Bianca Adams always had a thing for horses. How or why, this came to be is unclear though there was one moment in particular that left Bianca's family gob-smacked. Long before GPS and mobile devices became common place and while heading away down the country for a weekend break away, the Adams family, no not the one you are probably thinking of, became lost out on an out of the way stretch of road.
Now Bianca's addition to the family, when it came, was that of a welcomed surprise. There was a two-year gap between her older brother and sister and then an eight-year gap to her so on this particular trip, Bianca was only five years old. Her cute curly blonde hair, her cheerful smile and her constant curiosity always made her a joy to anyone who so happened to be in her company, and that curiosity of hers often was the brew to many a storm.
While mum and dad attempted to work out just where they were, and while big brother and sister moaned and tortured one another, Bianca managed to get out of the car and go for a little wander. Being out of the car and looking at a map, it would be mum who would notice that Bianca was not in the car where she should be. Telling the older two to behave brought about the question 'where is Bianca?'
No one knew where she was, panic quickly set in. The car had come to be at a halt to one side of a slim stone road. The whole surrounding area was countryside, fields galore with the odd tree here and there, a cottage or two, a barn and numerous clusters of animal activity. A small near-by stone wall is where Bianca had got herself past. Panic grew exponentially with the sight of little Bianca making her way towards a rather large horse.
'Oh my God, she'll be killed' were mum's first thoughts, in fact that would more or less have been everyone's thoughts.
Bianca's name would be called multiple times and a mad dash to get to her got underway though Bianca got to the horse long before anyone could get to her and a sight to behold would be clear for all to see, for the stallion was calm and relaxed and had no problem letting the young girl rub and pat it down. It was as if animal and child had been friends for an eternity and neither could ever cause the other harm in any way. A most amazing sight that demanded a whole lot of curiosity.
And so, a life-long passion had been set in motion. As time went on Bianca spent more and more time around horses. She would have an understand with and of them as thy would with her. When she came old enough, she would work stables and aid in the care of many a horse and a time would come where riding a horse would be second nature.
On one day in particular on the most elegant of creatures an understanding would become evident. Out riding, Bianca and one horse in particular roamed freely and jumped any obstacle to come their way with ease, catching many an eye in the process and so the suggestion would come, why not give her a try?
All parties would come to agreement. Bianca would be trained and would acquire all that is necessary for her to become a jockey. Oh, the joy, Bianca had found her calling. Race after race she would take part in, nothing major and nothing too difficult, small events with horses not expected to achieve much, though a victory or three did come as did some closely fought finishes and the question would come again, why not give her a try?
A stronger horse, a bigger race, a challenge to excite. A two-mile race over hurdles did not phaze her in anyway, this, this is what she was always meant to do. Over the first fence, horse and jockey looked strong and graceful. Over a second and a third and a lead of the race would be taken. Bianca's heart was racing just as much as she was, this was exhilarating. One fence to go and the challenge to go win the race was well and truly on.
Just as things seemed unstoppable, disaster hit. A fall at the last, accompanied by a kick from an on-coming horse. The race concluded and a jockey remained unmoved. The worst had been assumed. Rushed to hospital, and treated along the way, a recovery of sorts in time would be made.
Broken bones will heal, learning to walk once more would be a struggle, physical damage would be overcome, inside, that is where it hurt the most. Doctors, psychologists, nothing would heal her inner self like once again being in the company of horses. They had an understanding with her as she did with them.
The impossible happened. The road had been long and painful, but Bianca had refused to give in. She was back at what she was made for, back riding horses. What a sight it would be to see her on the back of a horse and gliding gracefully right by the stables she spent so many years coming to. The question once more would come, why not give her a try? Take the chance.
The chance indeed was taken, and Bianca would participate in the biggest event she had ever come to compete in. Horse and jockey became one, the biggest day of her life has got underway. Well and truly, she was back. Over one fence then another, there was absolutely nothing to fear. A lead had been taken, one more fence to negotiate, yeah there is nothing to fear at all. Taking the chance and literally running with it.
Glorious, exhilarating, heart pounding, taking flight ... take the chance ... take the chance ... and ...
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