Day 10
Song: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
"Good morning, motherfuckers," Pansy greeted as she sat down.
"Morning, Pansy," Hermione responded. Harry gave her a nod of response.
"I think we should do something, to celebrate December tenth."
Ron frowned. "What's so special about December tenth?"
Pansy sighed dramatically. "Many years ago, in the spring, two people were married. They were happy, joyful, elated. And they found out their world was about to get so much brighter. They-"
"This bitch was born," Draco cut in.
"She was born a drama queen," Blaise added, kissing Pansy's cheek.
Harry's eyes immediately darted over to Neville to see how he reacted to Blaise kissing someone else's cheek, expecting anger.
Instead, Neville was laughing at what Blaise had said. They hadn't stopped holding hands.
"Happy birthday, Pansy!" Hermione cheered, cutting off Harry's train of thought. The others mimicked the phrase, and Pansy beamed.
"I was thinking we could have a little party tonight," she said in a low, conspiratorial voice.
"Why are we whispering?" Hermione whispered.
"Because alcohol isn't allowed on grounds," Draco whispered back.
"What does that have to do- ohhhh." Hermione's eyes got wide and she grinned. "Awesome."
Pansy grinned wickedly, and Hermione seemed stunned by the sight.
"Meet you guys tonight. Bring drinks. Room of Requirement. Ten o'clock," Pansy whispered, and rushed off.
"I think I'm in love," Hermione whispered, seeming dizzy.
Harry caught Draco's eyes with a grin.
Me too.
"Truth or dare?"
Harry wondered how they ended up here. It had started with just a few drinks and sharing some stories, and now the group was sitting in a circle with a wand in the middle, Veritaserum slightly wearing off with the alcohol and far too much embarrassment from stupid dares already causing flushed faces.
Harry had a feeling Ginny shouldn't choose either, but she seemed to have no such fears when she leaned forward with challenge in her eyes and a matching evil grin and an answer of "Dare."
The gleam in Pansy's eyes was Ginny's only warning that she'd made a mistake before Pansy replied, "Kiss Snape."
Ginny's black-coated lips fell open in shock and horror as Ron made a sound similar to a dying goose.
"You can't be serious," Ginny replied. "That's suicide!"
"Then it's time to die, baby," Pansy responded without remorse.
"If you call her baby again I'll be forced to kill you," Luna mumbled, not looking up from her attempt to create Firewhiskey from scratch a few feet away, part of her earlier dare. Pansy paled slightly, noticeably scooting away from the blonde girl.
"Come on, Gin!" Seamus exclaimed with far too much enthusiasm. "Get to it!"
Ginny looked a bit green as she stood. The others followed behind her as she walked to the dungeons, giggling and shushing each other.
Harry couldn't help but glance over at Draco as they walked, only to be shocked at the sight of the boy already looking at him. Draco grinned, before facing the entrance to the Slytherin dungeons.
"Reparations," he said softly, and the entrance opened. Harry didn't have time to process that, because Snape was talking to one of the kids in the Slytherin Common Room and Ginny was slowly walking toward him.
"Professor Snape?" she asked quietly. He turned around, shocked to see her standing there.
"How did you-" he started, but she cut him off.
"I'm sorry," she said before leaning forward and kissing Snape.
Almost immediately, their group started cracking up, running back to the Room of Requirement, Ginny just behind them, leaving behind a stunned and horrified Snape with a smear of black lipstick on his mouth.
"I want to die," Ginny said a few minutes later when they were back in their circle, which only set off another round of laughter.
Harry wiped tears from his eyes and looked across the circle to see Draco, face lit up with laughter, brilliant white teeth breaking into a smile.
He was breathless.
"These are going to be even more fun when I sneak Fred and George into Hogwarts," Ron murmured to Hermione.
"Alright, fuck, my turn," Ginny grumbled. She spun the wand, and it landed on Hermione. "Hermione, Truth or Dare?"
"Who do you like?" Ginny's eyes were wicked and she definitely already knew the answer to her question, but her eyes weren't even on Hermione anymore, they were on Pansy, gaging her reaction.
Hermione didn't hesitate, knowing she would have to say it eventually anyways. "Pansy."
Pansy's mouth fell open, and she made a strange sort of squeaking noise.
Hermione leaned forward, spinning the wand. "Seamus! Truth or Dare?"
He leaned back against Dean, a lazy grin on his face. "Dare. Play nice."
"Playing nice isn't my specialty, darling," she replied easily. "Dare you to down Luna's concoction."
Seamus paled, and Luna stepped away from her attempt to make Firewhiskey.
"Damn it, Granger, it was my dare to make Luna do that, I was gonna make someone drink it!" Blaise shouted.
Hermione just grinned at him. Pansy stilled seemed to be in shock.
Seamus stood, albeit unsteadily, and made his way over to the bottle.
"All of it?" he whispered.
Hermione's eyes were merciless. "All of it."
Seamus took several deep breaths and chugged the drink while the group screamed and cheered.
Twelve seconds later, he turned around and vomited in the corner of the room, and then passed out in Dean's lap.
"I'll go for him," Dean suggested, leaning forward and spinning the wand. "Harry! Truth or Dare."
He knew the question Dean would ask him. The wicked smile on the boy's face was too telling.
"Dare you to kiss Draco."
Harry's mouth fell open, as did Draco's.
"You're serious?" he asked, trying to just maintain the shock in his tone and not the panicking bisexual uprising in his chest.
"Absolutely." Dean looked very satisfied with himself.
Harry made eye contact with Draco, who was giving him a slightly nervous smile.
I'm finally going to kiss Draco Malfoy.
He started to get up from his spot to join Draco when there was a knock at the door, loud and sharp.
Neville frowned, but waved his wand. The door opened to reveal a boy with tear streaks down his face and shuddering breathing, holding himself in the doorway.
"Elijah?" Harry asked, shocked. "What happened?"
"I just... I need to talk," Elijah whispered.
Harry nodded, standing. "Draco, take my turn," he said, rushing out.
"Wha-" came Draco's shocked response, but Harry was already out the door, ready to comfort his friend.
"What's going on?" he whispered when they had gotten far enough from the room.
"My sister... she's just really sick and she's in St. Mungos, and I'm just really overwhelmed and scared for her," Elijah responded, running his fingers through blonde hair. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have dragged you away from your kiss with Draco, I know you wanted to kiss him-"
"No, it's okay!" Harry exclaimed, desperate to cheer up his friend. "What happened with your sister?"
"I don't know, my parents won't tell me anything," Elijah whispered back.
"Well, why don't we go there and visit her?"
"No!" Elijah exclaimed quickly. "It wouldn't do any good. She owled me and told me to stay at school."
"So she's well enough to write? That's good, Elijah," Harry said sweetly, hoping the blonde was calming down.
"Thank you, Harry," Elijah murmured, wrapping his arms around Harry.
"Of course," Harry replied, hugging the boy back and wondering if Draco had kissed someone else instead of him.
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