Chapter Five
A/N Song is Monster by Imagine Dragons
Jade twists the bracelets around her wrists, trying to find a way out of them. I shake my head.
"That's a stupid idea," I tell her. "You're gonna get caught, and then you'll be in trouble."
"How do we really know that it's not just a bluff, though?" She asks me. "It could be, as unlikely as it is. I'm not going to not take a chance that could get me out of here. Plus, if it isn't, I'll only get shocked. And how bad will they punish me, anyway? It's totally worth it."
"Fine," I say. "If you wanna do something stupid, go right on ahead. I won't stop you. Just know, though, that you're being an idiot. And you have to side with me that I was innocent in all this."
"Deal," My sister says, and with a twist of her hands, manages to twist the bracelets off. It does indeed set off an alarm, and I can see the bracelets on the floor sparkle with blue electricity. I'm suddenly very glad that my sister had managed to take them both off. Then Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary come in. They do not look amused.
—End of Flashback—
It's been two weeks since we got here. I'm bored out of my mind. The only distraction is when Jade and I eavesdrop or when one of the Leaguers or Kid Flash and Red Arrow come talk to us. Or when we shower.
I hear talking from behind the one of the curtains that surrounds my and Jade's beds."How long are they gonna be here?" Super Boy's voice asks. "They've already been here for two weeks."
If I had to guess, I'd say that Miss Martian was with him. She usually was.
I remember how a couple of days after we got here-wherever 'here' is- they had been talking about this same thing, and they had kissed. Jade and I had whistled (we couldn't resist) and they had angrily pulled back the curtain. Jade smirked at them and said, "Well aren't you two cute." Super Boy had glared at her, looking like he wanted to rip her head off her neck, and growled, "Fudge off!" And stormed away. Miss Martian, we had learned from the overheard conversation that her real name is M'gann, had glared and stomped off after him. Jade and I had just laughed.
Anyway, in the current conversation, Miss M replies, "Just until they do an interrogation with Zatara. Then they'll be off to max security prison."
"Good. The last thing we need is for those brats to be here. They are so annoying. Plus, they're murderers. Actual murderers. Bear that in mind. They're dangerous. Especially the younger one. Alice. The fact that she's only fifteen makes her way more dangerous. How twisted is she? She has at least 3 Shadow mentors, too. Sportsmaster, Huntress, and Cheshire. All of whom are among the most dangerous Shadows. That reminds me that CHESHIRE is here, too. Why are we keeping two of the most dangerous Shadows here?"
"Because until we get Zatara to interrogate them, we don't really have a place to put them."
"Well Zatara needs to get his sorry butt over here and interrogate them. They can't stay here forever!"
"They're not going to. Just wait. Batman said that he'd tell us–including them–later today when Zatara is going to be able to come. He's currently on vacation with his daughter, so that's what's taking so long."
'Zatara has a daughter?' I think. I hadn't known that. My sister looks surprised, too. Then she appears to file that information away for later use.
Suddenly the curtain gets pulled back. "And you two need to stop freaking eavesdropping!" Super Boy yells at me and my sister.
"Well, we don't really have a choice when you're talking in here," Jade snaps. "If you don't want us to hear, then you can go to another room. The stupid bracelets only let us be in the room we're supposed to be in. If we leave, or try to leave, we'll get shocked! We can't leave this stupid room, even when we want to! So if you wanna have a private conversation, you're just gonna have to move your butts to another room!"
Super Boy walks up to her and slaps her cheek. "Shut up, you stupid (b-word)!"
"What the Hades?!" I yell. "She was only telling you the truth! We can't leave and you can, so if you want to have a private talk, you have to go to another room!"
He walks up to me and grabs me by the shoulders. He starts shaking me, yelling and calling me twisted, a murderer, a killer, a good-for-nothing and obscenities.
Meanwhile, I just sit on my bed in shock while he's doing this. He's not wrong. But I only do what I do because I have to. Dad threatened me. I can't let him follow through on that threat. I just can't. But his words make me feel terrible.
Miss Martian and my sister are screaming at Super Boy to leave me alone. Green Arrow and Canary run in and listen for a minute. Then Canary yells, "Super Boy! What the heck?! Stop it this instant!"
Super Boy obeys, harshly pushing me backwards onto the bed. "Get out," BC snaps at him. SB storms out of the room.
Jade, Green Arrow, Canary, and, surprisingly, Miss M run over to me. My sister sits down behind me and wraps her arms around me in a hug. Green Arrow sits next to me and asks, "You ok, kiddo?"
"Yeah," I growl. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Green Arrow sighs and pulls up the screen that controls me and Jade's bracelets from the projector on his glove and types something. "M'gann, take Miss Cheshire here to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich or two for lunch. I figure that she could use some time outside this boring old room."
The Martian nods her head and pulls my sister up and leads her out of the room. Jade throws an 'I'm sorry,' look at me over her shoulder and follows Martian out with no complaint.
Canary sits on the empty side next to me. "Ok, what do you two want?" I snap.
"Just to make sure that you're ok," Says Canary.
"I already said that I was fine," I snarl.
"Just because you say something doesn't mean that it's true," Green Arrow tells me.
"F off," I say and roll over, pulling the blanket up over my head. God, why can't they just leave me alone?
"Fine. You don't wanna talk. That's ok. Just know that if you need to, you can talk to us. We won't judge you," Black Canary says, sounding completely earnest.
"Yeah, right," I snort, rolling my eyes, even though I know that they can't see me under the blanket. "And I said, F off."
"Ok, ok. Fine," Says Green Arrow. "We're going. But just for the record, we meant what we said about not judging you if you need to talk."
I feel him and Canary get up. I listen to the sound of them leaving the room, feeling awful. I have a barely resistible urge to scream for them to come back and listen to me so I can tell them about Dad's threat. Maybe they can help.
'Stop, you idiot,' I think. 'They can't help you and they wouldn't anyway. Why would they? They're lying, despite what they say otherwise.' Still, when I hear the door open and then close, the feeling gets worse, transforming into nausea so bad that I lean over and throw up on the floor. God, if they can help I should take it. 'But they won't actually help,' The voice in my head repeats.
When Jade and Miss M come in a half hour later, they find me curled up in my bed, unable to move, with vomit on the floor, on my pillow, on the side of my bed, and on the front of my shirt. They clean me off and I drift off into the Wonderland called sleep.
A/N So, I hope you liked the update. I'm sorry that it took three days instead of the usual one, I just couldn't focus. Sorry again. Good night or whatever and God bless. What do you think Sportsmaster's threat to Arty was? Answer in the comments. (Please, I'd legitimately like to know what you think.) TTYL!
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