Chapter Eight
A/N Song is (if you didn't guess from just looking at the link) You've Got A Friend in me from Toy Story. This fanfic got 100 views! Yay! Hope you enjoy! Also, I'm just gonna stop apologizing when it's short. Just assume that it is, unless I say otherwise. Buh-bye!-Emma
Wally's POV
"Hey, Beautiful," I say as I walk into the gym where Alice is punching the living daylights out of a punching bag while Green Arrow supervises her.
"Hey," She replies, not stopping what she's doing. I watch her. She's a really good fighter. Like, REALLY, REALLY good. Of course, I already knew that, I'd fought her. But watching her train is different. She seems to truly enjoy what she's doing, having fun, even. She'd always seemed to be having fun when we fought her, but not as much fun as she is now.
I walk over to a nearby punching bag and start practicing myself. "Y'know, you should practice using your elbows and knees, too." Allie says. "You never know when you're going to have to use them in combat."
I think of our first fight, where she elbowed me in the ribs so hard it made me limp. A blow to my ribs made me limp. I later found out that that was because she had managed to break two of my ribs when she elbowed me. I have speed healing, and even so, the bruise had just gone away a few days ago, almost a month after it happened. My side hurts as I think back on it.
I chuckle. "I'd always underestimated the strength of elbows up until you elbowed me so hard that you broke two of my ribs."
"Well then, I guess I taught you an important life lesson," She says with a smile.
"You sure did."
"Sooo...." I say a couple minutes of awkward silence later. "What's your favorite color?"
"Green. Yours?"
"Yellow," I say. "Who's your favorite Marvel character?"
"I actually haven't watched any of those."
She gestured to herself. "What part of this implies that I watch superhero movies?"
I laugh. "Fair point. But, hey, you could still root for the villain. Or you could remember that Marvel heroes are fake and you could root for the hero. I bet that'd be a new experience for you."
"Not really," She muttered.
"What?" I ask, confused. I must not have heard her right.
"Nothing," She says. "Never mind. Forget I said anything."
"Ok..." I say, my voice trailing off. Then an idea hit me. "Hey, Red and I can bring a tv to the infirmary later tonight and we can watch a Marvel movie. I bet you and your sister would love them! We could spend a couple of other nights watching more of them. Then we can watch Star Wars! Then Harry Potter! Oh, and Fast and Furious!"
She laughs. "That'd be AWESOME! Of course you'd have to get permission." She looks pointedly at Green Arrow.
He thinks about it, then he grins and nods. "Well, I think that it's a great idea! Maybe then your sister will stop trying to break out, as you said she's doing that mostly out of boredom."
"So we can?" I ask excitedly.
"Yep. As long as Ro-er-Red and Cheshire agree."
"Cool!" Allie and I yell.
The intercom sounds and we hear Batman. "Team mission briefing. Come now."
"Well, I guess that I've gotta go. See you later. Oh, and don't forget to ask your sister!"
"I won't. Don't think for a second that I will."
"Ok," I say. "Bye, Beautiful."
"Bye, Kid Idiot."
I grin. Alice is so awesome. And pretty. I wave to her as I leave the training room and walk to the mission briefing area to find out what the mission is. Throughout the whole thing, though, I'm too busy thinking about Alice to pay attention.
I talked to Uncle Barry and he said that he thinks that I have a crush on her. (I left her unnamed when I talked to him.) I'm ok with liking her except for two things. One) Alice is a villain. How can I like her? I wouldn't be allowed to date her, I'm sure of it. And two) She probably doesn't like me back, anyway. I should just ignore the feeling. Then it'll go away, right? Right?
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