Romance Book Review: Because I Love You
The author is Aaron_Ledgers in case you're wondering. I love you're book Aaron. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL
(If you can guess this hate sink reference I will love you forever)
Author: Aaron_Ledgers
Title: Because I Love You
First thoughts on the title: This title just screams cheesy romance. I'm talking about the type of stuff I'd watch with my mom when we run out of Tyler Perry movies on a late Saturday night. You know the Chick lit romance type stuff. Which is kind of bad since from what I've read of this book it clashes with the dark romance theme that circulates in the story. 4 out of 10 on your title if it was getting rated, while it screams romance. It doesn't scream the right type of romance that the readers will find circulating through your book.
Ah, you drew your own cover. It's beautiful, I'll definitely give you that and it's very detailed. While I do have a fondness for anime like covers especially hand made ones that will not save you. Your current cover has something to it that's very interesting it has a type of emptiness and coldness to it compared to your other covers. Just looking at it tells me absolutely nothing about your book. Let me give you some examples:
The asterisk war:
And Akame ga kill:
These are the posters for these two anime that your book resembles sometimes. They are extremely different anime. But, from just looking at the posters what can you tell me about these anime?
Now look at the poster for Yona of the Dawn another anime your book reminds me of:
When you look at this poster what can you tell me about this anime? That there will be adventure, mythical creatures a lot of weird lovely things.
This is what I meant by your cover has emptiness to it, it has flash, it has flare and it's great to look at but what does it say about your book itself? 2 out of 10.
Summary: Xaphile wasn't exactly your average boy-next-door. Grumpy, clumsy, and highly antisocial - he was the complete opposite of his girlfriend, a bubbly nerd named Ella. But like Yin and Yang, the two of them were inseparable... at least, until the day Ella died.
Blinded by grief, Phil took his own life.
However, instead of finding his much-expected peace in the afterlife, Phil somehow awakens in a parallel world called Atlas as a different and almost monstrous-looking version of himself.
Trapped in the kingdom of Aerika, a bizarre place chock full of things like elves, orcs, demons, sprites, squirrel-riding women, and everything else under the sun, he finds himself very confused and depressed. But before he can begin to make sense of anything, he's captured and caged like an animal by a ruthless girl who looks and sounds exactly like his late girlfriend.
Is this his own, personal hell?
Or is it a second chance?
Thoughts: Okay, I'm very glad you didn't try to be all mysterious and cover up Ella's death for some type of Batman parent thing or so that you could tip toe around it. You also manage to explain things very well without remaining too bare bones or revealing too much. Grammar is great, it isn't clumped together so 5 out of 5 congrats.
First and second impressions:
1. Okay so I went back and reread the whole book just for this. Anyway, I don't mind the chapter length in my opinion as long as you get your story told there is no page length. So I really like Phil and Ella's bonding time that gave a view into their mundane home life. Ella reminds me of Mable from Gravity Falls especially in the prologue and the first chapter. Now without spoilers we head to Atlas with Atlas Ella and Phil.
Here's the thing that confused me a bit I know that Atlas Ella hates everything nonhuman with enough passion to burn down a forest, but since she's the ruler of that section of land doesn't she have a duty to at least investigate where Phil came from and how he got there? Even if she hates him , from her side of things what if he was a demon and he's a scout sent to check out the town.
Ah Atlas Ella're turning into a Monnaca hate sink issue aren't you?
Also I don't know why in the world these villagers are surprised. Oh heavens we tortured a Fae he may kill us all I wonder why?
I love Amelia though she's just an amazing character, I can tell that you really thought out her personality when you fleshed her out. She falls into that big sister, mothering type role for some reason I just find her oddly adorable.
2 Okay Amelia is the best Waifu (Sorry couldn't help it) One thing I'm actually glad to see is that you properly portray an abusive relationship. Phil is not having any of Atlas Ella shit just because she looks like Ella. Even Amelia says, no what you did to him is absolutely not okay and he has every right to hate you. Since we don't see emotion/physical/mental abuse portray properly especially in romance books I'm kind of excited to see all the proper aspects and reactions of it in your book. And while Phil does open up to Atlas Ella slightly it takes him time which fits in with both his personality and what he's been through. However due to Atlas Ella being well her she resets their relationship to level one nearly every time they interact. Which all fits in with a dark romance/tragedy theme.
9 out of 10, Your transitions are good in between chapter, and even as the first few chapters began to progress I could tell that your characters were truly fleshed out almost as though they are real people. You don't shy away from dark topics and present them in correct form. However your world that you've built seems to be lacking.
Grammatical rating: 4 out of 5 I saw a few mistakes here and there in both newer chapters and older chapters it may have happened while you were typing too fast. All of your tenses were proper however and while there's just the right of detail you still manage to describe a beautiful parallel world that entraps the reader. I would recommend rereading your chapters to find the mistakes.
Genre Ratings:
Romance category 5 out 5 the dialouge between Atlas Ella, Phil, and Amelia always seems to be on point there's a lot of emotion behind Phil's voice especially whenever he talks to Atlas Ella and it is amazing. I can feel the warmth in Amelia's voice and easily see how she fits into that mama bear role of babying everyone. As for relationship progression 10 out of 10 like I said before while Phil does warm up to Atlas Ella slightly it is gradually over the course of time. And considering what he's been through it fits, even when Atlas Ella acts out and resets their relationship to level one he does the right thing and keeps his distance. So that's amazing, it's realistic.
Fantasy Category: The first is world building but honestly you don't do much world building instead you describe your world. 3 out of 5 you don't build up the world much outside of telling us it's parallel world to earth other than that you kind of expect us to just know stuff on our own. An example of this is Phil's powers, we know he's a forest sprite Fae now but why is he the only one left in that region did people hunt them even though it's illegal? Why did giving his magic to that tree nearly kill him if he's a powerful sprite.
This ties into the next part the rules of your world. Your rules are never clearly explained outside of some exposition like Atlas Ella does she have any duties as a lord/ruler of that section of land, who's in charge while she's gone? Another question wouldn't Phil be wondering who the other people around him represent in his Earth life since he knows that Atlas is a parallel world? After all he's a pretty smart guy. Sometimes in fantasy novels the politics of that world are necessary so that the readers won't be lost. For example when you introduced Sinmir and Atlas Ella acted all respectful I was honestly wondering how he out ranked her.
5 out of 10 you create a amazing world but you let it go to waste at times by not fleshing it out properly which confuses the reader a lot.
Trailer Rating:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I rated this trailer because it's the definitive trailer and honestly it is amazing. I can tell you put a lot of thought into this when planning it out and finding the proper characters for your book and while the contrast is a bit high it doesn't get in the way of anything. 15 out of 15.
Overall scores:
Cover-2 out of 10
Summary- 5 out 5
First and second impressions-9 out of 10
Grammatical rating- 4 out of 5
Romance category 1: 5 out of 5
Romance category 2: 10 out of 10
Sub genre:
Fantasy Category 1: 3 out of 5
Fantasy category 2: 5 out of 10
Trailer rating : 15 out of 15
Final Score: A 8 out of 10 your dialouge between characters is so on point that they feel like real people which is what many professional authors strive for and it's amazing. However your cover has a strange emptiness to it that tells you nothing about the book as though it's just a piece of art to look at. Your fantasy world while amazingly described to the point of life like beauty isn't fleshed out with enough information other through exposition for readers to immerse ourselves. I would advise you work on your world building the most because if the readers don't understand the fantasy world in a fantasy book they will drop the book.
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