Facts about me huehue >///3///<
Now I'm gonna update some of my books!
#1- When reviewing for the exams at home, I lay down on my bed while reading my reviewer/book instead of sitting down.If I am sitting down while reading, it's either it won't get in my head or I'll be bored and will start daydreaming.
#2- I can't sleep without pillows - I can..But I need lots of stuff toys! XD
#3- I slap myself (specifically my cheeks) to prevent laughing at inappropriate times. ヽ(´▽`)/ Yessss.
#4- I started loving the band Twenty One Pilots O///3///O
#5- I love searching old stuffs >///3///< I might find something that'll be useful for my future huehue...
#6- I still wanna go to the playground O///...///O yeah...really...And slide and swing and.. >///~///O
#7- I wanna hug someone right now huehuehue O///-///O hahahaXD
#8- I thought that I should put 'Manga' and 'Creepy stuffs' on my wishlists
#9- When I was a kid, — I mean...like..Below 7 years old, I asked my family the meaning of 'human' XD
#10- I prefer living in the province instead of living in the city.
#11- I am planning to collect anime stuffs ^^
#12- I'm always daydreaming - usually about having or making friends if I ever transfer to another school, having fun, my happiness and if I ever see my special friend and my special friend's bestfriends ^0^
#13- I found a small voodoo doll keychain, I can't find the other eyeball, and I can't also find the voodoo doll's leg and it really LOOKS CREEPILY AWESOME.So I decided to hang it on my school bag's you know...XD I FIND THE VOODOO DOLL INCREDIBLE ADORABLE <3 I found it in my old stuff toys' box. Sooo the major fact here is, I started loving voodoo dolls XD because of the appearance.Kawaii <3
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