Chapter Twenty/Epilogue
A/N Super Spitfire-y. You have been warned. Song is All of Me by James Arthur, I can't add it right now, but I will later.
Four years later
Wally's POV
I laugh as Artemis struggles to get a squirming Jai into his little button up vest that went with his little suit. Finally she just gets exasperated. "Ugh! I give up! Wally! Why do we even need to bring them?!"
I laugh again. "Well, we don't want the twins to miss your 20th birthday dinner."
"Why not?!"
"Well, Lian's coming with Jade and Roy."
"So we can't ditch Jai and Iris. Plus we don't have a babysitter. You sound like a terrible mother."
"Yeah, insult your girlfriend on her birthday. Such a boss move," She says rolling her eyes.
"Well, you're the one who suggested leaving your one year old twin children at home alone."
She sighs. "Fair point."
During all of this, all Iris does is laugh her little baby laugh. A little pink headband with a ruffley flower the same color adorns her short red hair that curls at the bottom. Her gray-green eyes sparkle. She's wearing a poofy yellow dress; her favorite. She's grinning, showing the dimples on her little olive cheeks.
Artemis suddenly winces a little and rubs her lower stomach. "You ok?" I ask.
She nods. "Yeah. Just feels weird."
"Do we need to reschedule?" I ask.
She shakes her head. "Nah. I'm two months pregnant, not dying."
"I have concerns about what you consider safe as you said dying instead of sick." She only shrugs in response.
Finally, we're able to get in the car and go to the restaurant. As we get out to go inside, I slip my hand into my pocket, wrapping it around my special present for Arty's birthday.
After dinner as we're about to leave, and Arty has Jai on her hip and I have Iris on mine, I get down on one knee and open the box, revealing her present.
"When we met, we certainly didn't exactly get along. But I fell in love with you, and the same vice versa. These last four years have been the best of my life. I have two beautiful children and another on the way thanks to you. To quote Roy 'you're my Wonderland'. Artemis Lian Crock, will you make me the happiest guy to ever exist in the universe and marry me?"
Her hand flies over her mouth and she squeals. "Yes, yes, YES! Oh my GOD yes! Of course I'll marry you Wally!" The entire restaurant bursts into applause and hoots and whistles of approval, just like in a movie. We walk out hand in hand, grinning.
Seven months later
Artemis holds our adorable newborn daughter, Paulina Jade West, in her arms, grinning. I'm grinning, too.
Jade and Roy walk in with Lian and the twins. Lian's dark brownish-Red hair is held back with a pink headband. Except she's also wearing a pink birthday hat with tule streamers. She's wearing a little pink sweater and a yellow dress. She thinks it's the coolest thing that she and baby Paulie have the same birthday. The twins are dressed up cute, too.
As Jade and Roy take turns holding Paulie, the little kids bicker over who gets to hold the baby. Lian says her, 'cuz she's older and it's her birthday'. The twins say them, 'cuz they're littler-er and cuter and Paulina is THEIR new baby sister, not Lian's.
We wind up getting them all to sit on the room's couch and have Lian hold Paulie and for the twins to sit on either side of them. Jai winds up sitting next to Paulie's head, which make Iris mad. As a compromise, we let Iris lean against Lian. We take a picture. It's absolutely adorable.
We wind up getting six copies of it; one for me and Arty, one for Roy and Jade, one for Ollie and Dinah, one for Arty and Jade's parents, one for my parents, and one for the cave.
It's a fabulous day, in fact, according to Lian, it's the best day ever. I'm not sure about that, but it is fabulous.
A/N And that is the END of Alice. I really hope you enjoyed it. I skipped the Spitfire wedding, but I'm going to write a oneshot about it, so don't be mad. Have a fabulous day and thank you so, so much for reading. God bless you all!
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