This story is written not as journal entries, but as voice recordings. When you are reading this, there are "[...]"s. These are background noises you will hear throughout the recordings. It is in fact a female voice, mid-twenties in age. Her voice is cheerful, optimistic, and loud. If you would like me to read it how I picture it, let me know. Should I do another one? Let me know in the comments!
The story begins now.
"Welcome to tape two-hundred and thirty-seven.
It's January nineteenth, twenty-twenty four. And I'm having a good day.
Left. Right. Up, Down. Just like a video game, I thought.
The steady clicking of heels on the hard, cold concrete floor. [slightly audible click] The click echoing in my mind. Click. Click. Screaming. [inaudible screaming and shouting] [Hundreds of muffled footsteps] But it's right. And they all deserved it anyways, and Cachi was getting a little eager to get out again. It's funny how I associate my life with a video game. Everything is like a video game. We watch through a screen in our minds, controlling a vessel made of blood and bone. But here, sticks and stones can break us. [Incredibly audible bang]"
"Tape two-hundred and thirty-eight is here, on this day, January twentieth, same year.
Yikes, there's a lot of people here. Just more points in my game, I guess. Karma's crappy sometimes. But hey, I'm not complaining. [6 audible bangs]. Thanks, Cachi. Love you!"
"Today is January twenty-third [audible panting]. Twenty-twenty four. I think I beat my record today.
Okay. I just finished my third of the week [audible panting]. With my secrets safely hidden, my heels clickin', and the Misters starin', I have the control [loud cackle].
[slightly audible chuckle, disrupted by loud bang] I don't need those Misters, though [louder bang]. I got Cachi. And if I got her, I have the power. The people may not know it yet, but I will rule the world. And if they don't like it, they'll just end up like the rest of 'em, ignorant yet free. Or I'll send Cachi their way. Click-edy, Click Click! [audible bang] [audible screams] [inaudible shouting].
Screams [audible panting]. Ahh, they fill my heart with joy, my eyes with happiness and soul. I wish I had one [loud, spine-tingling laughter].
You did great today, Cachi [audible single smooching sound]."
"Wooooo! It is January twenty-fourth, twent-ty-twen-ty FOUR! Wooo, am I excited!
Guess what: I finished number four! God, I hated those people. They're such a waste of life. Why not put that life into my dead mother? Or my dead father? Or my dead sister? Or... okay, I think you get the point. Aaaaaaanyways, we're going to get me some cash! I'm taking Cachi with me, though.
You know. 'just in case' [audible cackle]."
"Oh man, oh man oh man. Am I screwed over.
Oh my god. How could I do this. HOW? GOD, IF LIFE WERE A VIDEO GAME, IT WOULDN'T EXIST BECAUSE IT IS SO BAD. How? [audible sniffling] I can't. Holy crap. How? HOW? [sudden burst of loud, overdramatic sobs, with audible sniffling] Wh-- Why? [audible sniffling].
Wait... Did I seriously name my gun Cachi? [crazed laughter]. God, I'm crazy! [sobbing continues]."
"He he he, [two audible clicks, sounds like a gun reloading] Cachi is ready to go! The monster, the one that killed my family, is here at the mall today, and we're going. Now."
"How could I do this!? Am I insane? [audible sobbing] [sobbing suddenly halts].
Yes I am [Loud, electrifying cackles echo in the room]."
"Okay. I have to go. We're going. The gun stays, I go. Simple as that. Where? Away from here. Away from everything. I'm starting again [voice gets deeper, sounds are different than before] and I'm doing even better this time. This time, they won't have a choice. And I won't have a reason.
[3 echoing bangs in background]
[Inaudible shouting]
[Screams, interrupted by another loud bang]
[Slightly audible talking]
"Oh my god. OH MY GOD. What am I doing? What is going on?! I was leaving. I was leaving. There must be a way!
How could I? What have I done? [voice deepens once more] I took away what the monster took from me. And now this vessel can be used by the devil himself.
[Voice lightens] No...
No, No. [click click]
No, no, no, NO! [Scream, interrupted by a loud bang]
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