I woke up on the cold ground.
There were cool slick bars surrounding me.
I was the only one in my cell, but there was a woman next to me.
"Al-Alice?" the thin woman next to me asked.
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
"Alice? Has it really been that long? You don't know who I am?" she asked.
"Ma-mom?" I started, "but-but I thought you were dead!"
"They got me, and-and I'm weak, I've been contacting you. It's draining, draining me," she told me.
"That was you? You telling me where to go?" I asked baffled.
"Yes, dear," she replied.
"But... bu... but how?" I asked completely baffled.
"Honey, our family is um... special. From the beginning of time there have been monsters and protectors, um us. We were sent to earth millions of years ago to fight them off and keep civilians safe. Though they weren't always civilians, I think your great great great great great (many more greats later) grand mother protected dinosaurs," she explained.
"Wait, I'm from another planet? This is crazy. Um.. how long have they kept you here?" I asked
"Honey, I'm not going crazy! Remember I was guiding you!" She tried to convince me.
"Right... Um who has you in here anyways? And what did they want with me?" I asked.
"Monsters." She replied. Simply. Too simply.
"I'm serious, I swear! You are a decent of the protectors! You will be able to fight them off someday!" She said reaching her hand into the bars.
"I already have." I said tears streaking down my face.
"How do we get out of here?"
"I'm too weak to leave, but you still can," she replied frowning.
"Mom. I'm. Not. Leaving. Without. You."
"Honey, you don't have a choice. I've grown so weak trying to contact you and after telling you what I needed to, I need you to get out of here. Please."
"Mom I love you," tears streaked down my face as I gripped the key she had some how gotten a hold of.
"Never doubt yourself honey, trust your blood, it's all in your blood," she said.
"What-what exactly can I do?" I asked
"Anything. Anything you can put your mind too. Go get em' my little protector." She replied.
"Can't you make yourself better than?" I asked.
"It's different. I am too old for this." She said.
I studied her face carefully. Her eyes were sunken and layered with bags. Her hair was mated against her face and a few grey hairs stuck out. She was unbelievably skinny and I could see her ribs sticking out underneath her thin cotton shirt.
"Mom you're 39."
"Honey, protectors live much longer than other humans. I'm- 234 years old."
My mouth dropped.
"Will-will I live that long?" I asked.
"Probably longer. I've been wearing myself out too much. You can't just constantly use your powers." She said.
"You can't? See there is so much I don't know! I need you!" I pleaded.
"You can find the rest out on your own. I need you to go before the guards come back," she put her hand against my cheek and let it fall back to her side.
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