Chapter Three
Your Point Of View
The boy had seemed familiar and that's when it struck me. I didn't know his face but it reminded me of the demon I saw this morning. The boy wore a big grin across his face. He looked excited for this moment. I heard the teacher call my name for role call and stood up. "Y/n L/n, here!" I said, standing tall and proud. The teacher marked me down and I sat down once my part had ended. I looked over at the boy and he had begun staring me. I shook this off and ignored it for the rest of music class. I kept noticing the boy looking around, probably studying this new school system. Several times, the teacher called on him to get his attention. He stuttered at every sentence which made some laugh. It angered me a bit.
When class ended, we all headed on out to the cafeteria. I had brought my own lunch which Mum had made. She knew me too well. Throughout the day, I kept noticing the same boy staring at me and getting near me. I supposed he had never made any friends and had become desperate. I saw him again and turned my head toward him. He started to run but I motioned him toward me. He hestaited for a moment then approached my table. He looked at me then sat down, getting his butt comfoy. He looked at me and I swear I saw him blush a bit. He looked happy to be near me. I held out my hand as if for a hand shake. "Name's Y/n." He shook my hand and then introduced himself with stuttering. "S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-So-o-o, wh-wh-what are-are-are y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yo-o-o-o-u-u d-d-d-doing h-h-h-h-h-h-h-he-here-here a-a-a-a-a-alo-one-alone?" He asked through heavy stuttering. I shrugged at his question. Honestly, I liked it. Being alone meant choosing your own path. There were many pros and cons of it. But I couldn't help but wonder why the new kid didn't already have people all over him. He looked cute to be honest.
"What's your story?" I asked him. He seemed anxoius to answer. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I-It-t-t-it's-s-s-s s-s-s-s-s-s-s-so-o-ort-ta-ta a-a-a-a-a l-l-l-l-lon-ng st-stor-ry-y." He stuttered. "It'll be fine?" I said, trying to reassure him. I took a bite out of my sandwich while he tried to explain his life's story. He gave up on speaking and decided to gesture his life. From what I learned is that, he had been raised in an orphanage for most of his life and finally got adopted. Then, one of his family members died and he had been sent to a therapist. There he recovered but not without suicidal behavior. I bought his cheesy cliché story. I hugged him close and somehow he snuck a huge bite out of my sandwich! Me and him laughed at this and became friends instantly.
Still, he didn't seem right. When the other classes began, he followed me to every single one but not before spilting up to run to his classes. Maybe he wanted to know where to find me! I thought to myself to answer his odd behavior. When I arrived to world history, I had forgotten about the project we had to do on the 1920s era! I panicked and took deep breaths to calm myself down. We only had 3 more days to do this project so I looked around for anyone, random. I scanned around the room and saw a familiar black haired girl sitting in the back, with her face in a book. I approached her and tapped her shoulder. She looked up with her brown eyes all on me. "Hi Rosalie!" I said, smiling wide. She groaned but still looked at me. "What is it now Y/n?" I had become nervous to ask her this question. "Say, wanna be partners?" I asked. "I don't see why not. I guess so?" She said. I rushed over to a nearby desk and pushed it to hers. "So what part of the 1920s we doing? The illegal alcohol? The cartoons? Or better yet, the great depression?" She asked. I didn't know what to choose! It happens that they were all interesting. "Why can't we do the cartoons?" I asked.
Rosalie shrugged and tapped something on her phone. Jolly music began to play as we both wanted a clown walk across the screen with a sack. "Is it one of those dark ones?" I asked her. "I like old cartoons." She said. We both watched as the clown had been stopped by a cloaked man who held a bowl. The clown studied it and then snapped his fingers. He then dumped whatever had been inside the sack, on to the ground. A person popped out and looked around, soon shaking. The film made me queasy a bit as two skeletonal hands grabbed the person, dragging them into what looked like hell with flames everywhere. Rosalie stopped the video and looked at me. I tried to show a brave face. "Don't worry, these scare the shit out of me too. At times." She whispered. Were there more films like this? I asked myself in my head. "Well, we'll meet here again. When the sun's out to play, the devil is away!" Somehow, that made me feel better.
But I couldn't help but feel watched.
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