Chapter 10: Almost Alice
Disclaimer: Juli wrote this in a spam of time and most of this was written at midnight or later so it may be bad ok sorry thanks :)) enjoy!
In the middle of the night, I snuck out. Something was wrong, I could sense it. Well, there's always something wrong, but I feel like I don't belong here. I walked alone, back to where we met the cat whose grin outshines the darkness; I've felt this way ever since we saw him.
"Cat." I hissed. "Cat, I need an explanation."
"Cheshire cat." I spun around to see two yellow eyes blinking at me. "What do I need to explain?"
Why do I think that he would help me? He's a cat!
"I know something is wrong, this isn't how things are supposed to be."
"You catch on fast. I can't explain yet, but you have to be extremely careful. No point in changing the story anymore. Just go with your life normally." What does that mean?
"But..." I begged.
"We cannot risk this, Alice. I'm sorry." Then he disappeared. I decided to walk away, pretend that I didn't just have a conversation with a cat.
I strolled through the trees, just like any other day. I admire the vines, the greenery, even the smell. But that's when I noticed it. The bottle. Drink Me. I was drawn to it, but then I remember what the cat said. As if I had no control over my body, I walk over to the bottle and pick it up. The contents were purple, transparent, and glittery. With still no control, I drink the contents, down to the bottom.
Everything became hazy. Thoughts filled my head in one word fragments. Mad. Roses. Hatter. Wonderland. Then images of flowers and colorful places and, and...
I fall and all I can see is the bottle next to my hand, then it is dark.
"Peter!!" I called for the tenth time, when he finally peaks his head through.
"You rang?" He asked.
"Where's Alice? When I went to bed she was fast asleep and I woke up because... I-I wanted some water and noticed she was gone."
His face filled with confusion and worry. Did she sneak out? Do something happen to her? I jolt up from my bed and walk past Peter and stepped down the ladder and ran to everywhere I would imagine she would be. Suddenly, Peter flashes in front of me as I look through the trees near the campfire.
"Wendy." I ignore him. "Wendy....Wendy, I could try to sense where she is."
"I-I can't sense her. It either means she's passed out or...Wendy wait!!" He says while running after me.
Alice. Where are you?
"Wendy." He whispered. I looked back at him while he stared at the girl at his feet. I sunk to my knees and touched her cheek.
"What the hell happened to her, Peter?" I whispered then looked up at him. He sunk to his knees next to me.
"Look." He gestured to a bottle next to her hand. "'Drink me'?"
It's empty. She drank it. Is she-
"No she's fine. She has a pulse." Peter says as if he read my mind. He picked her up wedding style and took her back to the tree house with the bottle in my hand.
"Peter?" I say into the dark room.
"Why is Alice in Neverland?" Only this night I wondered why she was on this island. I heard footsteps walking towards my bed.
"She wanted to escape into a proper adventure."
"Escape from what?" I ask.
"Reality," he stood by the bed. "Isn't that why you came here?"
"What?" I sat up staring into his eyes. "I was kidnapped by you."
"Well when you put it that way-" he says through gritted teeth.
"I don't even know why I'm here on this island, I can't even remember what happened before I stepped foot on your grounds. So be happy that I don't have any reason to leave since I don't have any mem-"
When I imagined my first kiss, I imagined it with the right person, at the right time. I imagined it obviously awkward but perfect. What I didn't imagine was it coming out of nowhere on a beach with salt still on my skin as he gently touched my cheek. He leaned in, and I kissed him back. For a moment it felt right but then I realized it meant nothing and like the baby I was, I cried. I don't think I've ever stopped crying.
He grabs my cheeks and just like the first time, presses his beautiful lips on mine. He ends up on his knees on the bed, leaning down to my level. I grab his waist and get on my knees, lips never losing contact. My hands move up his torso to the back of his head. His hand moves to my back, the other on the back of my head. All I wanted was him. Finally he leaned against me, causing me to lay down with my legs behind my back. I disconnect.
"P-Peter, my legs." I say trying to get my legs back to normal. "W-why did you..?"
His face full of disappointment at my interruption.
"Can I not kiss you?!" He speaks up. I stare startled at his outburst.
"Of course you can kiss me. My legs were messed up." He looks into nothing. "This isn't about that."
"Yea. Great job catching on." He says looking back at me. His beauty not enough to overpower his anger.
"So that 'kiss' was out of anger? To get me to shut up?"
"No. I just guessed that I wasn't enough for you to not want to leave."
"I never said I wanted to leave. I just want to understand why you took me." I close my eyes.
"I never took you. You were with Henry, I only ever needed Henry. Then you came along and..."
"What." I whisper in disbelief. He blinks a tear away causing it to fall onto my cheek.
"I fell in love with you, the second I met you." He says. I lay there under him, in complete disbelief.
I act fast and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. When we come up for air, I laugh.
"What?" He says confused.
"I'm extremely confused on why you still have a shirt on." He smirks his famous smirk and get on his knees with one leg on either side of me. I sit up and hold his waistline as he lifts his shirt. When it comes off, I kiss his chest and then lead him down by the shoulders. My lips meet his automatically as my hand traces circles on his bare skin.
I may not be in love with Peter, or maybe I don't know it yet, but I think I can feel myself falling into a rabbit hole of doom.
A/N:Woooow sorry for that. I'm gonna try to update a lot more so yay Hehe love you all!!<3
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