Test 2 pt.2
I got the man to the safe area. "He has hit his head on some falling rubble, he answers questions fluently but I believe he has fractured or broken his left leg. It was under the most rubble."
"Alright, take him to the area over there where he can be seen to." A girl with brown hair said after checking his condition.
I nodded and took him to the area, some other people came and took over. I went to go help some more people. As I reached a group of students there was a loud bang behind me. Everyone looked shocked and some people even scared. I ran over to Izuku.
"Huh what happened?" He asked.
"No idea," I replied.
"A villain has completed another large scale attack," the announcer said.
"Everyone this is part of the exam," Izuku said to Shindo.
"You think so?" He asked.
"That means," another girl said.
I gasped as I saw Gang Orca, who was obviously posing as the villain.
"Tell me wannabe hero's, can you rescue people and fight at the same time?" He asked.
"That's gang orca!" Izuku said.
I looked to him. "I think everyone gathered that."
His sidekicks began to run towards us.
"The terrorists have appeared and are beginning to sweep the area, hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the newly arrived villains." The announcer informed everyone.
Geez this is going to be tough. Dad told me years ago that this is hard, even for a pro hero.
"Now, how will you react? Will you fight or protect? Help or run away? What would a hero do?" Gang orca asked.
I looked to him with a determined face, they were running right at us.
"Get everyone to safety!" Shindo yelled.
"Shindo Wait!" Izuku yelled after him.
"Do it!get them as far away from the villains as possible!" He yelled still running towards the villains.
"Right!" Izuku yelled running back to the injured people.
"I'll start hammering away at the henchman at one second intervals," Shindo said putting his hands on the ground.
He caused the ground to break underneath the henchman.
"Weren't expecting that," you could basically hear the smirk plastered on Shindo's face as he said that.
Gang Orca jumped in front of him and used a large attack blowing him away.
Super sonic speed!
I ran to Shindo and caught him before he hit his head on the ground. Shindo was paralysed from the sonic sound wave gang orca produced.
"A single rear guard to hold us back? You've underestimated me," gang orca said.
He started to walk towards me and Shindo, he went to do the same attack. Before he could hit me there was a blast of ice. I turned to see Todoroki.
"Todoroki!" I yelled.
I heard some others from the class arrive, I took Shindo and moved him to another area. I stood up straight and glared at gang orca. Todoroki kept sending ice to gang orca and froze some of the henchman feet to the ground. The was a strong blast of wind as Yoarashi came flying down.
"IM GONNA BLOW YOU EVIL DOERS AWAY!" He yelled sending a blast of wind their way.
I turned behind me to see everyone escorting the people away.
"I'll be here as back up!" I yelled to the group.
I saw Mina and Izuku nod. I turned back to the villains and saw one of the henchman running my way. I smirked and ran towards them, I jumped and used an explosion to get myself higher in the air. I held my hand out to them and set of an explosion blowing them away.
I looked to see Todoroki sending fire gang orcas way. I sighed in disappointment to see Yoarashi sending wind his way. Their powers collided causing them both to miss gang orca completely.
You've got to be kidding me right now!
"Huh where are they aiming?" One of the henchman asked.
I rolled my eyes and teleported behind him. I hit his neck on the nerve causing him to go unconscious.
I noticed Yoarashi and Todoroki yelling at each other.
"Oh my god I don't need to listen to this right now," I muttered to myself.
"What?why would I do something like that?" Todoroki yelled.
"Why wouldn't you!? Hatred sin your blood! You are Endeavor's son!" Yoarashi yelled back.
Todoroki glared at him. "What the hell has been up with you this whole time? My old mans got nothin to d-" Todoroki was hit with something that looked like cement.
"Like my cement gun? Good luck trying to move when that hardens up!" One of the henchman yelled.
They have cement guns! Cool but annoying at the same time.
"This is outrageous I can believe you're arguing," Gang Orca sighed.
The henchman all started shooting at Yoarashi and Todoroki. Todoroki blocked the cement with ice and Yoarashi moved out the way in the air.
I created a dart gun, the darts were coated with a poison that would knock someone out for a few hours.
I closed one eye and aimed. The quirk aim allowed me to see all the outcomes of each shot and which one would be better. I shot one of the henchman and he fell to the floor unconscious. A henchman noticed this and shot cement at me. I teleported out the way, I didn't notice that Shindo was in the open until the henchman shot cement his way. I jumped in the way and cement covered my waist.
Great now I won't be able to move correctly. It was worth saving someone though.
I saw Todoroki send flames again. Yoarashi sent wind. The same thing happened with their attack but there was one thing. The flames were headed right for me and him, we were screwed. I could barely move and he was still mostly paralysed. We stared at the flames in shock and horror waiting to be incinerated.
It can't end like this!
I closed my eyes and focused on my Teleportation quirk.
Shit, shit, shit! I can't use it yet!
I felt myself get pulled as I saw Izuku grab both Shindo and I.
"DAMN IT! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Izuku yelled at both Todoroki and Yoarashi.
Izuku fell to the ground with both of us. The cement was practically dry now so I was completely immobilised. I could still move my arms and legs but I was useless with out my waist.
"Thanks Izuku," I chuckled.
"No problem, I wouldn't have needed to save you both if Todoroki and Yoarashi focused." He replied.
"Thanks for sacrificing yourself back there too," Shindo muttered out.
I smiled. "No problem."
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