Hey guys, I can't believe we reached over 3k+ reads! *screaming*
None of it would have happened if not for you and I will be forever grateful to you for it. For someone who didn't even expect 10 reads on this book, 3k+ is a dream come true. Thank you for staying with me through this and for supporting this book; it means the world to me.
A big thank you especially to @ishika_granger @mlanMhanty @Democritus-Dawn KaylaSilverOfficial @Goalzxo @juhidutta16 @BlackHyacinth36945 @therhythminmysoul
Izzy_180 AaliyahIrani for being with me from the very first chapter.
The only way I thought I could repay you is through this book, so I am very sorry for the long-ass next two chapters.
You guys are the real MVPs. Love you!
"So I just came here to tell you guys that I won't be spending the night with you," Sam informs us, with a toothy grin plastered on his face.
"Oh, my" Hunter feigns hurt, "how will we ever survive the night without you, my Lord?"
"Show off" I shake my head at Sam and gulp down half the drink sitting in front of me. It's dark red in color – courtesy of our dearest Ellie who insisted that everyone should drink this. It tastes fruity and light, even though it looks like pure blood.
"You're just jealous that I have a girl on my arms, and you don't." Sam shoots back.
I bite my cheek to refrain from telling them who needs the sex when you got the smile. But I humor him anyway, "I could have any girl I want here."
"Oh yeah?" Hunter gleams, "yet you don't have any even though you scored the maximum."
Today's day is a rip-roaring success of my hockey career because we absolutely smashed it. Yale was at a complete loss against our blowing hits and consecutive goals, because of yours truly. And the cherry on top? Alexis Forte cheering me on. I swear her screams added an extra layer of fire to the already brimming adrenaline that was coursing through my veins. I make a mental note to ask Ellie to drag her to every game from now on.
"That's because I don't want to." I take another sip of my blood drink, and I am not going to lie, it is addictive.
"Sam make a bet!" Will hollers beside me and I groan.
"I swear you have terrific ideas!" Logan pats my back and throws his head back and laughs.
We are currently at Pentacles, which is the only college appropriate club in town, and by college appropriate, I mean it has all three- amazing music, amazing food, and amazing lay.
Since we won, the whole club is filled with Hockey players and their fans and the club is jam-packed. We were lucky enough to find a booth because most of the people I see have standing room only.
Even though Pentacles is absolutely magical for a club, it is also majorly a hockey club. The football guys rarely ever come here; they prefer to get it on at their places without any authority figure jumping at their throats and it's probably why shit gets wild there.
Me? I am happy anywhere as long as it's not my home. I do not want to clean up beer bottles and empty condom wrappers in the morning all the while nursing a head-splitting hangover.
"Who has terrific ideas, babe?" Ellie saunters back from the washroom, towards Logan's side, her eyes glued to the phone in her hand, "Lex and Jade should be here any moment no-"
"JADE! DO JADE!" Sam pumps his fist on the table and Ellie yelps in surprise.
"What the hell was that about?"
"Aaron made a bet-"
"I did not." I interrupt Hunter mid-sentence.
"You did man," Will gives me a shit faced grin and continues, "he said he could have any girl here and so Sam decided to pick a girl for him so that he could give us a lesson in his skills in courtship."
"AND I PICK JADE!" Sam yells.
"Do you even know Jade, fucker?" Logan asks curiously and I shake my head no.
"Don't worry you'll know her, she'll be here any second now."
I am sad it isn't Alexis but also relieved it isn't Alexis but thankfully it's not anyone I know, so this should be easy.
"Fine, let her come," I grunt in response.
"Where? On your tongue?" Ellie sticks her tongue out at me and everyone laughs.
"Smart El, real classy."
"Why aren't they with you though, I saw Lex on the bleacher with you." Logan rubs Ellie's shoulder and she melts towards him.
"She was," Ellie smothers a laugh and continues, "but then she thought she could never come to a club looking like she was going grocery shopping."
"Did she say that?" I grin, I can almost picture Lexie rolling her eyes and throwing a fit when told that there's nothing wrong with her outfit and she didn't need to change. She didn't though, I saw her and the girl was an absolute smoke show.
"You bet she did. So she went to the dorm, picked up Jade, and changed and is here." Ellie sighs.
"Can't wait fo-"
Hunter doesn't even get to finish his sentence before there's a blur of silver shimmer and blonde hair jumping at him.
"MY BABIES!! YOU WON!" Lexie literally chokes Hunter to death in the bone-crushing hug she gives him, which almost causes him to fall over.
"I...can't breathe," Hunter chokes out.
"Such a pansy,"
It's a dark pink lipstick night.
Lexie moves on to Will and ruffles his hair before she goes on about how amazing his bone-crushing hits were and how she can teach him to do it better. My eyes don't miss the way how Will holds on to her a little too long.
"Sammy!" she opens her arms for another one of her all-encompassing hugs but Sam backs away.
"Not today, Missy, I am taken for tonight and I don't cheat."
Alexis looks at him weirdly while everyone snorts and moves on to Logan. Sadly for him, he doesn't get a hug, but instead such a hefty pat on the back that he chokes on his blood drink.
"Ellie my baby girl, I'll snuggle in your bed tonight since my hug is reserved for the stars of the night." Lexie points out and Ellie just throws her hands in the air and backs away.
The constriction in my chest which started when she pounced on Hunter eases completely when she lands in my arms. But the constriction is replaced by an ear-splitting shriek which can wake up my dead ancestors from my souls.
She wraps both her arms around my neck and I topple over under the force; almost. I lock my arms around her and it's a shithead of a mistake, because as soon as I hug touch her bare skin, I am sporting a semi.
But it doesn't bother her, instead, she just squeezes me harder, "Can't believe I am hugging you but today, you are my winner baby!"
"Gee, thanks Lexie." I chuckle at her response and breathe her in. Her blonde hair, up in a high ponytail, smells of cherries and her perfume is driving me absolutely nuts; it's a very tropical and exotic fragrance and it is intoxicating.
She unclutches herself from me and bounces back to the stool beside me. I take a good look at her and it takes everything in me to not eat her right there; but then I probably wouldn't see the light of the next day.
She looks like sex on heels, with her strappy backless, silver crop top, which is shimmery and has a sweetheart neckline; and her legs seem to go on forever in those skin-tight jeans she has on. Looking at her is a big mistake, because the semi I was sporting? Yeah it's full-blown now.
"Where's Jade?"
"Right here!" a sweet voice crones a reply to Ellie's questions, "You forgot to lock the car, brat."
I am not so sullen about the bet now that I look at Jade, holy hell she's a bomb. Jade is a ginger with long straight hair coming won to her waist and she's rocking a mid-thigh, blue dress, and strappy heels; and even though she's absolutely gorgeous with her perfect makeup and slender body, I still prefer dark lipsticks and wavy, blonde hair.
"Introduce us to your friend, Blondie." I cross my arms and lean on the table, and shower jade with a dazzling smile, but I hope she doesn't notice how half-hearted it is because right now, no one is catching my eye except Lexie.
"Sure thing." She gives me a tight-lipped smile. "But I am surprised you haven't already met her. Thought you banged anything with a skirt, golden boy."
Sassy Lexie is the best Lexie, "I haven't actually but if your friend here wants it, we can change that tonight." I look over and wink at Jade, who, to my surprise takes the wheel.
"I think her friend here would like that very much."
Ellie chokes on her drink and Sam looks like he's witnessing an Olympic game. Lexie on the other hand, is about to blow.
"Well then, Jade meet Aaron, the hottest bad boy in town!" she feigns excitement and fake-squeals, "I have heard he's so good, you won't be able to sleep for days after, and have you looked at his face?!" Lexie is all wide-eyed and gushing over me, and everyone at the table is laughing.
"And this stunning beauty here, is Jade" She smiles at her but anyone can see that it's fake, I don't think she's even trying to make it look real, "She is way out of your league Richards."
"Actually she's not," Jade replies and Lexie rolls her eyes so hard I am surprised her eyeballs don't pop out.
"Alright, I have seen everything I want to see and now I gotta go attend to my date." Sam comically makes a peace sign and then walks towards the other side of the room to the bar, leaving us all laughing.
"I like your laugh." Jade sizzles up to me and flashes me a very sultry smile.
"Sure it's the laugh?" Lexie replies before I can even say anything. Jade appears unfazed and very strategically places a hand on my arm. She's about to say something to me but is interrupted.
"OH MY GOD! Ellie, I swear this drink gives me orgasms in my mouth, what's it called?" Lexie shrieks and then proceeds to empty mine and Hunter's glass in one gulp. Will finishes his before she can even think about drinking his.
"Hey I was drinking that!" Hunter protests but it falls in deaf ears.
"What's it called anyway?" Logan asks.
"Bloodlust, it's a club special. Babe, let's go get another!"
"Get one for me too!" Ellie nods in reply to Lexie's request and tugs at Logan's hands.
"Argh, what is this song?"
"Thomas Rhett, you fool," Hunter says, having a death grip on his beer bottle.
"We need to change the song," Lexie announces, "I did not come in here looking like a Paris Hilton disciple to stomp around in my boots to Blessed."
"Nothing is ever good enough for you, Lex." Jade laughs and she's the only one who does so. Hunter looks ready to break up a gunfight, which is about to blow up.
"Did I ask?" she smiles sweetly at Jade before dragging Hunter towards the jukebox.
So what do we think of Jade? Let me know below ;)
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