where the adventure begins
(also this is what alyssa looks like also her parents are angels but her father is a fallen angel so she has black wings so yea also the pitcher below is what hanna looks like ok onword)
alyssa's pov
i was on my way to school-.oh ur probably wondering who i am.im alyssa im a angel up in heaven.yes u heard me a angel ur probably wondering was i killed did i die of a illness.no i didn't die at all i was just born as a angel.the thing is that i live ina world where instead of humans there all monsters well most of them some of them are human with powers others are just normale.anywas i was walking Intel i bumped into someone.I looked up at them and they where a wolf human type.
she had long black and whit hair that went past her shoulders and had icy blue eyes and black and white ears and a black and white tail' "hanna;hay u ok?" "me:yea im ok sorry i wasn't paying attention at all" "hanna:its ok i wasnt either...hey wait a minute...ur the new kid aren't u?" "alyssa:yea im the new kid" "hanna:well the principal told me to show the new kid around school so want me to show you around?" "alyssa:sure" "hanna:great lets go*starts to walk*" "alyssa:*walks with hanna* um...i never got ur name" "hanna:oh my name is hanna..hanna the fox and ur name?" "alyssa:alyssa...alyssa the angel"
(also this is zack.this oc doesnt belong to me so yea i jus found this on google but yea this is him anyway onword)
hanna's pov
i was showing alyssa around the school.she was a really nice girl even though i was a year older her she is really nice to have around.she was telling be about her life but something seems off about her story...it just missing something...but i just shruged it off.we finally got to her locker.aparily it was on the 5th floor.when we got there i gave her the keys and smiled.she smiles back thats when a friend of mine came over."???:hey guys" "me:hey zack" "zack:so who is she?" "me:oh thats alyssa she is the new kid*smiles*" "zack;nice to meet you*puts his hand out*" "alyssa:*shakes is and smiles"nice to meet u to zack".after the two shock hands the bell rang.i frown and groand but i got my books and alyssa got hers as well.and we said goodbye to zack and went to class.
(timeskip cause i acn also to let u know theres alot of vilence up ahead so yea u been warned ok continue)
alyssa's pov
the bell rung and i grabed my things and headed for my locker.i started to put my things into the locker thats when zack came over to me."zack:hey alyssa u heading home?" "me:yea i am my dad doesnt like it when im late so yea" "zack: ok want to walk home?" "alyssa:sure"aftr that hanna cought up to me and zack.we all walked home and i was the first to be droped off i waved goodbye and went in.first thing i hear my brother being beaten.i ran in and yelled 'me:STOP IT DAD ADEN DOESNT DESERIVE THIS!!!!" "dad:ur right ur deserive it"before i could do anything my dad through me aganst the wall and started to beat me with his beer bottle.i heard the door open and my mom came in and saw what was happening and she grabed aden and was about to grab me but i whispered"plz leave and find a better place for aden"she noded and went to grab her and adens stuff and left out the back door.my father continued to beat me intell he was hunger and through me crossed the floor and told me to make food.so i did and i made him dinner and gave it to him.minuts later he past out so i went to my room and started to cut myself well texting my mom to never to come back and get as far away as she can. and that i will find her soon.she said ok thats when my dad came in my room and...did something very terrorfying..he started to rape
*hours later and its still alyssa's pov*
finally the pain was over.my dad locked me in my room and left to start a new life with a new woman.i shivered in fear.and i went to sleep.tomarrow i was going to tell hanna and zack what happen.thats when i fell asleep.
*2 hours later zack's pov*
I was on my way to the school. apparently Alyssa had to tell her something. So I ran to the school as fast as I could.it was 2 in the morning so I was extremely tired but unless I said this was an emergency so I had to do it. I finally got to the school and I saw I was sick crying I ran over to."me: hey hey are you okay Alyssa?" "Alyssa: n-no...just wait okay Zach I'm waiting for Hanna this year cuz you both need to know this I mean it and I think I'm going to ask you guys probably going to be really really risky" "me: what do you mean Alyssa what do you mean by risky like you may like it's danger to us or is it something that happened with you that you need our capabilities for.." "Alyssa:something like that but let's wait until Hannah gets here cuz you two are pretty much the only ones I really got right now but what does a friend I have on Earth and she doesn't go to school here she is just normal she doesn't have to bility she's just a normal human we are friends before and you know we had to transfer here me and my family" "me: that's got to be rough so when will Hanna get her-" me and Alyssa both heard cries we looked over and saw Hanna had cut on her knee which was bleeding pretty bad for a fox human type thing. We both got up and ran over him the thing is that for my capabilitie is that I can heal people even though my skin is not green it's pink lady look like a lot of time which I'm not it's just that both my parents are I'm getting off topic but anyway I use my healing capabilities to help Hanna and angular world and lots of small scar but she said that would be okay. "Hanna:so what do you need us for Alyssa that you literally woke us up at 2 in the morning!" "Alyssa: cuz you're both here the thing is that the when I went home after we have took our walk from school my dad started abusing me again...." "Me and Hanna: AGAIN?!" "Alyssa:yeah and well my mom and my brother are safe right now because my brother was taking all damaged first when I first got home I started yelling at my dad telling him not to hurt her that he didn't deserve it and he just grinned evilly and he said you're right he doesn't deserve you do something like that thank you. You've been thrown threw me against the wall and the price I didn't break right through which was pretty close but anyway onion just took all the damage and I saw my mom walked in and started yelling at him but they can tell and Hurst are changing from anger to fear that my dad gave a death glare saying don't even interrupt and my mom was about to come save me but I'm out here that she just need to grab her and brother stuff and get out of here. she did and she ran off I didn't know where but I told her that when she gets to a safe place outside the state to let me know like outside of this area. after that my dad said he was hungry so I got him food and he ate went to sleep I thought he would stay asleep for a while so I went upstairs and start cutting myself. right after 10 minutes I just got finished calling my mom and she told me where she was heading which was a different au. After that he started raping me he did it for about 3 to 4 hours straight aren't you that he left the house and said I will never be coming back to the house it's all yours and then he just left with the kids and everything there I was just on the bed and pain I couldn't barely even move on my own HDD until a few minutes ago that's why I called you guys over here.* "Me: that's terrible why would your father do that?!" "Alyssa:I don't know but all I know is that he's not coming back for us or if he is then he's waiting for the right moment" "Hanna:so late since your dad's gone hopefully where you going to do now I mean your mom and brother and far away do you even know their location right now?" "Alyssa: no I don't but I know is that when they do find a better place to stay they will contact me and let me know where to go this is the first time we've had to do this I bet it won't be the last" "me: so what do you need us for?" "Alyssa:well I was wondering if you guys would want to come with me on my journey I mean your parents would be okay with it right?" "Me: well I'm living on my own so well I'm in I'll let you Hanna?" "Hanna:well I mean my parents wouldn't mind anyway I need to get out of the house and they've been saying even if it means you would go to a different world will still count as long as you're safe so I'm in" "Alyssa: thank you guys since its 2 in the morning we'll start on mission tomorrow" "me: we don't we have school tomorrow" "Alyssa:I already talked to the principal about this he said it was okay if we miss school but the school of makeup for work he just so have to be at least here once in awhile just to catch up on a few things" "me and Hanna:okay then so we're going to pack our stuff now and head out in the morning or what's the plan?" "Alyssa:go to your house is packed with things you'll need and that you want I have I have teleportation Powers so you'll be able to go back and forth in case we miss something while we're in our missions and you missed your sword then you're just going to use your capabilities sound like a plan?" "Hanna: sounds like a plan for me" "me: sounds like a plan so like what are we officially going to pack like cloths food and stuff?" "Alyssa: Pack ur clothes and things I'm not sure who has the most money so I guess all this crap Bhutto we have in the fridge pots and pans things that we're going to need and we'll just meet up here at the school before school starts around 5 clock okay?" "Me and Hanna:ok!"
After that we headed back to our houses and got are things ready and we setting are alarms to 5 o'clock and we went to bed.
to be contine ok guy i hope u injoy this i will be continueing it so yea later my dreamers
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