My friends in Wattpad...and in real life :)
~ Even though right now we're not in good terms...I'll remain kind to her because I understand her...And I don't have the rights to treat her differently because all of us are just humans...I'm sorry if I'm too emotional about friendships..It's just I don't know what to do...Now I realize all of those supports you gave me...All I will see now are those efforts we made to each other not those negative things we did to each other because...I can't just let go of the person who has shared hilarious, cute and unforgettable moments with me...I may not be that person anymore (like what you said last time...that I changed) but deep inside, this is still me...
Your birthday will be on May 31 and mine will be on June to yours! and before your birthday and my birthday I need you to read this message...that's all I wanna say to you...till next time... *does our secret handshake*
~ Hi Rianne! thank you for giving me comfort whenever I feel uneasy...And thank you also for supporting me and giving me hope.... *blushes* u-uh thank you for shipping usss!!! >///3///< YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN huehuehue...If you'll leave R and O Academy, I hope you'll have good friends in your school :) don't forget to smile...And...always be a good girl! <3 *le hugs*
NEEEEEXT contestant!
~ Of course! even though we didn't talk in real life (I did! but...only once ;-; ) I will not consider her an enemy but a friend! oh yeah! last party...farewell were so close with Rianne soo I think you are her friend! *-* soo I tried to be friends with you but... ;-; I hope you won't think I am weird or something! XD ohhh and please answer this!
Can we be friends?
Yes or No or Let me think
i-it'a fine if you'll ignore it ;-; it's not like it's serious problem or you'll receive something special or anything... ;-; oh lol whut...but anyways have a good life! *gives you a high give*
Here's the guyyyy!
~ *gives a dark aura* ACE UR STILL ALIVE DUDE! stay alive in Wattpad! remember that you'll make a story??? 1% romance!? lel you ship me with my crush, I'll ship you with your crush since.... that'll make us quits! mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.*coughs* *coughs* okay... *coughs* You are also a biiiiig help when it comes to shipping people and...HAHA thank you for the advice you gave me! You told me right in front of me that I should move on because Sean has another girl he likes and I am so lucky that I WONT HAVE TO BE CONFUSE ANYMORE! and yeah one way of appreciating it... *bows* May your life be good Ace! (Im still calling you that......ACE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA) *pats back*
Last but not the least!
~ *gives a dark aura as well* AERISTO YOU ARE STILL ALIVE TOO DUDE...oh...wait...let me change the opening..
ahem ahem *acts normal* Aeristo thank you for.... (w-what should I say hmm....oh!!! right!!!) thank you for making me laugh!! haha not just your words are funny but even your actions..the way you act is cool! which is funny...but if you don't like the way I said that you're cool then...I'll say you are cute...but heyyyyyyyyy all of you are cute not just you....ahehehehehehehehehhehe...but!!! you are in mah no. infinity list! (I started NOT liking numbers when it comes to human species because...welll...I cant just say someone is 5,1, or 2 or etc.) I won't forget that moment you said that..I AM CHILDISH, I will never ever forget everything you said about me because...yeah of course it is about me! XD lel
You may not recognize me right now but...I WILL ALWAYS RECOGNIZE Ya' dude
I will always recognize the way you talk ;-; I find it very sharp (only for me!) when you are talking to me using English Language ;-; I donno whyyy...I can imagine your voice ;-; but anyways...Im still glad that I can talk to you :/ I appreciate that...I appreciate your effort of talking to me even though.. I am always a trouble to you (meh you told me and I think you were right about it but I don't care anymore.All I care is that we are in good condition rn)
this is such a long message!!! people might think that... @-@ iie! iie! iie! iie!!! @-@# I'm such a deadmeat but anyways thanks to you! *pats thy head*
Gomenasai minna! *sees other of my sides going away* ch-chotto matte!!!! *runs after* I got to goooooo! ahaha jan'ne
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