Tag # 18
If the person reading this have tagged me, do tell me please because I'm really sorry that I don't remember your username.
I love this one.
1. Who has been the most biggest influence in your life?
To be honest, it's my guy best friend. He changed me for the better AND for the worst. If I'm asked to give a tribute or a shout-out, he'll be the first one who'll come to my mind.
2. What kind of things really make you laugh?
Many things made me laugh before. I used to laugh at every single thing almost. Right now, goofy and silly and stupid stuff makes me laugh.
Oh, and fart jokes too.
3. What's your favorite place in the entire world?
It's my imagination.
4. Who is your best friend? What do you like about him/her?
Uh oh.
First comes LexiSeavey712 I love everything about her... Her giggles, the way she talks about her crush, the way she fangirls over wdw, the way she makes me laugh, the way we make food our priority, when she gets worried about me...and the list goes on.
About the other two girls...they listen to me and somehow have gotten close.
I always say that 'best friend' is just a stupid title. They are my life.
About my guy best friend...I love him. If it comes to me shedding every drop of my blood for him, I'd do that. He's the only person I had completely opened up to and he accepted me the way I am and loved and supported me. I'm thankful for that. There isn't anything about him that I don't like (except the fact that he's dense and doesn't understand deep shit). I love everything about him. The way he comforts me, tells me to hang on. The way he tells me to be selfish while I choose to be selfless all the way. The way he gets jealous that I talked to someone else and not him. The way he makes me cry. The way he asks me to call him because he wants to make sure I'm laughed at 3 in the morning. He was the first person whom I cried in front of and let him know my state (he heard me cry over the phone and I didn't stop. I kept crying and I hate crying in front of people. Only a few have seen me weep and nothing more than that. I 'cried' in front of him).
That's a hella long paragraph.
5. Favorite movie of all time? Why so?
Kung Fu Panda 2. It makes me laugh and there are so many things that are relatable. It makes me cry and laugh and I know the dialogues at the back of my hand.
6. What is the biggest goal in your life rn?
It's to make people laugh and smile as much as I can. I don't care if I'm down. I want my enemies to truly smile and laugh too.
7. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
Most people will say 'netflix and chill' but I don't have Netflix. I'd eat as much as I can and spend it with my friends or watch anime or read books.
8. Do you have any pet peeves?
Many, and the one I hate most is when a thing just rubs off of a wall or something rough and that sound...I hate it. It makes goosebumps pop on my skin.
9. What was your family like growing up?
I didn't have a very messed up childhood but yeah, it was messed up. I was a patient, calm and a savage kid. My parents fought a lot but that calmed down. We always had financial crisis but it's getting better now. We have a strong yet weak bond among us. Three years ago, something happened to me that changed my life for the better and for the worst. I used to have two guy friends and one of them liked me. I pushed him away and friendzoned him (basically siblingzoned him) and he started doing some bad things that I wanted to stop. I said that he's a good person and I like him but not that way and I'm not the type to date. On the way, I may have spilled some secrets. In my country, talking to a guy is like staining your respect with mud. My brother found out, and it was a mess. Till this day, he doesn't even talk normally to me. My family doesn't trust me. I have problems. They randomly blame me for many things even if it's not my fault. I'm an only sister, probably the only 'girl' (if you exclude my mom) in the family of five. My two brothers and I were born with a huge gap. One is 13 years older and the other is 10 years older than me. The one who is 10 years older than me doesn't talk to me. We had a strong bond. We fought like cats and dogs but loved each other deeply. Things were never the same and even if I dream of this thing when he supports me, I cry. Even now I have tears in my eyes. The oldest brother has issues that I don't want to discuss. I have this headache that hasn't left me yet and it has been 7 months and doctors can't find a reason for this headache. Despite this childhood, my guy best friend helped me a lot. My family doesn't know about him, and I'm happy for that. If I lost him, I'd never be the same. Ever. He got me out of all of this depression stuff and all and he's the last person I turn to. If he's gone, I don't know what I'd do, or how I'd live... because he's the person whom I'm living for.
That's my story.
10. What were you like as a kid?
Quiet, shy and a savage.
11. What should I know about you that I'd never think to ask about?
My walls.
Around my heart are seven walls and each of them has a gate. People are only allowed till the third wall. My two girls best friends are behind 4th. One has gotten through 5th and my guy best friend is stuck between 6th and 7th.
12. Do you have a nickname? What's the story behind it?
It's 'fairy' and I hate it. My name starts with 'f' and my family calls me this. Through them, it passed on to my friends and relatives and yeah.
13. Who is your fav school teacher?
No one. I don't socialize and neither do I have a fav.
14. Have you figured out your calling in life? If yes, then what is it?
"I live to help people live. I live to make them smile."
"If I die, I'll make sure the last thing I do is to make my loved ones smile and laugh because of me."
"Be original. If people don't like the original 'you' then stay away from them. They don't deserve you."
15. What do you hate most about the dating process?
I don't understand the concept of it. It's just a stupid title. Why date when you can be in love with your best friend and be inseparable that way.
I'm not the dating type. I'm the type to 'fall in love and stick to it' type.
Time for tagging:
And I'll keep tagging the rest along the way.
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