Things I guess you don't know about me [PART II]
Things I guess you don't know about me...[PART II]
#1-I do different hairstyles at home everyday [except braids (unless if I'm on a ponytail)
I'll be honest, 1st grade I cannot tie my hair coz it's short, 2nd grade...Im always asking my mom if she could tie my hair, I learned how to tie my hair when I was in 3rd grade, 4th grade I started hating tying my hair so my hair is always down and mom is always saying I should tie my hair often, 5th grade I started not caring too much about my hair, and lastly 6th grade, started talking too much about my hair and realizing that for girls, hair is important...
Anime hairs....are...much...more...better! but I'll accept the reality
Dat feeling when you are brushing ur hair and a few strands of hair falls out...Well...
lol I'll stop singing................. *lowers head but my are staring to your face and smiles*for now
#2- When I was a kid, I LOVE much...
WELL NUH UH UH, THAT'S NOT TRUE, YAS I LIKE PINK SO MUCH WHEN I WAS A KID — BUT NOW? HELL! I do not like too much pink...If you are forcing me to choose what pink I like...I rather choose soft pink
Well, I donno if that color really exists...but...there's an image popping in my head...REALLY, NOT KIDDING...
I'm currently admiring three colors...Black, Blue, and Green.
Black because I'm more comfortable with it
Blue because of the sky
Green because of an anime character I can totally relate with, and also because it is the color of my room
#3- I used to be a very troublesome person
Ahh, the agony~ I remember myself going to a commercial with my classmates without my parent's notice, and my brother saw me but gladly he kept it a was Valentines Day that day so I decided to roam.
I was very very very bossy, very clumsy, very stupid (like...really stupid), very careless (ugh yes, careless, it's true), very energetic, and most of all (the one I do not like the most) very girly.
Maybe right now, I still am...but!!! not 100% *facepalms* I don't know what kind I really am right now, a normal human or what *sighs*
Oh I consider myself troublesome (only in fourth grade) because when I was a kid, I used to hate studying -.- and when tests are coming I do not review, yes I did but...only some interesting lessons, I mostly do not read books, and I sometimes..yeah only sometimes don't listen to teachers when they're teaching a lesson, I usually listen to them but forgots the lesson afterwards...and I was wishing to be in the 1st top!!!! -_- my past self is really ticking me off! kami tasukete!!!!
Now you know, ahh~ guess telling something about my past is fun!
#4- I do not like dark chocolates
Guess why...
#5- My handwriting sucks when ballpen sucks, my handwriting sucks when Im too lazy or bored.
Im not the only one!
#6- The first anime I heard from my classmate is Sword Art Online — and that's when I was in 3rd Grade
Thanks to Nikita *smirks* I watched the first episode of SAO in Youtube (I donno what electronics I was using, Idgad about everthing when I was in 3rd grade)
But after that, I stopped coz I totaaaaaaally forgot about it and started watching anime in TV.
Because of that, I learned lots of lots of anime in TV and BOOM! my brother suggested me Pokemon → Naruto → Yugioh → Rurouni Kenshin →etc.
I used to watch Detective Conan too~ ahhh~ memories! I used to like the protagnist...haha..
#7- I was scared of sleeping alone in my room.
You know why? because of my dolls! yeahhhh they're like...staring at me 24/'re staring deep in my soul — asking if they could come in, but I didn't answer instead I threw them my fake undying love okay okay what WAS I SAYIN'!?!?!?!
But r8 now, I do not care about them staring at my souls — coz I know that someone is already staring...
#8- I used to teach my grandmother math and do a you're-gonna-facepalm-when-you-grow-up-realizing-what-you-did thingy
Yeahh like... 10+5, 19+292 and etc. (not kidding..) and I used to sneak and steal junk foods in the cabinet and ask my grandma if we could eat it together...okay soo that's me.
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