? Double insult; calling Horace female, and not choosing a girl. Let him do it, though, I'd like to see this."
"Well, alright, Enoch. You win." Millard said, while pushing a note into Jane's pocket.
Enoch leaned forward, and kissed Horace's cheek. Everyone laughed, the awkwardness seeping out of the room.
"Hugh," said Enoch like nothing happened, "Truth or Dare?"
"Oh, c'mon..." Enoch grumbled.
"I still pick truth."
"Well, alright," Enoch said, still grumbling, "Is it true that you name all your bees?"
"Yes. Wait, no one knew that?" Hugh asked.
"No, not really, Hugh."
"Why do you do that, Hugh?" Hugh brushed off their complaints and turned to Emma.
"Truth or dare?"
"If you had to choose over Abe and Jacob, who would you choose?"
"Jake." Emma replies without batting an eye.
"Wyn. Truth or Dare?"
"Do twenty push-ups." Everyone looked at Emma, confused.
"Well, alright." Bronwyn said, going to the middle of the room. She did 20... 30...
"That's enough!" Emma said, stopping Bronwyn before she got to 50.
"Jane. Truth or Dare?" Bronwyn asked as she jumped up.
"Ummmm... Dare."
"I dare you to..." she thought for a moment. "Kiss Millard." Jacob choked. The shoulder thing was far enough!
"On... on the cheek, right? Right?" Jacob asked, to the surprise of the group. "She... she doesn't need to..."
"Let it go, Jake!" Jane said, slightly confused. She turned around, and kissed Millard, Which made all the children go wild. She turned back, towards Jacob.
"Jacob, I dare you to have Emma in your lap for ten whole minutes." Jacob sputtered.
"I have to choose-"
"Too late, mate." Hugh said, smiling. Emma rolled her eyes but complied.
"Fiona? Are you sure you don't want to play?" Bronwyn asked Fiona, who'd refused to play. Fiona shook her head.
"Well, Jane," Jacob said, moving Emma in his lap, "I return the favor. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Jane said, with a gleam of mischievousness in her eyes.
"I dare you to turn into your bird form."
"Alright, but I'll need to change into human again, so can you throw my clothes in the closet after? And can one of you shut it after I fly in? So I can change?"
"Of course." Millard said, with the others nodding in agreement.
"Here I go..." Jane said, flourishing her hands above her head like wings.
And she changed.
1222 words! And what bird will she turn into??????? Read the next part, coming soon! (AKA tomorrow, at the earliest.)
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