pancakes in a box
Hi guys! Sorry for the delayed update. I got really sick and was busy studying for a huge test I had, etc etc. I hope you all are healthy and stuff.
Someone asked me if Blake is a bad guy and I can tell you that he is not. He isn't a cheater, he isn't gonna hurt her, he isn't a hitman and he isn't gay. It's just increased wolfy hormones and stuff.
Nova's POV
Am I weird for feeling a sense of hope? Having the night to think about it, I concluded that it would be weird for him and I to get together so fast. I was tired last night and it probably meant nothing to him anyway.
Judging by the lack of noise I heard outside and my door not being broken down, I reason that my housemates were still asleep. I check my watch which reads 8:30.
With them still asleep and Blake not coming to pick me up for another hour and a half, I decide to enjoy my morning for once and take things slow. My body tries to urge me forward but I deny its wishes and make a tea latte and sit on the couch with the cat for a bit before I get ready.
I'm very specific about my tea. I drink it a certain way, make it a certain way and tend to be picky. You know wine connoisseurs? Well, I'm a tea connoisseur.
I never get texts...
My screen reads Blake and "hey, I'm bored. I'm coming to get you in about a half hour," followed by, "I hope you're hungry."
I can't help but roll my eyes and smile. It is terrible to do that to someone, but I can forgive him. It's not like my makeup takes three hours.
"You miss me that much?" I reply back to which he reads immediately.
"Pffff no...."
Another ding:
Since I wasn't going to finish my tea, I put it in a thermos to keep it warm and go to my room and change into something that wasn't pajamas. Not that Blake would mind...
I french braid my hair and pull some strands down to frame my face. As I hear his car honk at me from outside, I head out closing the door quietly behind me and getting in the passenger seat.
"Looks like I don't even have to ask you to wear something cute.. you just always look cute," he says with an innocent puppy look on his face.
Why does this boy feel the incessant need to make me blush?
"Looks like I don't have to say anything for you to get me flustered," I say back and shrug as he drives away.
He chuckles and says, "we're going to my house and I'm gonna make us food. Are you in the mood for anything in particular?" he asks and steals a glance at me.
"Well, what can you make?"
He cooks too? Mate material.
"Let's see, I can make pancakes, and an omelet, and pancakes," he has to think for a while but he said pancakes twice on purpose.
"Pancakes are nice, but what about waffles?" I suggest and sip my tea. Waffles are pancakes with abs, why wouldn't you prefer them?
"Okay. That means we can finally use the waffle maker I got for ten bucks on Black Friday that one time," he says and smiles.
"We should go Black Friday shopping together, I always collect coupons and stuff," I propose, "it could be fun. I hate going alone."
"We would be unstoppable," he realizes and looks at me with his mouth open, "but only if you have Thanksgiving with us."
"Done," I say before he finishes. "I hope you like food comas."
"Yes! Last year's Thanksgiving was a mess. None of us can cook," he says through a laugh. "It was horrible," he shudders and draws his attention to my drink. "What's that?"
"This? Oh, it's just tea. I try to make tea every morning," which I did. Some days don't go as planned.
"What kind?" He asks as I take another sip, "it smells sweet."
"Just some black tea.. it tastes like french toast to me," I explain and offer him some.
"Dang. That's good stuff. I didn't know tea could have such a specific flavor profile," he comments as he takes another sip and hands it back.
"I should show you my collection... you'd be surprised," I mumble. He really would be surprised, I have a lot of tea.
We pull up to a reasonably large, two-story house. He stops the car and we both get out and head in. A group of four other boys turn their heads to look at us, me in particular. I shrug it off and follow Blake to the kitchen.
"Who are they?" I mutter so that my voice doesn't move too much through the open floor plan of the house.
"They come in and out. Two of them live here, the other two come to visit a lot. Judging by the way they were looking at you, they will probably be here a lot more often," he says louder, disregarding my attempt to be quiet.
I nod and lean over the counter as three of the guys peek their heads in. I smirk at their words amongst themselves about me.
And then Blake does the unthinkable.
He pulls out premade pancake mix powder.
"You did not just do that in front of me," I say, feigning offense.
"What?" he looks genuinely confused, poor baby.
"You're gonna feed me Aunt Jemima pancake mix?" I continue and cross my arms.
"What do you have against Aunt Jemima?" he questions and gets closer to me.
"It isn't homemade," I spit and start talking with my hands.
"Well, do you want to make pancake batter then?" he fires back with a nasty smirk, thinking I would say no.
"Step aside. Watch and learn," I crack my knuckles and start on a batter recipe I memorized. Blake looks shocked.
"Is she your girlfriend?" I hear one of the guys whisper.
"No, she's just a friend," Blake says back quietly and looks over at me. I signal for him to come hither.
When he is close enough, I blow flour from my hands onto him as if blowing him a kiss and explode with laughter.
"What was that for?!" he whines dusting himself off.
"Fun," I reply still laughing until he tosses flour at me too.
"Was that necessary?" I cough and stick my tongue out at him.
"Do it again! She's cute when she's angry!" the black haired one says and I give him a death glare to which he whistles and bites his lip.
I beckon him to come forth as well and do the same thing I did to Blake.
"What did I do to deserve that?" He laughs.
"Could you be a gentleman and put the flour back for me, please?" I ask Blake and the black haired boy takes it from me instead with an, "allow me."
I give Blake a suggestive look, jokingly of course and he nudges the guy as he walks back to the living room.
Blake finds the waffle machine for me and we open it. It has never been used.
I make waffles with blueberries, strawberries, chocolate chips and plain, sipping my tea once in a while and humming the majority of the time.
Blake's POV
It was starting to smell really good in the kitchen, her presence made it all the better. The way she moved, the delicacy in which she did almost everything, the way she hummed, how she pulled her hair out of her face, the little remnants of flour granules on her forehead. I found myself trancing into her. How could I not?
"Blake.. Earth to Blake," her soft voice wakes me up again.
"Yeah? Yeah, what's up?" I ask, my eyes widen at the plates upon plates of waffles she had made while I was on cloud nine.
"Which kind do you want?" she asks with a smile.
"I'll take one of each, please," I respond and start plating my own as she takes one strawberry and one chocolate chip.
The guys basically tumble over each other to get into the kitchen and leave a mess, as per usual. She takes a bite and starts to clean.
"You don't have to clean, Nova. I'll do that later," I offer to which she declines.
"I made the mess, I'll clean it up. Just eat," she smiles and I leave the subject alone. She's determined.
The waffles were really good and I made sure she knew it. The guys all agreed with me which made her turn a shade of pink.
Nova's POV
Breakfast went well, there were no leftovers. I learned the names of the guys, especially the touchy one who Blake felt the need to growl at.
We ended up going into his room with screams behind us of "use protection!" Blake groans and shuts the door.
"I wanted to go on another run today, but I think I'm comfier here," he states and sits on his bed.
Did someone say run?
I follow suit and come to sit down, mentally shoving her aside.
"Hey, about yesterday.. I don't know what came over me," he flusters and scratches his head, looking away.
I sigh in relief, "me either. Sorry."
One pause later...
"I've been thinking more about our escape," he starts. My heart drops.. He's probably gonna say he's no longer interested.
"We graduate in two months. We need a better plan for this," he declares and I sigh in relief.
"I agree, but this isn't so much about me as it is about you. I'm on board with whatever you want to do. I'm only there for company," I assure and lean back on the wall.
"I want to leave the night after graduation and follow the list they left me of other packs," he pulls out a box from under his bed. It is old carved wood and a beautiful piece of art. I draw my fingers over the knots of wood as he shuffles through paper inside it. He hands me a piece of paper with locations on them, I read through and smile at the adventure this has for both of us.
"And I've been saving money for a while so we don't go broke on our travels. My parents left me a ton of money too," he smiles and tries to find my eyes which are still looking at the extensive list.
"I'm sure we'll be okay, maybe some packs can help us along the way. We'll need to be careful though," I consider the possible dangers and weigh it as worth it.
We talk about plans more and more until we have the skeleton and organs for a cross country road trip adventure for a lost boy's parents.
I feel like I'm supposed to be scared, but I'm not.
I just don't know why I couldn't have met him sooner.
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