Chapter 3
Hiccup drives to Snotlout's house and sees cars outside. He parks his car and gets out and walks up to the door. Before he can knock, Snotlout opens the door.
"Hey. You finally got here."
"Yeah" says Hiccup kinda confused because he got out of school 6 minutes ago.
"Come in." Snotlout moves out of the way and Hiccup walks in. He says Astrid, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Fishlegs siting in a circle in the living room floor. Hiccup sits next to Astrid And Tuffnut.
"Okay. Now that Hiccup is here, let's start." Hiccup is yet again confused because he doesn't know what they are going to play.
"Okay... Tuffnut. truth or Dare?"
"I dare you to drink a whole bottle of hot sauce."
"Yes! Now I have an excuse!" He jumps up and runs into the kitchen and comes back out with a bottle of red hot sauce. He opens it and chugs the whole thing.
"Done." He sits back down and looks around for the next victum. He looks at Fishlegs. He grins.
"Fishlegs... Truth or Dare?"
"Um... Uh... Truth." Tuffnut looks disappointed. "Okay. No fun. What is you deepest secret?"
"I once failed a test." He says looking embarrassed.
"Where's the secret in that?"
"I never fail!"
"Okay. Ruffnut truth or dare?"
"I dare you to switch clothes with the person the you left." She looks and sees Tuffnut. "Your kidding me..." The two get up and walk off to get changed. A few minutes later, they come back out wearing he others clothes.
"Okay." They sit back down. "Snotlout truth or Dare?"
Hiccup's phone vibrates. He pulls it out and has a new message.
He opens the message and reads it. "I have to go!" He says jumping up. He gets his bag and runs outside to his car. Astrid follows.
"Hiccup!" She yells when she is outside. He stops and turns around.
"Can you give me a ride?"
He mumbles something. "Yea." He soon says. They get in his car and drive off.
While driving, Hiccup is worried. He is gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turn white.
He doesn't answer.
He slightly shakes his head and looks at her then back at the road.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"Yeah." They stop at a stop light.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just family problems."
"Are you sure because-" she is cut off when suddenly a car, driving about 60 mph hits the driver's side causing to knock out Hiccup while the glass flies everywhere, cutting Astrid's forehead. But she doesn't care. She hastily unbuckled the seat belt and shakes Hiccup. He doesn't wake up. She starts crying thinking he dead but he is still breathing.
She hears sirens. The doors are jammed shut from the in-pack of the car. The doors are being pulled out and Astrid gets out as soon as the door is out. The ambulance gets Hiccup and puts him on a stretcher.
The ambulance allow Astrid inside with Hiccup. They make their way to the hospital.
Hey Rolos!
Whatcha think?
Sorry if it is bad.
But comment what you think.
I still made a cover. If you want to help me out, message me.
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