"I'm pretty sure I mentioned the word 'jealous' last night, star?" Jungkook looked at the black jeans, the white crop top that allowed him to see her stomach, and the black leather jacket that closely resembled the one he was currently wearing. Mei-Lin blushed and looked down. "But I also mentioned a bar fight, and my girlfriend is a good reason to start one" she gasped at the word "girlfriend" and blinked in confusion.
"Girlfriend?" Mei-Lin was sure that right now her lungs were trying to escape along with her heart and plunge into the soft clouds somewhere above the twenty-fiend circle of heaven. "I also remember that I mentioned that you are mine" he leaned over her and tilted his head slightly. Confidence, dominance, strength and that bad boy look, all red flags that attracted women like a magnet.
"So I'm lucky my boyfriend can fight?" she had no doubt that Jungkook could fight, the question was in the word "boyfriend" and she bit her lip, waiting for his answer. "You're damn right star" she giggled, this man knew what he wanted and was mature enough to admit it and he got it on the same day. "Well Bam, is he alright alone?" Jungkook sighed and shook his head. "I knew it wouldn't go without mentioning my only competition for your heart, my lady" Mei-Lin giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.
"I didn't know you wanted my heart, my lord" Jungkook looked around, even though he knew theirs were the only two apartments on the floor, and then, like the night before, he leaned against her doorframe, only closer this time and cupped her neck, lifting her chin with his thumb. "I want so much more,star" his deep voice sent a chill down her spine and made her shiver.
"What more could you want but my heart, my lord?" she suddenly felt terribly hot and their eyes locked. "It depends on how the duel for your hand goes tonight and how you take care of my wounds, my lady" May-Lin sighed for the umpteenth time tonight, blushing heavily. "So you're lucky I know how to administer first aid, my lord" Jungkook's chest heaved with a soft laugh and he tilted his head slightly, lowering his gaze to her lips.
"Shall we go?" Jungkook was enjoying his effect on her as well as the feeling of her closeness, but if they didn't leave now the others would be waiting for them until next Friday because after last night and seeing how beautiful she was ready to get on his bike, dressed, coincidentally of course, in clothes that matched his own, he was thinking of anything but the drinks that awaited them at the moment.
"I think so" she panted, her cheeks were adorably rosy, her eyes darkened and wide like a doe's and Jungkook could barely resist kissing her here and now. "Yeah" he forced himself to push himself away from the frame, but took her hand and led her to the elevator, glancing at her. "Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before?" the two waited for the elevator. "Never" Mei-Lin admitted and Jungkook smiled. "Then I'm telling you to hold on tight to me because I love speed,little star" she smiled shyly at the hint behind his tone and Jungkook pulled her into the elevator.
Jungkook skillfully varied between the movement. When he told her he loved speed, Mei-Lin hadn't expected to have to hold on to him for dear life, but the adrenaline was telling and her eyes lit up behind the helmet protector. "How are you doing back there,little one?" Jungkook stopped at a red light and looked over his shoulder, trying to drown out the traffic noise. "This is great!" Mei-Lin literally rose from the seat, laying on his back in enthusiasm, and Jungkook laughed, revving the engine.
"I knew you'd like it" he muttered to himself and smirked as he set off again. This girl just screamed adrenaline and sex every time Jungkook approached her, even though his first impression of her was a virgin with a big mouth. Certainly not everything was always what it seemed. She pressed against his back like a drowning man and he could feel her heartbeat even through her clothes, the vibrations of her chest showing that she was laughing and having fun.
"Jungkook" Mei-Lin turned in the direction of the shouts, not that she had a choice, Jungkook was already pulling her that way. "Get ready little star, the monsters are out of their caves" he pulled her in front of him, leading them through the bar overflowing with people, most dressed like them, which led her to think it was some kind of rocker bar, or at least a lot of bikers frequented it,although from the outside it didn't look like the ones she had seen in the movies.
"Isn't that your sweet neighbor, Jungkook?" Taehyung leaned over the high table they were seated around and narrowed his eyes at Mei-Lin. "Paws down, hyung" Jungkook gently pressed her against the edge of the table, wrapping an arm around her waist and her breath caught in her throat as his fingers dug into her exposed stomach. "Remember Taehyung, star?" she nodded and smiled at him, waving at him. "And this is Mei-Lin" Jungkook announced and all six eyes turned to her.
"Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung" he pointed them out one by one and Mei-Lin nodded slightly at each of them. "Hoseok hyung, and this little one is Jimin hyung" Mei-Lin gave them a big smile. "And this is Namjoon hyung, our waking conscience" he pointed to a tall blond man whose smile revealed two charming dimples. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Jungkook" the man Jungkook called Jin gave him a reproachful look, but he smiled and winked at her.
"Until last night I didn't even know I had one, hyung" Jungkook looked down at Mei-Lin for confirmation and she nodded, blushing hot. "How could you steal the woman of my life from me!" Taehyung blurts out theatrically, coming around the table and standing in front of a raised eyebrow Jungkook, hands on his waist and bellowing like a bull ready to charge. "It was easy, he's cuter than you" Mei-Lin countered and Jungkook burst out laughing and Taehyung filled his chest with air, held it in, then let it out and his shoulders sagged.
"That was damn good!" Yoongi blurts out and Taehyung glares at him. "I definitely like her, but Jungkook, don't be mad if I try my luck with her" Jungkook hugged her from behind and she heard him growl in her ear against Jimin. "Don't tease him," the tall Namjoon interjected and Mei-Lin smiled at him. "I'm going to go get something to drink, what do you want?" Jungkook whispered in her ear and she clung to his arms, looking up. "Don't worry, you're safe with them, they're just joking" he smiled and stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.
She nodded and he winked at her, then nodded to the boys and let her go, walking towards the bar. "So Jungkook huh?" Mei-Lin blushed and smiled, nodding in Jimin's direction. "It was about time after..." Jin started but Yoongi punched him on the shoulder and he squealed, rubbing the spot. "What?!" Yoongi shook his head and hit him again. "Is this how you treat your elders,Yoongi?" Mei-Lin burst out laughing and Hoseok stood next to her.
"Ignore them" she replied to his smile. "They're cool and happy for Jungkook, he's been single for a long time" Hoseok turned to make sure Jungkook wouldn't hear him and leaned in to Mei-Lin's ear. "Don't fall for his arrogant demeanor, Jungkook is as soft as jelly inside" he winked at her and Mei-Lin turned towards the bar where Jungkook was taking their order. "Welcome to the group,Mei-Lin" Namjoon stood on the other side of her and took a sip of his beer, nudging her shoulder.
Suddenly she found herself surrounded by six men who asked her question after question, made jokes about Jungkook, or praised him to the heavens. "Isn't this a group attempt to steal my girl?" Jungkook placed the two glasses of whiskey and the two beers on the table in front of Mei-Lin and his arms wrapped around her again. "Have they managed to tell you yet how bad and dangerous I am?" Jungkook asked in a deep voice in her ear and Mei-Lin shivered at his breath.
Mei-Lin shook her head and looked over her shoulder at him with a smile. "Good because I would have had to convince you they were lying" she blushed and tried to avoid his gaze but Jungkook didn't help her, instead he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers leaving her shocked and breathless. The kiss was innocent, but it made her knees go weak. "That's just one of my arguments" he whispered against her lips, looking straight into her huge shocked eyes.
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