Chapter 10:Chaos at Walmart
"That'll be $50.00" Chaos said calmly, still eerily grinning all the while.
Dean paid Chaos and gathered the groceries into the cart again. Chaos watched us walk away until we were out of sight, and then he turned to his next customer.
"What was that about?" Izzy asked when we were in the car.
"We don't know" Dean and I said at the same time.
"Wow, freaky" Izzy said.
We were silent the rest of the ride, until the hairs on my back stood on end. Someone was following us, and they were going inhumanly fast. I looked back to see Tyler from The Vampire Diaries in wolf form galloping toward us. Dean followed my gaze and asked if I knew him too. I said kind of. He nodded and seemed to understand what I meant. He put on 103.3 and cranked up the volume. Izzy yelled" oh, yeah!" while I bobbed my head and played air guitar. Dean warned us of the bumpy ride ahead. We just nodded and continued what we were doing. 5 minutes later we arrived back home all hot and sweaty. We all took turns taking showers. After that, we got ready for bed. A knock at the door sounded the instant our heads hit the pillows.
We opened it to Damon, bloodied and looking sincerely remorseful.
"I've done something terrible" he said.
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