Chapter 3: Unit 2
I was feeling hollow while thinking about her. I started with my life story, “It was the first day of the last semester, unlike others I was not at all exited. Life was like a flat soda for me. I was heading towards my classroom when suddenly a girl banged into me-” I don't know why I meet the important people of my life with a crash.
Anyways, back to the story, “That was the first time I saw her and instantly I concluded that she was new here. But she had a spark as if she wanted to proof herself, I pointed her towards the principal's office after she asked me to do so. Later, I found that she was in the same section with me she sat beside me. Nobody ever sat with me in these years. I always maintained a distance from the others. But she.. She was so different.
Day passed by and we became friends, she had lots of other friends as well but she still used to find time for me. I was really starting to feel as if she understood me, we talked for hours after college.. About my life, about her problems. She had a different kind of problem it was about her father who was so cold hearted, he tortured her and her mother. She always used to say that someday she will soar higher in the sky with her mother, she believed in herself, she was so strong. She was the strongest person I had ever met. She had hope in her eyes and she reflected it. She never used to blend with the crowd, she never went unnoticed. I found hope with her. I was happy.”
Aman looked at me with a small smile on his face, he looked as if he was imagining Urja. I was always confident about my writing skills. I could write without thinking but when it comes to speaking skills.. Not so much. But now after looking at Aman, I don't think I am such a bad speaker.
“What's wrong? Why did you stop?” Amah inquired. “Nothing. Let's continue,” I said and started again-“I never went to her house neither she wanted to come to mine. Eventually, we became indivisible. We used to call us Two bodies, one soul.”
That's when Aman's phone rang and he diverted his attention towards it, “Hello, Jiya!” I could only hear one side of the conversation. “Yes, everything is ready.” “Hmm” “I will bring her. I mean she will come.” “Okay! Thanks!” “I will hang up now.” “Goodnight, bye!”
He disconnected his phone, placed it in his pocket and grinned at me “Akanksha! We are going to a party tomorrow! I and my crew have been working about this from two weeks and finally it's time!” he said enthusiastically. “Akanksha, I should go... To sleep.., ” he said appolegitically. “Yeah, I will talk to you tomorrow.” I replied. Then he walked inside his room and I heard his bedroom's door close.
The words Finally it's time was still banging in my ears. Is this a sign that I am going to remember the promise.
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