wowwww, dick move
I don't feel like writing out an intro, so I'm just gonna throw you in.
I know right.. so unlike me!
Nova's POV
I know the sun is supposed to be bright and all, but does it really have to come through the single slit in my curtains and wake me up?
I'm thinking no, but that's exactly what happened.
I turn over, now unable to sleep any longer after being woken up and rub my eyes hoping to wipe the remaining fatigue away. I reason that I must have woken up at the end of a sleep cycle just before it went to a new one. Maybe the sun had a reason to interrupt me after all.
I also had done little to nothing but sleep for the weekend while the girls were out, so I didn't have much rest to catch up on like I usually did.
As per habit, I grab my phone off my nightstand and turn off the alarm before it can scare the crap out of me. As a person who almost never gets notifications, seeing a text message and a missed call on the top bar of my phone really interests me. I go to see what it is:
Taylor: Sorry to bother you so late but there is a race happening in two days and all of the major competition is gonna be there and then some. This is one you don't want to miss.
My heart flutters. It's been so long since I've gone over a hundred miles per hour and I found myself craving it. Wolfie wanted it more so than me, but what's not to like?
I reply: sounds great. Where is it?
None of the major races were held at the normal tracks. The more people there were, the more secret it had to be. If it was to be as packed as Taylor said, this is gonna be super low key. It also meant a lot more people to meet, and more people putting money on me after Taylor talks them up.
His next message reads: I was thinking we could go together, it would be safer.
Followed by: It's a few towns over in some place that can't be accidentally stumbled upon.
Why the hell are you hesitating? Do it. We neeeeed it!
I reply: Okay, what time?
It takes a second before he says: I would need to pick you up around 9 so we could make it in time.
Then she takes over and replies: Great, see you then.
You're welcome.
Noticing the time, I get out of bed, stretch and walk outside to a rather upset looking pair of faces.
Frick and Frack were waiting for me to get up as it were, and immediately started hissing at me about last night.
Things like: "we told you that you weren't allowed to go, why did you, what were you doing there with Blake, etc.." It all started to sound like "wah, wah, wah," to me after long enough.
All to which I stated, "I don't take advice or direction from Dumb or Dumber," pointing to both of them as I commenced my routine. This was putting me in a sour mood.
Susan wasn't awake, or wasn't home otherwise she would be stark raving mad as well.
Did I care? Ask me if I cared.
Do you care?
Nope. Actually, I couldn't care any less.
Ooh.. we're feisty today.
I chuckle at that remark and decide, yes. We are going to be feisty and pissy today.
I can work with that.
Great! Everyone is happy.
Well.. sort of.
What dominion did they think they had that they could order me around like they do? This isn't a Cinderella story, they are not Anastasia and Drizella, and I am not their maid or their servant.
Ooh.. that is a good new nickname for them though.
It fits too...
We're talkative today.
On some days she talked more, and on some she talked less. Today was one of the more talkative days, but it could change anytime. When I hated myself for being so different from everyone else I was around: humans, she hid herself from me and I was not able to talk to her or hear her. When I began to accept it and ponder about my family, she eased her way back in and we became friends. Since I'm the only body we have, she watches for danger and warns me when necessary but other than that allows me to live. It is the opposite when I turn, she takes over and I provide common sense.
She is more like an alter ego than a separate personality. She represents the more carnal, animalistic version of me, the wolf literally.
Whereas I stand in for the everyday social interaction, manners, most of the decision making and so on. She is not a parasite, nor a split personality disorder. She is me and I am her.
While they are distracted, I go to get dressed only wanting to get out of the house as soon as possible. I chose clothes to suit my mood, putting a black motorcycle jacket on over the look and grab my backpack, helmet and an apple before I leave the house, throwing a granola bar in for later.
Upon trying to get in the garage, I am blocked by an arm that I push past, hearing "this isn't over," behind me.
I roll my eyes and pull my helmet on, revving the engine and speeding off.
What I wouldn't give to just leave now.
"Nova! Nova wait up!" I hear as I'm walking into school.
Blake comes up behind me looking cuter than usual in a solid blue unbuttoned flannel and dark wash jeans like mine with a white undershirt, a grey beanie rests on his head.
"Here," he says handing me a cup of something cold, keeping one other cup for himself. "I went to get breakfast this morning and thought you might want your daily fix."
It was tea, iced tea just as I like. He also knew that I hardly ever ate anything in the morning, so tea was optimal.
"Thank you," I say with a slight smile, still sort of salty about earlier.
He smiles wide and puts his free arm around me, as I sip my tea, and him his coffee. My mood lifts just a little bit.
Class goes by perfectly normal to a boring extent. I see Blake in a few passing periods, not stopping like I usually do just because I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, even him.
At lunch, I sit in silence near my group and manage to fly under the radar until Blake appears and sits next to me. Busy at the moment zoning out into a single dew drop on a blade of grass, I hardly notice as I take small bites of my granola bar.
"Nova," I hear and look to see him sitting beside me. "You've been acting funny all day. Are okay?"
"What's wrong with my funniness?" I ask without looking at him.
He comes in front of me to meet my eyes, "what's going on?" He asks gently, struggling to keep my eyes on his.
"I had a small confrontation with the girls this morning. They are furious that I decided to go to prom and were apparently gonna use it as a way to win you over or something," I groan and look away.
His eyes widen, "yikes... why are they so hung up?"
"You're asking the wrong person, hun," I say and shrug.
"I'm sure it will blow over. You shouldn't allow them to have your emotions though," he says, sounding like every self help book I've ever read.
He was sweet, and I loved that but he really couldn't empathize very well for some reason.
After a pause, I ask sheepishly, "what do you have going on Wednesday night?"
"Guy's night. Long overdue according to them.. Why?" he asks.
"No reason, just curious," I sweep it under the rug and decide to do the race without him. It didn't matter.
The next two days drone by and before I knew it, I was packing a bag while Taylor sat on my bed just talking. It felt good to hang out again. Although, it hit me recently that I would be leaving him and all our friends behind when I left with Blake. I don't know how I'm going to tell him.
I shrug that off like everything lately and listen to him talk until we load my bike up next to his and head off for the long drive ahead. We got snacks on the way as per our tradition and eventually came to a sleepy town and then drove a little further until we reached a huge track that I had to start mentally preparing for, considering the pros and cons, considering what I could and could not deal with.
This looks dope. If you let me take over, everything will be great.
I doubted that just a little.
We showed up early when there were only a few people, I was guessing it was so I could get a basic layout of the track before I had to race on it.
Taylor and I walked our bikes to the track where some people were already on it. I decided to do the same, as I found that the best way to troubleshoot the bike before a race was to ride it, and with one as serious as this, I couldn't take any risks.
"Race ya!" He says laughing as he puts his visor down and revs off.
That son of a bitch.. let's leave him in the dirt.
I giggle and put my own helmet on, chasing after him, eventually catching him with ease.
The track was rugged, but decently maintained. When we got to the end, Taylor brought up some areas of concern that he saw that could pose safety hazards.
"There are several possible areas for slipping because the track is wet. Be careful with pits and stuff too, I saw a few but none deep enough to send you flying," he smiles and nudges me.
My wolf feels uneasy for some reason but I can't understand why. All I know is that it manages to seep into my own feelings. Not five minutes later, the competition shows up.
"I have a weird feeling about these guys... stay close," I warn Taylor in a low tone as I eye them, only recognizing a few from previous races.
Taylor picks up on my suspicion as more and more people start to arrive and our other friends join us. A few of the guys on my side are gonna be racing too, so I wasn't as worried. Taylor was gonna do another event that came before mine.
As his came closer and closer, I wish him luck and headed to the stands away from the mosh pit. His event goes well, he comes in second by a just a hair and comes to me later looking very upset.
"That fucker," he growls and throws his helmet down, his eyes darker than I had ever seen them.
I put my hands on his chest and he snaps his head down to me, "Taylor, talk to me, what happened?" I demand trying to keep his attention. Our other friends huddle in as he starts to talk venomously.
"That piece of shit tried to run me off the track on the third turn, he almost did too. I'm gonna kill him," he says between gritted teeth and I stop him.
"Taylor, which one?" Liam asks and we all look back at him.
He looks back into the crowd of competitors and points to three of them. "It was all three of them, but mainly the one in red. He stuck his leg out to try and push me," he says and everyone gasps, catching on to his anger. I try to identify him and when he takes his helmet off, I gasp too.
"Fuck.. guys, it's Mack. What is he doing here?" I ask, starting to get a little angry.
"The asshole probably paid his way in," Liam rolls his eyes and continues, "you're in the next event, right?"
"Yeah.. do you think he's gonna try something?" I ask over the music but not so anyone outside the group can hear.
"I'm certain. I just want to go over there and punch that smirk off his face," he grunts but I have to stop him too. We don't need group drama right now.
That's what I loved about this group. We knew how to have fun and stuff, but when push comes to shove, they always have your back.
"Is it too late to sign up for that race?" He asks as the buzzer goes off, calling all the next racers to the line.
I chuckle and pat his shoulder, "I think so," as I start to gather my stuff.
"Nova, seriously. Be careful out there. You know how Mack gets," Taylor warns as the other guys agree.
"I will. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to record it just in case. If he does something worthy of disqualification, don't I get the money he was supposed to get?" I ponder out loud as Taylor and two others walk with me.
They agree before Mack interrupts, "your boyfriend isn't here to protect you now, is he?" he taunts with an ugly sneer.
I ignore him as my wolf forces her way to the surface, threatening to rip his throat out, trying to convince me of all the problems it would solve.
Dial it back, just get us through those laps and over that line again, okay?
You bet your ass I will..
I pull my visor down and watch Mack do the same, gripping the handlebars and gritting my teeth as it counts down. He goes just a second before the buzzer rings as usual. The best players don't need to cheat to win.
I allow her to completely take over without shifting and we effortlessly speed in front of the competition. We are at least one lap ahead of the rookies, but Mack and his cronies stay on my tail.
The laps go by one by one, in slow motion to me, but I can feel adrenaline pumping through us.
On the second to last lap, one of the other guys gets way too close and we rev, speeding in front of him and the next guy ahead with only two more to pass.
Fuck they're getting really close.
On the last lap, on the last turn, Mack himself comes and cuts in front of me which we are able to dodge. Before I can speed past him too, I feel something push my leg and suddenly we both go "shit," as we crash over the track and slide all the way to the outside almost to the stands.
The last thing I hear before I pass out is Taylor and the others screaming, "you fucking lunatic! You pushed her!" and running footsteps of my friends not holding Taylor back.
And then my eyes roll back in my head.
Are we bleeding? It hurts....
Yikes! Real asshole huh? I'm super excited to write the next chapter, so I'll try to have it out before the weekend. I'm actually gonna publish this one and start on it immediately.
Until then, stay sexy.
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