You're Perfect
France x Italy
MairaHavana hope you enjoy!!!~
Francis walked into the building, clearing his throat as he walked towards the secretary.
"Excuse me. I'm here to see the Vargas brothers. Feliciano Vargas."
The secretary looked at him as she continued to type away on her computer, probably on Facebook.
"Floor 5, sir."
Francis nodded, heading towards the elevator and pressing the 'up' button.
There was a soft ding, and the doors slid open an he stepped inside.
He pressed the 5th floor button and the doors shut, and began going up.
Francis is a model. He usually has photo shoots, but today was different.
His friend, Antonio, hooked him up with the Vargas brothers. They paint.
They're artists.
Antonio would tell him how the paintings make him feel free and natural, no photoshop or anything.
Nothing to cut away a weird curve or anything.
Painting is beautiful, and so are humans, just the way they are.
Lovino made him feel very comfortable with himself.
That's what Antonio said.
Lovino Vargas, the oldest Vargas brother, painted only on the side since he worked as a manager at their grandfather's restaurant, and when he did...
He painted Antonio.
All Antonio. Only Antonio.
He would tell him he had other people to paint but he never did.
Unlike Feliciano.
Feliciano painted men, women, all and everything in between and out.
He mostly drew women, but that doesn't mean anything.
He loves every shape and form and everything.
And so today, he's painting Francis.
He's seen Francis in many magazines, like Vogue Paris and Elle.
And Feliciano was inspired.
Francis stepped out of the elevator as it got to the 5th floor, walking down the hall, humming.
He then heard a familiar sound.
"Oh, Lovi... You're so sweet."
A Spanish voice spoke.
"Shut up bastard. Before someone hears."
"Oh, Lovi! You make me the happiest man in the world. Can I have another?"
"... Fine. If it'd make you shut up."
"Gracias, mi amor~"
Francis walked up, catching the Spaniard kissing that angry Italian.
Antonio was in the entrance of Lovino's office, pretty much blocking the view of the Italian.
Once Antonio pulled away from the kiss, he smiled and spun on his heel, and almost ran into Francis.
"Oh! Francis! You're here!"
Francis was pulled into a hug by Antonio.
"Bonjour, mon ami! How are you? What have you been doing?... If you know what I mean?~" Francis purred as Antonio pulled away from the hug.
"Oh! I'm amazing! Thank you! I've also been doing Lovino!" Antonio laughed, having zero shame. He trusted his friend to not speak of his relationship with Lovino.
Lovino smacked Antonio's ass, making the Spaniard gasp, before walking past him, down the hall.
"To be honest, you're the one being done if anything." He winked at Antonio before going and turning a corner.
Antonio smiled, watching him go.
"Oh, Lovi...~" He was so wanting him.
"He's so amazing, isn't he?~" He asked, looking at Francis.
Francis nodded, before smiling.
"Sure is. Anyways, do you know where Feliciano is? I'm going to go be painted~"
Antonio grinned, nodding and throwing a thumb back to gesture inside of the room.
"In there! He's finishing up with someone right now. Someone, like, Ukrainian or something. She's really nice! Anyways..~ I'll see you later, mi amigo!" He waved before hurrying down the hall.
"Loviiiii!!!~ Come back here!~"
Francis chuckled and shook his head.
That goofball. How could you not love him.
He stepped in, looking to the left of the room and seeing Feliciano finishing up a portrait.
"And... there we go!!"
Feliciano exclaimed, smiling at the woman.
"Oh, thank you so much..!~" She got up, completely naked as she walked over to see it.
"Oh, it's so pretty! You're so amazing! Thank you!" She began to get dressed.
"Of course, Miss Katy!" Feliciano said cheerfully, taking the painting off the easel.
"I'll get it to you in a few days, alright?"
"Alright, I can't wait!!" The woman, supposedly 'Katy' giggled.
"It's so funny, I never thought myself as one to get a portrait. I've always felt so conceded!"
"I know, but it's always nice. You can give it to your lover when you go out of town." Feliciano laughed, and so did Katy.
Francis smiled at them, listening before speaking.
"Excuse me, Feliciano? Sorry to intrude. I'm Francis."
"Oh! Francis! Did I keep you waiting? I'm so sorry!" Feliciano apologized.
Katy left at some point, not wanting to bother them.
"It's fine, it really is." Francis insisted.
"Let's get to it, so I don't leave you waiting any longer!!" Feliciano grabbed his supplies.
Francis looked at Feliciano.
"Do I undress?"
"Whatever you are comfortable with!"
Francis of course undressed until he was buck naked because he likes being naked.
He went and adjusted onto a fancy couch in front of the easel.
"Just act natural." Feliciano spoke up as he walked up to the easel.
"Hm?" Francis raised a brow.
"How else am I supposed to act?" He chuckled.
"Most people get tense, and try to do the most 'perfect' pose. Though it makes them look less flattering. And they usually can't hold their pose. Try something natural and comfortable!"
Francis nodded and did so.
Feliciano began to paint.
Hours passed.
Soon Feliciano was done with most of it.
"You're really pretty. You have beautiful hair... body..."
Francis smirked. "Merci."
"You're really perfect."
"Now I wouldn't say that.."
"Maybe we could get some lunch after this?"
Francis wasn't expecting that.
"Sure.. oui. That'd be nice. I am getting kind of hungry."
Feliciano looked at him, smirking.
"Maybe I could have a closer look, too. You know, for the details of the painting." He winked.
Francis smiled, purring.
"Of course you can...~"
The End.
Author's Note
I'm so sorry I lost inspiration in the end so I was kind of rushing to get it finished. Sorry!! I hate when I do that... I could never be a real author. Anyways, here you go!!
1013 words including my two Author's notes!
Gosh it's so bad I'm sorry!
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