For the few months Nafisa spent with Mukthar, he got to disentangle the unfeigned story behind Nafisa's 'goody two shoes' behavior — in spite of how hard she tried to conceal the truth about her true identity, she failed substantially. Her counterfeited behavior took little to no time for Mukthar to join the loose threads together — as they say, one's identity can never be hidden for two long, for it's like pregnancy which can never be hidden as time goes by. He was raging like a wounded bull when he came to know about her real identity. Nafisa who didn't have a clue as to how he found out beseeched for forgiveness, but he didn't want to hear of it. His response to her was bursting with hatred and vehemence. He felt extremely betrayed and the impetuosity he felt at that moment couldn't be measured. He resolved in throwing her out of his flat.
Nafisa pleaded with him not to do that to her as she had no place to go to in the city, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. In despondency, she knelt down in front of him and cried her eyes out, in the hopes of softening his hardened heart a tad bit.
Out of consideration on what she had to offer him, he struck a deal with her — from that day henceforth, they we live like a married couple, yet unmarried.
Without a second thought or a sign of hesitation, she spontaneously agreed to his condition, knowing fully well it was the commencement of her doom.
Mukthar's lips curled into an untamed smile, then he let out a perilous laugh before allowing her back into the house and as Nafisa had assumed, his behavior changed totally from that day henceforth. He treated her like nothing, but a piece of trash and whenever she tried to protest, he reminded her of her place in a contemptible manner — this act of his always had her lips sealed for a long period of time due to her fear of him kicking her out once again.
Sauntering into Mukthar's flat, she met him sitting in the living room, watching a football match.
He threw her a look of irritation before speaking; "where were you?"
Nafisa gulped painfully. "I was out."
"I know you were... I mean it's pretty obvious. I want to know where you went without informing me first." He rephrased.
"I... I—" she didn't know how to release the words without sounding stupid to him. The last thing she wanted was for him to degrade her more than he already had in the last few days.
"Come on, SPEAK UP!" He hollered.
Nafisa flinched at the tone of his voice and cringed at how he spoke to her, as if he was reprimanding a child — his child. "I went to the mansion."
"Mansion? What mansion are you talking about?" He asked, raising a brow.
Amidst his tone, Nafisa could tell what it held — degradation. He wanted her to spell everything out so he could taunt her some more. She couldn't grasp why he derived so much pleasure in taunting, as well as mocking her in despicable ways. "The one I was previously working in."
"Working? What type of work?" He asked, his eyes holding nothing, but ecstasy. His intention was nothing, but to ridicule her.
"A maid." She replied with her head hung high. She refused to be exasperated by him of all people. Besides who was he to her? — a worthless person she had no choice than to abide to his rules because she didn't want to be kicked out. Just as he was only using her for his own benefits, same way she was also using him for his benefits.
He laughed vociferously. "A maid? Or in forgot that's exactly what you are."
She remained mum, for she knew one wrong word from her could trigger his anger and she most definitely wasn't ready to be homeless. She didn't want to go back to her village either — it was a capital NO for her.
"I'm famished. Go into the kitchen and prepare me a meal. A delicious one otherwise I'm gonna shove them down your throat. I'm not kidding." He deadpanned.
And she knew he wasn't, but his rude behavior towards her was already starting to get on her nerves. "Excuse me, Mister, you can go into the kitchen and make the meal you want so deliciously."
"Are you defying me right now?" He snapped.
Nafisa realized what the consequence of her action would be and as such, she implored for his forgiveness. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say any of what I did."
"Good. Get to work. NOW." He enunciated each word with venomously.
Without another glance at him, she sashayed to the kitchen and out of exasperation, she dug her fingers painfully on the edge of the counter. "You're all going to pay for this." She vowed. "Who the hell does he think he is to boss me around this way?" She asked herself. In as much as she didn't want to admit to the fact even to herself, she knew staying at the mansion was way easier for her — she got to eat free square meals, stay in the house without paying a dime. she was even enrolled in a school free of charge and at the end of each month, she was being paid for her service. — now that she thought of it, she realised it wasn't as bad as she took it to be. At least much more better than staying with Mukthar. "I still would have been in that house and who knows, Manal's father might just marry me someday." She daydreamed. "This is all Maryam and that little brat, Manal's fault. If it wasn't for them, I'd have still been living in that mansion. Manal must have badmouthed me to her mom for her to that the extreme decision to fire her. That's spoilt brat." She gnashed her teeth. "I will have to make her pay in a way no one is able to comprehend and Maryam, she will feel my wrath in an unfavorable way. When I'm done dealing with them, then I will focus on ending his life. He mustn't get away with his treacherous behavior towards her. He will have to pay expensively and when that is done, I can finally flee from this city with his properties." She muttered to herself, smirking underhandedly.
With the thought still on her mind, she prepared his meal, not forgetting to add extra effort to make it taste delicious — just as he had ordered.
Whilst serving the meal to him, he asked her a question. "Why did you go back to that house?"
"To see just how happy they are before I strike." She blurted, gritting her teeth.
"What do you have in mind?" He questioned, munching away.
"I still don't have a plan yet, but I will think of one soon."
"Good. Immediately you do, you let me know, okay? I can be of great help."
"Definitely." She smirked. After all that is what you are good at — playing dirty — she wanted to add, but instead, sealed her lips with a smirk. Yes. She had also found out what he did for a living. She could still recall the day she saw him with a gun and a mask on after they were done with their operation — his other friends were involved as well. She confronted him and involuntarily, he blurted out the truth and threatened to kill her if she told anyone about it.
Nafisa excused herself and ambled back to the kitchen. She took a seat on the counter and something flashed in her eyes. Within a blink of an eye, it disappeared. Seeing Maryam and her family so happy irked her. She reminded herself she had to do something and fast. "They can never be happy after making me unhappy — it's impossible." She seethed. "And from what I saw, it seems they have gotten themselves a new maid. Tsk tsk." She shook her head. "For taking my place, you've succeeded in gaining yourself a free entry in my blacklist."
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