Day 19
Song: Baby It's Cold Outside
"What's good, nerd?" Draco asked as he slid into the seat next to Harry. "You still good for Hogsmeade today? We don't have to go if you don't feel up to it."
Harry smiled at him. "I'm excited. I think we'll have fun, I love the Three Broomsticks."
Draco seemed a little dazed after Harry smiled, but shook out of it and smiled back. "Yeah, me too."
Just before he walked away, he turned around with a little grin on his face. "You forgot unicorn tears again."
Harry caught the little bottle Draco tossed at him, and sure enough, when he added a drop, his potion turned lavender.
"How did you know that?" he asked, feeling strangely reminiscent of the last time they had done it, except last time Draco was staring at him because he wanted to apologize, what reason did he have now?
Draco gave him another little smile, raising one eyebrow. Something told Harry he was remembering the last time they had this conversation too.
"I may or may not have been watching you as you made it."
"Why? To apologize again?" Harry laughed. Draco just smirked.
"Nah, just 'cause you're cute," he replied with a wink.
Harry dropped the vial.
"We're finally here," Draco said dramatically as he pulled open the door to the Three Broomsticks for Harry to walk in.
"It's not my fault I had to stay after Potions! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
Draco laughed easily, the sound ringing through Harry's head like a melodic Christmas carol. "I told you you're cute, I think you're being a bit dramatic."
"Still stupid that you didn't help me clean up the unicorn tears," Harry mumbled. Draco just laughed again as they sat at a booth.
"Here you go," Madame Rosmerta said with an easy smile as she set down drinks.
"How did you know what we were going to order?" Draco asked in amazement.
"I'm psychic," she said, tapping her head.
As Draco gave her an amazed look, Harry snorted. "I just order the same thing every time."
"Shut up," she laughed, lightly hitting his shoulder.
"Don't be mean to me Rosie, I'm a paying customer," Harry mocked, sipping his drink.
"Call me Rosie again and you'll never be a customer again," she replied almost immediately. Draco snorted, taking a sip of his own drink. "Remember, I expect a tip, Potter."
"I'll stop calling you Rosie when you stop calling me Potter!" Harry shouted after her. He turned back to Draco with a grin.
"What are you gonna call me if I stop calling you Potter?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively as he took another sip.
Harry choked on his drink. Draco burst out laughing.
Harry coughed, wiping his mouth and glaring. "Idiot. You already stopped calling me Potter."
"Maybe I'll start again," Draco said thoughtfully, but started laughing again when Harry smacked his shoulder.
"Don't you dare."
"Can I call you daddy instead?" Draco asked with a wink.
Harry choked on his drink again. That's it, I'm not drinking while he talks anymore.
"I thought you're asexual?" he coughed, carefully setting down his glass.
"I am, I just enjoy watching your face go red when I say things like that," Draco replied cheerfully.
"You motherfucker," Harry hissed. He kicked Draco under the table. Draco jumped and squinted at him as Harry made an innocent face.
He glanced up as Ron, Blaise and Neville walked in. Blaise and Neville scooted into a booth and almost immediately started kissing. Ron scrunched up his nose and caught Harry's eye, walking over and giving him a one-armed hug.
"Hi, Harry. Hi, Draco."
"Hey, Ron!" Draco said cheerfully. "Wanna sit down?"
"Nah," Ron responded easily. "Don't wanna intrude on your date, I think I'm just gonna bug Rosmerta." He grinned and waved as he released Harry and walked over to the bar.
Harry was still bright red over the "date" comment. Draco looked like he was trying not to laugh.
"Don't worry, I know you're still upset about Elijah. I have no unholy intentions," Draco said, wiggling his eyebrows. If possible, Harry turned redder.
"Shut up," he mumbled. Draco laughed.
"Strange, the varying range of asexuality," the blonde then murmured, looking over at Ron. "Ron feels uncomfortable with interactions that go further than hugging or light flirting, and Lovegood has sex with Ginny just to please her because she loves her. They're like opposite ends of the same spectrum."
"Where do you fall on it?" Harry asked, eyes focused on the grey irises now staring right back at him.
"I'm comfortable with flirting and most forms of physical touch, but I don't find myself sexually attracted to anyone. I don't even have a desire to have sex. I know some asexual people enjoy the physical act of sex even without the actual sexual attraction part, but I don't think that's me. I just don't see the appeal, I feel no urge to do so. I might, at some point in the future, try it, but as of right now, a purely romantic bond is all I really want to look for."
"What about kissing?" Harry asked softly.
Draco smiled softly. "I think kissing is a romantic show of attraction, not sexual. I'm perfectly comfortable with kissing others romantically."
That sentence sent the butterflies in Harry's stomach flying. "You said most forms of physical touch... what are you not comfortable with? I just want to make sure if I touch your arm or something, I don't make you uncomfortable."
Draco's smile widened at that, and he looked genuinely touched that Harry had considered that. "I'm not comfortable with being touched down... there, obviously. I don't particularly like people touching my neck, it feels invasive. Or inner thigh, or really my legs at all to be honest."
Harry nodded. "So arms are okay, hugs are okay, stuff like that?" he asked. Draco nodded.
They sat in comfortable silence, sipping their drinks for a while before Draco spoke again.
"Are you playing Quidditch this year?"
"Yeah, you?"
Draco shook his head, setting down his empty glass. "Nah, I'd rather watch. You'll probably dominate everyone, Gryffindor's star Seeker, though."
"Actually, I'm playing Chaser this year. Eighth Years aren't allowed to play Seeker."
"That's probably fair, you're too good," Draco responded with a grin.
Harry smiled back and decided Elijah really hadn't ever been anything compared to the beauty of Draco Malfoy.
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