Random day...
"Is what we heard about the U.S.J attack true?" Some news reporter asked.
I rolled my eyes. "What would that be?"
"That you are secretly All Mights daughter! Is that true???" She asked.
How the fuck did she hear that!?
I sighed. "Look I don't have time for all this, just leave me alone."
"But you never answered the question!" She mentioned.
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I didn't respond, I only teleported away to class. I walked into class and everyone looked at me. I ignored all the stares and sat in my seat.
"Did you see the news?" Denki asked.
I shook my head. "Nah."
He handed me his phone and I saw my face. I internally groaned as I read the head title.
'Is she really All Mights secret daughter?'
"H-how?" I asked.
Denki shrugged his shoulders and everyone went to sit down. I noticed Katsuki looking at me again but I didn't mind anymore. I'm pretty sure I'm his secret crush. Mr Aizawa started to talk once the class finally shut up.
"Students the fight isn't over yet," he announced.
"WHAT?!" The class shouted in unison.
"In a few weeks UA high will be holding the sports carnival," he continued.
"Gee thanks Mr Aizawa, you made us think it was bad!" Denki shouted.
I raised my hand slightly. "Are you sure we should hope the sports festival considering what just happened?"
He nodded. "It has been discussed a lot and we came to the conclusion of having higher security and having pro hero's act as security."
We all nodded and Mr Aizawa continued to talk about the sports carnival. Soon enough it was break time and before we could leave people were at the door.
"Ummm what's going on?" I asked.
"They're here to sus out the competition," Katsuki replied.
"So you all are the ones who faced the villains at the U.S.J attack yesterday?" A boy with purple hair and bags under his eyes said.
"And?" Katsuki asked annoyed at the crowd.
"Is it true on what the press has been saying?" A girl asked me.
"Uhhhh," I began.
"Are you really All Mights daughter!?" More people swarmed me.
I teleported just behind the crowd and everyone gasped.
Guess they didn't expect that.
Some people kept asking me questions and my class gasped and Tenya yelled at Katsuki. He obviously said something rude to the crowd and the purple hair boy, I think his name was Shinsou. The small crowd around me started to swarm me even more and I ran. Sadly they all started running after me too.
I turned down a corner and was pulled into a room.
"Huh? Where did she go?" Someone asked.
"She probably teleported," someone sighed.
Soon the crowd all left and I turned around to see Katsuki. I realised that he was holding on to me tightly and I felt myself blush.
"T-Thanks Kacchan," I smiled.
I noticed him let me go and blush a lot. "Y-your welcome."
There was an awkward silence before Katsuki cleated his throat.
"I'm sorry about last night," he looked down.
"It's fine, besides I think I know who your crush is."
"Y-you do?" He asked confused.
I nodded. "I'm pretty sure others think they do too, don't worry you can tell me. I won't tell anyone unless you want me to."
"I-it's you. You're my crush...." he looked everywhere but me.
I felt my cheeks heat up again. "I like you too!"
He smiled. "Y-you do?"
I nodded. "I like it when you are calm."
"Shut up," He grumbled.
I chuckled a bit. "Anyway let's get to class, break should be over soon."
He nodded and we silently walked to class. I was right, break was just about over. Most people were in class and it was no surprise that Iida was there too. Seriously he is super committed to school, it's insane! Soon our English teacher Present Mic walked into the class and we began to learn.
Time skip brought to you by Present Mic
Finally school was over and we all walked out of class. Seriously English was kinda boring, I knew most of the stuff anyway. I may not be the smartest person ever but I seriously love English unless I'm repeating stuff I already know.
"Hey Y/N wanna hang out?" Ochaco asked.
I smiled turning to face her. "Sure!"
We walked out of the building together and saw Izuku and Tenya. I waved to them and they walked over to us.
"Hey Y/N! H-hi Ochaco!" Izuku smiled.
I smirked. He likes her!
"So who wants to go to the arcade?" Ochaco asked.
I smiled. "Ain't saying no to the Arcade!"
"I'm sorry but I have to go home," Tenya apologised.
"I'll come along!" Izuku smiled.
"Okay, well see you at school tomorrow Tenya!" I smiled.
He smiled and waved before walking to the station to go home. Ochaco, Izuku and I walked to the Arcade to hang out. It was a pretty chill walk, we all got to know each other more and I'm even more certain that Izuku likes Ochaco. I think Ochaco might like Izuku too but I'm not too certain just yet.
"Ahh hey guys!" An all to familiar voice called out to us.
We all turned around and saw Kirishima and Katsuki.
"Hi!" I smiled waving to them.
"You heading to the Arcade too?" Ochaco asked.
Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, the Arcade is awesome. A great place to let off some steam!"
I nodded, agreeing with what he said. "Yeah I agree."
He smiled and we all walked the rest of the way there. It wasn't far, just about a block and a bit. We all walked in and checked out all the games. I saw a shooting game and put a coin in to play. It was multiplayer so Katsuki joined.
"We'll be somewhere in the Arcade, just look around for us after!" Ochaco smiled as the others walked off.
I nodded and waved before selecting a character. Katsuki selected the most intimidating looking character there was and the game began. We were on opposing teams and couldn't see the other screen. I found some CPU's and killed them easily. I was two points ahead of Katsuki's team and he didn't seem to pleased about it.
I hid in a bush as I saw his character and thought of a plan. I threw a shock grenade to stun his character as I then ran for a building. I grabbed my sniper and aimed for his character.
"Huh?" He was gone.
"Thought you could get a snipe kill on me huh?" He snickered, I think.
I quickly switched guns and aimed for his head, barely leaving time to see if I was on target. Thankfully years of practice with this game made me exceptional with aiming. I got a headshot kill and the time was up. My team won with 5 points in the lead.
"I would get mad but you're too cute," he smirked.
I blushed. "W-wha,"
He scruffled my hair a bit and smiled. "Stop blushing, you look like a fool."
I glared at him. "I would say the same thing you said, but it would be rude to lie."
"What did you say!?" He raised his voice.
"Woah calm down Bakugo," Kirishima chuckled.
I smiled and looked at the time. "I have to go, see you all at school tomorrow!"
"Okay bye!" Ochaco smiled.
I waved before teleporting home, only to see dad smirking at me.
"What?" I asked him confused.
"You like someone and I know who!" He smirked.
I blushed. "Pfft yeah right."
"It's Bakugo isn't it!" He smiled.
I blushed. "Shut up!"
He laughed before walking off somewhere in the house. I continued to blush as I went to my room to study and finish any homework I needed to get done. After that I would go and train after dinner and before bed.
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