How we came together
All I Want I don't own anything. I wish though. Then the RRBs would be with the PPGs already. I only own the high school and they're friends exepect Robin. So yeah enjoy
BC: O_O Are kidding? I am Friends with Butch? And I love him in this? Why another ButtercupXButch? -
Me:No. Yes. yes. and because you 2 look hot together. and the friendship and love is insink. Think about it.
BFly:*thinkin' * O_o OH MY GOD ! you're right also Butch why did you change BC to Bfly?
Butch: Because you LOVE the Butterfly nickname I gave you
BFly:That's true
Butch:...Yeah...On with the STORY!
Butch: Sorry! And again, on with the story...
A battlefield. There a zillions. In love,in fighting, and in reason why I said love first was because I'm in love. Right now, we _ Me and my sisters= Bubbles and Blossom_ are fighting our counterparts, the RowdyRuff Boys.
Bubbles' is Boomer (what a lame name)the one dark blue. Next is the leader of them which is Brick(did someone hit him on the head with one 'cause that's a stupid name)the red one. The last one is mine; his name is Butch the hot dark green one. He had a cute twich.
Oh I forget to tell the one I am in love with. If it isn't obvious to tell it is the dark green RowdyRuff Boy, Butch. I didn't know or I denied it when I was younger. I meet him when I was 5 and fell in love. I wish I knew how he felt about me. A few times I sneaked around him and used my mind reading power on him to find out his feelings ,but it always to kill us mostly Bubbles and Blossom. I never hear about me, the light green PowerPuff Girl. :'( .
I would never tell Bubbles, Blossom, my friends or anyone. Not even him. Mostly not Butch. I promised myself I wouldn't. Then I saw him trying to tackle me, but I moved.
"Whoa! Ha! You missed me!" I yell
"What's wrong with you.I want a great battle and someone who could hit me once in a blue moon. And you're not giving it your all like you usely do."
The one who said that is the hottie, Butch. Like I said, we are fighting are counterparts. Wait, what does that mean.
"What does that even mean ,Butch? You like me or something? I thought you hated me." He blushes when I said that. Somehow I got hopeful and happy. Does he somehow like me? I'm confused.
"NO! I DON'T! I HATE YOU TO THE DEATH OF HELL!"He screams manly then comes at me for a punch.
But misses then I punch him with an upper cut to his hot we both had the same idea a round house kick to the head so are legs crossed then we both blocked our faces and at the same time we tried to punch each other in the left cheek. We kept fighting like that until we firgured it was a tie and the others we're all bloody and brusied. Then I figured out why we couldn't hit the other. Me and Butch was stuck we are one big pretzel. So we blushed because we are embarrassed. We can't get out of each other limbs, so when are sibblings came for us.When they saw us on the ground. They start laughing their butts off which is :lmao: bangin' away at the ground while we got angrier.
"Sorry Buttercup it's just too funny!" Blossom laughs
"Ri-ri-ri-right ,but I-I-I-I don't wa-want my bro-bro to be st-st-stuck to this si-si-sissy"Brick said then my sisters stop laughin' and we got anger got higher if possible ,but out of nowhere Butch yells.
"Brick head I'm the only one to call her any names!" I blushed so hard my whole face burned and I got so angry at that statement. I turn on my side then his face crashed in to the ground." HAHAHAHAHA! ;P XD XD XP." Everyone expect Butch laughed
"NO! Ok now can we go to the professor, so he can fix this."
"Ok now. Bubbles? Boomer? Pick up the green pretzal. Brick follow."Blossom said trying not to laugh.
Butch and me got mad at that. So Bubbles and Boomer was carrying me and Butch to my house.
"PROFESSOR!" Bubbles and Blossom screamed
"WHAT, WHAT!? Oh... What happened." said professor
"What happen was that we kept fighting with the same until closed our eyes and then we got scrambled"Butch said bitterly with a little... happiness??
"Yeah... So can you fix this cause I am getting tried of these guys laughin' and being stuck to this green monster"
Butch moved his leg straight so he can kick my face which he did so I growled at him. Blossom and Bubbles picked us up to go to the lab. Because Brick and Boomer was playing with MY P.S2 and my games like Spyro. To keep them busy and quit while they what for Butch. It took 4 hours and 2222 trys to get me and Butch spilted apart. We finally walked out of the lab. Then when Butch was walkin' to his brothers I tripped him.
"AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Have a nice trip see you next fall. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!" I said and laughed.
He just got up and walked to his brothers with a blank face. Whispered to his brothers and the next thing you knew they scream. While Butch rolled his eyes Then Butch whispered more while he smiled and he had glee in his eyes. I couldn't stop look at his eyes. He looks happy and peaceful.
"Ok, ok, Butch you win." Brick finally said turning to us. " Us, RowdyRuff Boys would like to call a truce between us."
Us PowerPuff Girls and professor stood there with our mouths wide open schocked mostly Blossom recovered and said.
"Are you serious? 'Cause you guys just done bad then the pretzel happens then all you want is a truce. What the hell?"
"Well you helped Butch and we're greatful and we been getting tried of fighting, so yeah we want a truce" Boomer ends it with a smile then Butch slaps him for being SO a tiny quit giggle slipped out of my mouth before Butch must have heard it. I would have done the same thing. Then Boomer rubs his left cheeck where Butch slapped him.
"Ok, but don't pull any tricks or we'll kill you boys" I said and then they smiled. Blossom looked at me with a questioning look and says.
"Are you sure, Buttercup? They're not lying."
"I'm sure. Nothing is coming of bad" I didn't take my eyes of Butch because I trying to figure out why he was smiling at me.
"Ok. It's a truce with no tricks?"Blossom asked holding her hand out to Brick. He looks at it for a mintune then grabs and shakes it
"No tricks, but we might pick on all of you just because you're girls" Brick teased
"Ok! Who want to play my mario brothers racer!"I yell runing to my room to play it
"WE DO!" The RowdyRuff Boys scream racing to my room
"Hey Butch!"Buttercup yells in her beautiful voice come over to me
"Hey Butterfingers"
"Butch, what did I say about those nicknames"
"You like them" I teased
"NO! Well some...."
"I know, Butterfly. I was only teasing." She punchs me playfully then we started laughing
"BUTTERCUPPPPPP!" Blossom screamed "Played pranks on your sisters again" she nodded BUTCCCCCCCCCH! "Brick screamed. Yikes! I am in trouble "Played pranks on your brothers again" I nodded "You thinking what I am thinking?"I asked
"Yeah..."She answered "RUNNNNNNNNNNNN!"We scream at the same time and run together (which is cute) while are siblings run after us
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