Things Never to Say to Asexuals
Since asexuals are part of the LGBTQ+ community, we unfortunately also face negative experiences from people not in the community. Obviously we don't get the exact same horrible treatment as gay,lesbian,etc. people may get, but we do struggle with other things, such as invalidation or people trying to "fix us" when there is absolutely nothing wrong with us.
If you know someone who identifies on the asexual spectrum, please do NOT say anything on this list. It can really hurt them and make them feel terrible about who they are.
You just haven't met the right person yet!
There is no right person because I don't feel sexual attraction. You may feel like you're supporting me, but you're really just invalidating my orientation.
You're just secretly gay.
No,I'm not. If I was, I would've told you. I'm not telling you I'm asexual as a mask to hide who I am. My asexuality is truly what I am.
How do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?
Well that depends. How do you know you don't like eating jellyfish if you've never eaten one?
Go on.
Eat a jellyfish. :)
You're actually just autistic.
50 years later...
How will you ever have a meaningful relationship?
Why does everybody see the need to have "that" in a relationship in order for it to even be considered a good one? Sex isn't everything in a relationship, you know.
I bet I can fix you.
I bet I can get you a restraining order or have you out in prison if you make an attempt.
I'll take that as a challenge ;)
I wasn't telling you about my asexuality for you to take it as a challenge. What demented world are you living in?
It's just a phase.
And I bet your heterosexuality is just a phase as well. :)
You're too young to know that.
So I'm a teenager almost in high school and I'm too young to know that I'm asexual, yet a 7-year-old girl playing house isn't too young to know that she wants kids when she grows up and is heterosexual.
😒 I see how it is.
You can't be asexual!Humans don't reproduce like that.
Yes,I am fully aware that humans are not asexual and cannot reproduce a carbon copy of themselves by cutting off an arm. When I told you I'm asexual, I meant a sexual orientation, not a biological means of procreating.
Maybe you need to see a doctor/mental health professional/therapist about it.
There is not a single thing wrong with me. I don't need a doctor or therapist or ANYONE who works in the medical field. Quit pretending like you're Dr. Oz and you know everything about me.
You're just a late bloomer.
How about NO?
That's the same as celibacy/abstinence.
Those are CHOICES, where as asexuality is an orientation that I did not choose.
So do you masturbate?
...When is this ever an appropriate question to ask someone?
You can't be asexual!Humans were meant to have sex.
And I guess humans were also meant to be ignorant. :)
You should get your hormones checked.
The only thing that needs to be checked are your brain cells. You should probably go see a neurosurgery straight away. I sense that a lot of your cells are dying.
Did something happen to you to make you this way?
This is incredibly offensive, especially to people who really WERE or ARE abused. Don't assume our asexuality is caused by something traumatic in our past. We were always this way and just didn't know it until now.
I wish I was asexual. Life would be SOOOO much easier that way.
Yeah,it's SUPER easy to live life as an asexual. The world is constantly being sexualized around you making you wonder why you don't feel the same way as everyone else, people ask if there's something wrong with you, and your identity is invalidated because it doesn't fit into the social norms.
Yes, being an asexual is TRULY an easy life. 😊
You're just trying to be special.
I'm not trying to be special. What with all the crap being said about me and the rest of the Ace community, it's very hard to feel special at all.
You just can't get any.
I don't want any anyways.
So you're basically a plant?/any other not-so-funny plant related joke.
Why do I even bother any more?
Yes,I grow roots and petals and stems and taken nutrients from soil,water,and sunlight to stay alive. .__.
Asexuality is fake.
Asexuality is wrong.
Asexuality is not real.
These last three are by far probably the worst things you could say to an asexual. You're immediately invalidating their orientation and not even giving them a chance to explain and hopefully open your mind to the idea of this identity.
To my fellow ace spectrum people:
You are not broken, and you are definitely not alone. There are people out there who will accept you for who you are as an individual no matter what. There are people out there who won't invalidate you just because they've never heard of the term before.
There are people out there who care about you and love you.
If someone says anything above on the list or some other acephobe related comment, don't let it get to you. They're just too simpleminded to accept you for you are and who won't take the time to learn more about your identity. Those kinds of people are not worth your time or attention.
If you're struggling with your identity and you think you may be asexual, you can always check out AVEN for more info on this sexual orientation. There are tons of people there who can help you. :)
Remember that you are loved, my fellow aces. Stay positive. 💜❤
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