All I Want
The Great Hall buzzed with activity as the islanders prepared for the upcoming Valentine's celebrations. The air was filled with anticipation, and the sense of joy and love was palpable. Children giggled and chatted as they gathered to create cards for their crushes, while adults busied themselves with decorating for the Light Fury viewing party.
In one corner of the hall, Tuffnut focused intently on crafting a beaded necklace for Eydis. His attention was so intense that he found himself controlling every movement Ruffnut made as she assisted him. Ruffnut, feeling a bit overwhelmed, took a deep breath and set down the unfinished jewelry. She then couldn't resist expressing her frustration with her brother's micromanaging.
A not-so-subtle sibling fight ensued, with playful complaints and mock wrestling. The onlookers chuckled at their antics, knowing that despite the bickering, the bond between the twins was unbreakable. After a brief interlude of tussling, the two siblings composed themselves and returned to their project with renewed focus.
Surprisingly, the squabble seemed to have invigorated them, and they worked together efficiently to complete the beaded necklace. As the final bead was secured, Tuffnut and Ruffnut shared a triumphant look, their creation a testament to their unique, if sometimes chaotic, sibling dynamic. With the necklace ready, Tuffnut couldn't wait to present it to Eydis during the Valentine's celebrations, adding a personal touch to the island's festive atmosphere.
As Ruffnut watched her brother walk off to find Eydis, a sad smile made its way onto her face as she thought about how everyone around her was happily finding someone to love. Even Fishlegs, the guy she had been dating for a couple of months, was starting to talk to Heather again. If only she had tried harder to make things work, then maybe she wouldn't be alone today.
As she looked around the hall she caught a glimpse of Snotlout being his usual flamboyant self. Gods if only he actually liked her then she would have dated him. She had fallen for him hard and hated every minute of it because she knew it would never work.
Ruffnut sighed, momentarily lost in her thoughts, but then shook her head to dispel the melancholy. She decided that dwelling on what could have been wasn't going to help, especially not on Valentine's Day. Determined to make the most of the festivities, she glanced around, spotting Astrid and Hiccup sharing a quiet moment by the decorations.
Taking a deep breath, Ruffnut approached them with a mischievous grin. "Hey, lovebirds! Need any help with those decorations? I'm feeling all festive and stuff."
Hiccup and Astrid shared a look knowing that something must be bothering Ruffnut, however not wanting to worsen things they decided not to push and accepted her offer.
Astrid smiled warmly at Ruffnut, appreciating the distraction. "Actually, Ruffnut, we could use an extra hand with these banners. Snotlout ditched us."
Hiccup handed her a roll of colorful streamers. "Just spread these around, Astrid and I can handle everything else."
As the trio worked on the decorations, Ruffnut couldn't help but notice the subtle glances between Hiccup and Astrid. They were so in sync, both in their movements and expressions, and it made her heart ache a little. However, she pushed those feelings aside and focused on the task at hand.
The Great Hall transformed into a vibrant sea of reds, pinks, and whites. Heart-shaped decorations adorned the walls, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers. Ruffnut, Hiccup, and Astrid stepped back to admire their handiwork, proud of the festive atmosphere they had created.
Astrid looked at Ruffnut with a knowing gaze. "Thanks for the help, Ruffnut. Who would have thought that separating you and Tuff would be a good thing?"
"Yeah, well that might be happening more often," Ruffnut sighed looking over at where Tuffnut stood with Eydis, their hands intertwined. "Right, well I better go make sure he doesn't screw up."
As Ruffnut wandered off, Hiccup turned to Astrid. "Think she's okay?"
Astrid sighed, watching Ruffnut mingle with the other islanders. "No, but she's not going to tell anyone that. I wish I could help her but I can't even pretend to understand what she's going through."
Hiccup nodded in understanding, that even in the midst of joyful celebrations, not everyone experienced the same happiness. As the Valentine's festivities continued, Ruffnut tried her best to put on a cheerful facade, engaging in the various activities and celebrations around the island.
Later in the evening, as couples exchanged gifts and shared tender moments under the soft glow of dragonfire lanterns, Ruffnut found herself at the edge of the celebration, contemplating her own feelings. She spotted Snotlout across the room, making eyes at another girl, and her heart sank a little more.
Fishlegs approached her, noticing the subtle shift in her demeanor. "Hey, Ruffnut. Are you alright?"
Ruffnut mustered a half-hearted smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just enjoying the lovey-dovey atmosphere, you know?"
Fishlegs, sensing that there was more to it, decided to gently address the issue. "If there's anything on your mind, you can talk to me. I'm here for you. We may not be together anymore but you're still my friend."
Ruffnut appreciated his sincerity but didn't want to burden him with her complex emotions. "Thanks, Fishlegs. I'll be okay. Just need some air, you know?"
She stepped outside, letting the cool island breeze wash over her. The night sky was adorned with stars, and the distant sound of waves crashing against the shores provided a soothing backdrop. Ruffnut took a moment to collect her thoughts, realizing that she needed to confront her feelings instead of pushing them aside.
As she stood there, lost in contemplation, she felt a presence beside her. Hiccup had quietly joined her, offering a supportive presence. "You don't have to pretend everything's okay, Ruffnut. If you want to talk, I'm here. We all are."
Ruffnut sighed, appreciating the genuine concern from her friends. "It's just... everyone seems to be finding someone, and here I am, stuck in this mess. I thought I had something good with Fishlegs, but now... I don't know."
Hiccup nodded, understanding the complexities of relationships. "It's okay not to have everything figured out. Relationships are tricky, and it's alright to feel lost sometimes. Just give yourself the time you need."
Ruffnut felt a wave of emotions wash over her and before she knew she was trying to discreetly wipe away tears. "Is there something wrong with me, why can't I find a lasting partner? I know I might not be the prettiest, and sure it wouldn't hurt to wash a little bit more but I'm trying. I'm really trying."
Hiccup placed a comforting hand on Ruffnut's shoulder. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with you. You're unique, strong, and have a lot to offer. Sometimes, it's just a matter of finding the right person who appreciates you for who you are. And hey, relationships aren't the only measure of happiness. Focus on yourself, and your passions, and the right person will come along when the time is right."
Ruffnut sniffled, appreciating Hiccup's words of encouragement. "Thanks, Hiccup. I guess I just needed to hear that."
"So why can't I just be happy with myself," Ruffnut whispered to herself after Hiccup had left. The night air held a mix of emotions as Ruffnut continued to grapple with her thoughts. The distant laughter and music from the Valentine's celebration reminded her of the happiness surrounding her, yet a sense of loneliness lingered. As she walked along the shore, the rhythmic sound of waves seemed to echo the ebb and flow of her own feelings.
In the quiet solitude, Ruffnut found herself reflecting on Hiccup's words. The idea of being content with herself resonated, but the journey to self-love wasn't always straightforward. The expectations and societal pressures around finding a romantic partner often clouded the importance of personal fulfillment.
She pondered her own interests, passions, and what truly made her happy. Amidst the chaos of the island's festivities, she decided to take a step back and focus on rediscovering herself. The night became a journey of self-reflection, a time for Ruffnut to embrace her individuality without the need for external validation.
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