"What do you seek?" An eerie voice hissed. "An escape from your cursed life?"
I opened my eyes, only to witness a swirling portal infront of me. I felt a drift of wind from beneath my bare feet and saw that I was standing on a suspended pile of land. I was now high above the air, in the middle of nowhere.
"What do you seek? An escape from your cursed life?" The portal spoke once more. Its white and purple swirls started to form a grinning face.
I looked away from the portal's hideous grin and as I turned around, I saw her. I felt a swirl of emotion upon seeing her beautiful face covered by her long red hair.
"Eve!" I shouted, my voice came out in a high tone, it did not hide the fear I was now feeling.
"I'm sorry," Eve's voice was barely audible due to the gushing updrifts. Without a moment's hesitation, Eve entered the portal and in that moment I saw the floating landmass crumble.
"Eve!" I shouted again despite knowing that she would not even hear my useless cry.
"What are you waiting for?" The portal behind me spoke. "You want to see her, do you not?"
I quickly turned around and looked the portal head on. Its purple swirls now turned into a mix of blue and green.
"Will I see her again if I go inside?" I asked in my normal low voice, the desire to see Eve was stronger than the fear I was now feeling.
The portal gave me an unnerving smile which made me uneasy. I took a deep breath and slowly placed my left hand in the swirling light. My hand felt a hot and cold sensation. I quickly retracted it and slowly opened and closed it to see if it was still a functioning hand.
"Afraid, I see?" The portal spoke with a snort. It was irritating me with every second that passes.
I took three steps back and closed both of my eyes shut.
"So you are afraid..." I didn't let the portal finish its words. I dashed forward with incredible speed, putting all of my body weight on my shoulder. This stance was normally used to tackle a person. A gesture I would often do in my chosen profession.
My entire body felt a strong sensation of the scorching hot flames and the bone chilling cold. I kept my eyes closed the entire way.
A few seconds passed until my body finally felt normal again. When I opened my eyes, the shock of the new surroundings made me drop, face flat on the grassy ground.
I gently lifted my head to see the clear blue sky. A sky I had only seen as a child. Now the skies in the city were murky with smoke that made the day seem like night. I breathed in the fresh crisp air. No smoke, no dirt, no impurities. Only pure air and as I inhaled that fresh air, a memory of my childhood flashed inside my mind: I was only a boy running carelessly on the grassfield.
I got up and sat down. Gigantic trees towered over me, leaves as big as my entire arm. I stared in awe at the magestic surroundings.
A nearby river gargled and a human sized fish jumped up into the air. I never would have thought that I would see a fish that big. The only fish I'm used to seeing is the size of my foot.
My brain seemed to slowly absorb the bombarding information. Everything was bizzare, if I had to guess, I would say the entire world grew or I simply shrunk.
A gentle chirp of a bird from behind me made me turn around. As I turned around, I saw smoke, emptiness and sadness. It was the city. My home. It was a blurred image, kind of like when you throw a pebble at a resting river.
I saw how the air was filled with impure smoke from cars and industrial factories. Even though it was noon it was dark. Trash was everywhere.
Have I been living in this place for the past seven years of my life?
For the first time I felt pity. Pity on how humanity ruined the world. How each passing day brings us closer to our own destruction.
"Where am I?" I asked the air knowing that no one would answer.
"You're in the boundary of both worlds..." a soft familiar voice spoke from behind me.
I knew who it was. Yet my body refused to turn around and look at her. I heard leaves rustle and I knew she was walking towards me.
"I'm sorry," she wrapped her hands around my waist. "I never told you the truth," her cheeks pressing against my hunched back. "I never thought that you would follow me here..."
My back was now wet with tears. Her tears. Eve never cried infront of me. She only cried if she knew I wasn't looking at her.
"I thought I could run away... with you," her tears increasing with every second. "But I was wrong, they found me and I can't risk your life too."
"What do you mean?" I asked in a whisper as I tried to take a glimpse at her.
"Everything that happened to you, was because of me," she hugged me even tighter. "I was the reason behind all the horrible things that's happened to you, so I must leave..."
I felt her hands loosen and then she finally let go. A strong breeze pushed me into the blury image of the city. I felt the hot and cold sensation once more and as I opened my eyes, I was home.
I was standing infront of my house. Then I heard thunder and rain followed mere moments later.
I quickly stepped on the porch and twisted the door knob. To my surprise, it was open. Had I forgotten to lock my own door?
I stepped inside my small house and gently closed the door behind me. The hallway felt empty without Eve and her cheerful smile. I just stood there.
I still can't wrap my head around what happened. Suddenly, I heard a thud in the living room.
I quickly investigated it and found my police uniform floating and rotating in the air. It hovered above Eve's journal. When my uniform faced me, it quickly lost its flight and it threw itself on the sofa.
Eve's journal opened like it was being blown by a strong gust of wind. It then quickly stopped in the middle part.
I was hesitant. Should I read it or should I run out of the house at this very moment?
Then, a memory of Eve came into my mind. She loved writing on this journal and she would always hide it after she finished writing. But it was now outside, could Eve have possibly left this for me to read?
I slowly approached the journal. My nerves were uneasy. Every cell in my body was anxious. The journal stopped in a page with the title: To My Beloved Andrew.
To My Beloved Andrew
If you are reading this, then you have had a glimpse of my world.
I am not a human like you.
I am a Nymph and not just an ordinary Nymph for I am their Queen.
I am afraid that last night was the final meal we had together.
The war in my land is rapidly growing and other Nymphs need my guidance.
All the bad things that have been happening to you was because of the Sprites.
They have found out that we were together and they wanted to make your life miserable.
I am sorry to have to leave you like this...
At the end of the entry I couldn't help but feel guilt. I had known nothing about Eve and yet we have been together for five years.
I decided to go back to her world. I looked at every page of the journal and there I found a way to get back.
"I will get you back Eve, even if I have to fight an entire army of Sprites," I said to myself. "This is ALL FOR EVE."
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