Favorite Bands and Singers
ohh heyy guys, another update in "All About Me (2016)"
okay let's start!!!
let's start about...my favorite bands...
you see, I've been liking the band...
* Bon Jovi
Reasons: Yes yes yes, I'm a girl...but I superfragilisticexpicalidocious love his songs!! they're like made by heart "♥" I mean....their rock songs...his voice is like.... ughghughgghgh, I don't know but I find Jon Bon Jovi's songs relaxing to my ears...well I guess it's just me *cries* Am I the only 11 years old girl who loves this band (;o;) tell meeeee...if yes, well... *plays a sad music*
okay let's move on to my second favorite band!!! *drum rolls* It's......PARAMORE
woohoohooo finally!!! well here are the reasons!
Reasons: Because my brother... yes, my brother! loves Paramore (but I guess rn he changed but heeeyyy how about me? :3333 hohohoho just kidding ✌✌✌) well I love the song For a pessimist I'm pretty optimistic...Well, I'm a pessimist....to be honest and I'm not very positive...even though the lyrics didn't mentioned the title, I still get it....woohooo, and I love their song Brick by boring brick, Ignorance...ooh yes! Ignorance is one of my faves!
* The Beatles
Reasons: Classic.that's why...I love their song Give peace a chance...when the classroom is noisy, I would sing this(more like play the song in my head so that I'll have peace!) well I know their song Yesterday, Love me do, Don't let me down, Strawberry fields forever, Imagine, Hey Jude, Help, Yellow Submarine and many more songs you should check out!!!
* Panic! at the disco
Reasons: I found this band because of my brothers! I love their song This is Gospel (Piano) ...well... ~If you love me let me gooooooooooo~ 'cause these words are knives --- okay okay stop it....well, I love their song Mona Lisa!!
I have many favorite bands...that includes...
* Pierce The Veil (most favorite song: The Boy who could fly, One hundred sleepless nights)
* My chemical romance (most favorite song: Black Parade)
* Linkin Park (most favorite songs: In The End, Numb,)
* Green Day (most favorite song:Wake me up when september ends)
* Hoobastank (most favorite song: The Reason)
* Get Scared (most favorite song: Sarcasm)
* Maroon 5 (most favorite song: Maps, Payphone)
okayy let's move on!!! (even though I can't move on in reality ;-; aheheheehhehheeh jkjkjkjk) toooo singersss
* Avril Lavigne
Reasons: Relatable...so close! I love her and I know all of her songs...I listen to almost all of her songs! I love her songs, Wish you were here, Let me go, Sk8r boy, Nobody's home, Hot, Losing Grip, Mobile, Don't tell me, Anything but ordinary, 17, Bitchin Summer, What the hell, Bad reputation, Daydream, Heaven, Sippin on Sunshine, Give you what you like, and many more!!!
hmmm let me think....well I think Avril Lavigne will be my most favorite singer!
Here are some singers I will recommend...
* Victoria Acosta (most favorite song: Could This Be Love)
* Jonathan Coulton (most favorite song: Re: Your brains, Creepy doll)
* Diana Vickers (most favorite song: The Boy who murdered love)
* David Cook (most favorite song: Always be my baby)
* Taylor Swift (most favorite songs: Teardrops on my guitar, You're not sorry, Love Story, Enchanted)
so that's all!!!
EXTRA: PSSTTT hey guys...you should check Nightcore...I love Nightcores!!! okay...check nightcores!! I love nightcores [100x] you should check it out! well, all of my favorite bands/singer....is in there..their voice changing well yeah I donno how to explain but you should check Nightcore!
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