Take care of what you do for in truth I am sent by God, and you have put yourself in grave danger.
The power of faith can drive people to do extraordinary things and where God's will is at work great things are possible. One thing that haunts me in particular is the thought of who is to say as to whom or what exactly God is? Who is to say exactly what quantifies as God's work? And at that, if there truly is a God, who is to say that such an entity was not behind it all to begin with? I don't know. What I do know is that I battle constantly with my own thoughts. With what I do personally, am I doing the right thing? Only Heaven knows, or does it?
But imagine being a student of history all through your youth only to one day come to a point in your life where you find you had a great deal to do with one event in particular.
'God has sent me. I know what I must do, let me do it.'
Those are words of a young lady, lost to time, lost to belief, lost to an altered history.
Faith or fate, what I am about to tell you, if you trust it and believe in it as truth, may have you question either or both. Then again it may strengthen your belief in one and or the other.
You know, another thing that sometimes gets me is that when I was a young boy, no more than knee high to a grasshopper, my grandmother said something to me which has always stayed with me. She told me 'time is not to be messed with; it can come back and bite you in the ass'. Did she know something? Or was she just a crazy old lady with too much time on her own hands?
Time, it is all about time. The present, the past, and the path the future is set to walk. You may not believe me if I were to tell you that it is all interchangeable. I know this more than most for time is what I work at. It is what I do, and it is how I earn a living.
In a way I am unique and so too of course is my job. Time is so much more than something which ticks away as we move forward, it is as I say my job, my career and it is my life.
History has gone off track. It turned left when it should have gone right. It is being molded, sculpted by the present and by the future so that it may be what it always was meant to be. There have been a large number of major event time infractions, so I have been told, unforeseen alterations resulting from correction, and I am the one to set some of these things right.
Why me? I am the one of only a few who can successfully move through time ... physically ... and this is something with which I have also been told.
As far as mentally goes, well so far so good. I have yet to suffer any mental effects from travelling through time. If there were effects mentally, would I even be aware of it? Good thing from the mental side too is for where I cannot go physically, I can go mentally and even verbally. Yeah, you read that right, I did say verbally.
Confused yet? Well let me try sort that out for you.
You see I am a time officer at the UTWA, the Universal Time Watch Agency. They employ me to do very specific time altering tasks. Time travel is very possible, and it happens more often than what those I work for like to admit. I have travelled in time physically on three separate occasions to date, all to settle in on tackling some of these time infractions and each of those three occasions have been a success as in I achieved what I had set out to achieve.
'Time travel, yeah right', you may think. 'Go pull the other one.'
If you can assume for story telling purposes that time travel is real, then after reading all that is here, you may have one or two interesting things to consider within the realm of actual reality. For each of those first three afore mentioned times I travelled, I had been sent through time to retrieve items from the past, items that do not belong there and each time I have returned successfully, righting something which went off track, or so is what had been thought.
It is their testing that has messed things up, sending people and things to times and places where they do not belong and as I said it is up to me to set things right. Sending someone, the wrong someone, to simply observe a moment from the past, can create moments that are serious pains in the ass. Therefore, as I have also said already, I have travelled through time successfully three times. I have done the job I was asked, and I returned well both physically and mentally but what cannot be known one hundred percent is the effects my presence in time have had.
Others have travelled before me though none have done so anywhere near as well as I have. I have seen the effects time travel had on these people, severe weight loss, physical change, sickness, limb shortening, and so many other unforeseen alterations. Those, who returned physically as well as what they were when they had departed, have not been able to handle the mental effects that time travel can endure.
The ins and outs of time travel, how it is possible and why it is being tested on at all can be left for discussion for another time but right now I have my first major mission to discuss right here. It is for my own sanity and understanding that I write here, a record of things so to speak, an attempt at some kind of reasoning, and understanding.
First of all, I must make it clear what has already been said that this is a job for me. I am not in charge, and I do not make the decisions on the what, when, where and how. The decisions I do make relate to the specific job I have been assigned and sent to do. The when, where and to do what, well this is what the computer program known as 'Zaragoza' looks after.
The UTWA created this program to track their work and the effects it has on history. Their work and therefore my work has indeed caused the infractions in time. The program finds the infractions, the unwanted unforeseen events which arise from alterations in time. My bosses then decide the importance of the events which need to be fixed, and after that I get to work once more.
I have a handheld device to guide me on my physical journeys through time though to fix this particular infraction I did not need to physically go anywhere. This handheld device though, when I need it, will have a constant connection to the present and will aid me in making the decisions I need to make for the past. It will also provide connections to historians with whom I will be able to connect with while I am in the past. I guess in a way I am like both Doctor Samuel Beckett and Al with Ziggy rolled into one major Quantum Leap through time.
Right before I go any further, let me introduce myself. It is at least a little bit rude of me to come so far without offering an introduction. My name is Oliver Jackson; those who know me call me Ollie. The number twenty-three is an important number to me for I am currently twenty-three years old. I was born on the second day of the third month of 2323.
Experimenting with time is dangerous and we are only beginning to see how dangerous it really is. Minor changes can have devastating effects. They are having devastating effects. My bosses have screwed up and guess who has to fix it? I had my first-time infraction to fix. I can't say I totally understand it all and to be honest, it really is messing my head up.
It may just mess with yours too.
Are you aware of the person in time known as Jeanne d'Arc or Joan of Arc? Well, if you do then you do not know the real story and if you do not know anything at all about her then are you ready for a bit of a history lesson that no history book could entirely tell?
There is a little thing in time known as the Hundred Years' War. It occurred between the French and the English, and it was a young lady who brought it all to an end, with a little help from ... well ... me.
History reports that Joan of Arc, acting under divine guidance, and after convincing those in power, led a French army to victory over the English during said war. I am and was that divine guidance though I never declared myself as anything divine at all. She assumed that I was or am to some extent ... God ... and she refused to accept anything else as truth.
That first full-time infraction I was assigned to had me set Joan on a course to which my bosses say was and is destiny ... hers and mine.
Joan was born in Domrémy-la-Pucelle, France in 1412 and travelling physically back that far in time is an impossibility, even for me, however, there is the capacity for me to send my voice. Joan was thirteen years old when she first heard my voice. Despite what I told her, she indeed believed she could hear the voice of God. Just connecting with someone that far back just astounds me.
Physically I can go back so far before things get, let's say just a little bit difficult. Those I work for are working on ways of stretching how far I can go through time. My voice, of course, can be projected so much further back than what my physical being can go and Joan just so happens to be one of those people in time who is capable of receiving any voice projection I can send her way.
The history of the world prior to my involvement had no mention of any such lady as Joan of Arc, despite my own belief that it always had. How exactly that computer program found Joan and decided what needed to be done is something I guess only my bosses know and understand. There may be some connection too with people like myself, but I don't dwell, I just get on with things.
The war which is now known as The Hundred Years War had actually gone on for closer to two hundred years and trust me; you do not need to know its outcome or all of its ins and outs. Say to say the original and new outcomes are very different ... apparently.
Kinda funny all this in a way, I have this vague recollection that my grandmother was a fan of a lady known as Joan of Arc. Gran, strange how things do come around? Perhaps whatever power that guides my gift may live within my gran too. For otherwise, surely, she would have needed the new timeline to know anything of Joan, time really is such a strange thing.
Prior to there being any change, Joan lived a quiet life; she lived to be eighty-three years old. She did not marry, and she did not have any children. This is one thing I am grateful for. I know my involvement in all this has not erased any child she may have had. With Change however Joan died aged just nineteen years old.
How am I to live with that? I have knocked sixty-four years off her life by involving myself with history. And having talked to her on more than a few occasions I feel as I know her, at least to some degree I guess I do, so yeah, I actually mourn her passing.
'I am not afraid ... I was born to do this.'
This quote of hers does help put my mind at ease to a certain degree but still, she died so young. She really thought she was doing God's will; does she stand with him now? Did she stand with him way back when?
She was determined, she was a fighter, a warrior and now she will forever be so much more. Projecting my voice through time I connected with Joan. It was a twelve-hour shift for me but that shift connected with Joan over six years of her life though there were other shifts prior to and post that shift which needed to bring things full circle. I told her what she needed to know and what she needed to do and say, and she did it willingly.
With knowledge of impending events that I gave her, she was convinced and became convincing, very convincing. She was a warrior and now her place in history is secure. Those she needed to connect with had proof to some degree via the information I provided that she was a messenger of God.
So, knowing all this and so much more, I have to ask myself, is time really gonna come round and bite me in the ass? I am not The God; I am not A God. Was Joan of Arc doing God's work? Am I doing God's work? I guess that is something that only Heaven knows or maybe God himself.
Wanna know more about Joan of Arc? History is not difficult to find but knowing my story, whether you believe it or not, may have you viewing written history, Joan's history in a different light. What I wonder now is, what lays ahead, or behind, for me and others who do not live in the same present as I do?
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